The power of URL parameters lets you unofficially turn off Google’s AI Overview.
One way to edit the search URL is a proxy site like, which is probably the biggest site out there popularizing this technique.
When people are making their own entire web sites to make it possible for people to adapt around UX issues of your web site (not just a handful, but enough people that there's one site that's identifiable as "the biggest"), you have lost the plot. 9 months ago
Or you could…not use Google. Cut the AI, but everything else about it is still shit. 9 months ago
Unfortunately there is no other free alternative that is as effective. 9 months ago
I don’t know how you view google as “effective”, but ddg is very good 9 months ago
I use DuckDuckGo for 95% of my search. I just add a !g if I’m not happy and I have the Google results 9 months ago
google itself isn’t even as effective. its all been downhill since seo became a thing 9 months ago
startpage, searxng, duck duck go 9 months ago
There are a bunch of free search engines available. 9 months ago
Effective how? Are you actually talking about the search engine? But it’s so fucking bad. What can it do that the other big ones can’t?