- Comment on California could become the first state to require social media warning labels 3 months ago:
Ooh, wow, warning labels.
Wasting more tax dollars
- Comment on D-Link refuses to patch a security flaw on over 60,000 NAS devices — the company instead recommends replacing legacy NAS with newer models 4 months ago:
If you need external access, use an external access infrastructure that’s designed for that purpose, with controls and monitoring.
- Comment on D-Link refuses to patch a security flaw on over 60,000 NAS devices — the company instead recommends replacing legacy NAS with newer models 4 months ago:
So what you’re saying is I should be able to pickup one of these used for a song?
- Comment on Ubisoft Director Claims "Non-Decent Humans" Are Wishing For Company's Demise 5 months ago:
I hope the company goes down in flames, with upper management losing their asses and getting sued into oblivion, with the staff below Director level getting control and all the proceeds.
(I know, not gonna happen, but I can wish, right?).
- Comment on Ubisoft Director Claims "Non-Decent Humans" Are Wishing For Company's Demise 5 months ago:
Lol, good point.
- Comment on Ubisoft Director Claims "Non-Decent Humans" Are Wishing For Company's Demise 5 months ago:
Yea, I have no issue with wanting to end a company.
A company isn’t a person.
- Comment on Ubisoft Director Claims "Non-Decent Humans" Are Wishing For Company's Demise 5 months ago:
Everyone below VP level is probably OK. Some directors and senior management may suck, but holy shit nothing like a VP. They’re the most useless person in a company.
- Comment on Software fixes now account for over 20% of car recalls 5 months ago:
Even the ones built before can have some bullshit. But I’m with you.
Had to replace a totalled, paid off car in 2019…best value was a 2016. Fortunately (to quote Monty Python) “it’s not got much spam in it!”. It already has a couple minor glitches with the “cool” features, like the stupid keyless system.
I will happily pay thousands to fix what’s wrong on my early 2000’s vehicle, just so I don’t have to get all that BS.
- Comment on Google accuses Microsoft of antitrust violations over Azure cloud platform 5 months ago:
Hahaha, oh boy, that’s rich!
Another ATT/VMware type fight.
- Comment on German investigators successfully tracked suspects inside the Tor network 6 months ago:
And it was created without encryption be default (which was discussed at the time).
The argument was hardware couldn’t handle the load of encryption at the time. Hahahaha, riiiight.
- Comment on Microsoft releases a new Windows app called Windows App for running Windows apps 6 months ago:
Just another way MS is working to pull you completely into their system.
- Comment on Australia Threatens to Force Companies to Break Encryption 6 months ago:
What country is encryption-friendly, with a commitment to it?
Seems like a great way to attract businesses today.
I mean first rule of any company I’ve worked for is encrypted at rest, and even our dialup in the 90’s used encryption via SecureID (well, verification anyway, since dialup is Point-to-point).
And business traffic in transit is encrypted today - including on our own networks.
- Comment on Stadiums Are Embracing Face Recognition. Privacy Advocates Say They Should Stick to Sports 7 months ago:
Yep, that’s all I can do too.
I had
streakingstreaming services. I now have one, and would like to be rid of even that, so am working on a home media/everything server, and building up my library. Even with stuff I’m not particularly interested in, because I can.Just disappointing that people continue to support these organizations that have made their attitude towards us plebians abundantly clear.
- Comment on Stadiums Are Embracing Face Recognition. Privacy Advocates Say They Should Stick to Sports 7 months ago:
Yep, people need to stop going. Problem solved.
- Comment on The banks that loaned Musk $13B to buy Twitter might be having regrets 7 months ago:
I’m just loving watching it though.
- Comment on Sonos CEO says the old app can’t be rereleased 7 months ago:
Screw this nonsense. Hopefully this enlightens Sonos users to the issue.
- Comment on Sonos CEO says the old app can’t be rereleased 7 months ago:
- Comment on Ex-Google CEO says successful AI startups can steal IP and hire lawyers to ‘clean up the mess’ 7 months ago:
This is what their lawyers have been advising from the start.
EasierMore profitable to seek forgiveness than ask permission. - Comment on Portable CD players are back and now work with wireless headphones 8 months ago:
Pulled from the grave, just like portable CD players?
(Boo! OK, I’ll see myself out. MV is a tragic story)
- Comment on Try the demo for Pest Apocalypse a horde survival game where you deliver pizza in a van 8 months ago:
Hahaha, dammit that’s an entertaining idea!
- Comment on Firefox added [ad tracking] and has already turned it on without asking you 8 months ago:
They did it behind the scenes, not announcing it.
If it’s such a good thing, why didn’t they come out and say so?
Oh, because it’s not.
- Comment on No one should have to “grow a thicker skin”: Valorant studio commit to harsh penalties for harassment 9 months ago:
You’re a dick. Ban.
See the problem?
- Comment on [Interview] Signal's Meredith Whittaker on the Telegram security clash and the 'edge lords' at OpenAI 10 months ago:
“Trump regime with more authoritarian-style controls”
Has sheen been asleep for the last 4 years?
I guess destroying 40% of black-owned businesses in addition to shut g down all sorts of things without actual authority isn’t authoritarianism?
- Comment on EA are thinking about inserting adverts into games - but don’t worry, it’ll be “very thoughtful” 10 months ago:
Not in my games, because I ain’t buying such garbage
- Comment on EA want to put adverts in your video games to squeeze you for every penny 10 months ago:
Not in my games… Because I don’t have any of their games.
Problem solved.
- Comment on In the last 1000 years we have not advanced as a species. We are just as tribal, dogmatic and reactionary as we always were. Given that scientists are people too, will science save us? 1 year ago:
Well, individuals only get 80 years. So you get what we have here.