Not in my games, because I ain’t buying such garbage
EA are thinking about inserting adverts into games - but don’t worry, it’ll be “very thoughtful”
Submitted 10 months ago by [bot] to
Comments 10 months ago 10 months ago
With the steadily increasing processing power available, refining AI video generation, and internet connections being ever more mandatory the end result will be AI generated ads inserted into false loading screens.
There have been games with ad space that could be changed, billboards and posters, there will be more of that in the future. You won’t see fake products put in the game to flesh out the environment, you will see real products put in the game as marketing.
The amount of advertising and marketing we are exposed to in the real world will be mirrored, if not exceeded, in videogames and that makes me sick.
Marketing departments are just behind corporate lawyers, corporate consultants, and executives in the line to hell. 10 months ago
On the other hand, I’m also expecting AI powered ad blockers lol 10 months ago
A “simple” mod would probably work, but we know how bad things are getting with game devs so I would expect them to do everything they can to prevent circumventing their ad revenue. Streaming games will also make anti-ad measures far more difficult and publishers are going to try and make all games streaming for “security and product quality”. In 20 years the older gamers are going to be fuming at all the BS compared to how things were. 10 months ago
The Rainbow Six game in Las Vegas had billboard ads back in the day. I was kinda surprised it didn’t get worse since then. There’s a Penny Arcade comic for it.
I’m sure the very thoughtful part will be about how much money it can bring in without people getting too upset about it. 10 months ago
Didn’t we talk about this last week? 10 months ago
Do it, ads on every screen please. Put so many ads that we can’t even see the product we (over)paid for