- Comment on Features like iPhone’s and Facebook’s ‘Memories’ can retraumatize survivors of abuse. 1 week ago:
I couldn’t use socials because these features retraumatize me with my own self inflicted childhood cringiness
- Comment on PSN account no longer required for God of War Ragnarok, Spiderman 2, Last of Us Part 2, and Horizon Remastered 1 week ago:
man I just got ff7r2 but I would have gotten spider man instead if I knew it would be so close
- Comment on Welcome to the Microsoft Excel World Championship: The ‘Super Bowl for nerds’ 2 weeks ago:
superbowl was already for nerds. I struggle to see fanboying over a sports team or athlete and their game history and stats as significantly different from diving into the lore of a video game or book or anything really.
- Comment on What kind of diseased mind makes a city builder with actual building physics 2 weeks ago:
this is the kind of thing that could trap me for days
- Comment on New Decksight update, plus funding time extended 2 weeks ago:
I do prefer 16:10 but I broke my screen and tge deck has been in a drawer so I’ll try it out. I’ve also been using an oled on the desktop and its so suffer and misery using anything else now.
- Comment on Might as well get a laptop??? 4 weeks ago:
even with the tiny switch screen we played smash ult on it in kickstand mode with controllers in the break room. turns out if everyone uses dual joycon you get mad input lag before reachinh max players.
bigger lug like this that would be a nicer experience
- Comment on There is no AMD Z2 Steam Deck model coming - Valve 5 weeks ago:
I should probably do the ram and wifi upgrade mod and sell mine soon. I’ve restored my desktop and am back at the 1440p oled and not likely to change any time soon
- Comment on [Guide] Steam Deck Hardware Guide - includes mods, hardware revisions, and more 5 weeks ago:
this is excellent. very thanks
- Comment on EmuDeck Officially Adds PS4 Emulation Support With ShadPS4 5 weeks ago:
what is different in the fork? it looks lile yet another fork where they don’t detail its purpose or differences anywhere and use the exact same readme and other text as the original.
- Comment on Valve May Start Selling Refurbished Steam Deck OLEDs Soon 2 months ago:
does the oled have 4 pole or just 3? One of the reasons I dont use the jack on the lcd is lack of single jack headset support while not even having a dedicated mic jack
- Comment on Discord finally fixed Linux screen and audio sharing with Wayland 2 months ago:
no I mean people or organizations using specifically discord as their sole support platform and the janky threads feature in place of a real forum, but a lot of useful info buried and not pinned in the general channel and whiny assholes that get mad at you for not searching on the shittiest search implementation known to man which still gives you multiple or all channels of results when you single out specific ones. The worst part is when you search something and it gives you posts from a single thread, out of order as well as interleaved with other threads.
Then you pick one but its useless and when you go back it refreshes and gives you the list from the beginning with slight order variations to keep you on your toes.
- Comment on Discord finally fixed Linux screen and audio sharing with Wayland 2 months ago:
I honestly never expected this to happen and its good and benefits me because all my friends use it and streaming stuff for them has been lousy, but I also wish discord would die in a fire and and stop being used in place of traditional forums because it’s janky, search interface is god awful, and not web searchable.
- Comment on Steam Deck OLED Limited White Edition announced 2 months ago:
I mean that will do it too, but it will be sticky and stain your skin and also smell awful
- Comment on Steam Deck OLED Limited White Edition announced 2 months ago:
ah, just like how cam out is a feature of phillips screws that improves the spinning performance of the driver
- Comment on Steam Deck OLED Limited White Edition announced 2 months ago:
white plastics have a history of becomig yellow
- Comment on That didn't last long - the Junk Store for Steam Deck has its Steam page removed 3 months ago:
watch the reason be epic and/or gog not wanting their stores to be thought of as ‘junk’
- Comment on Valve still waiting on a 'generational leap' for Steam Deck 2 - but it's coming 3 months ago:
I bought the parts for that, install pending time off.
- Comment on Ubisoft Director Claims "Non-Decent Humans" Are Wishing For Company's Demise 4 months ago:
takes one to know one
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - October 2024 4 months ago:
ryujinx literally minutes before it was shut down. on steam deck at least it seems impossible for the audio to stay in sync and occasionally you have to pause emulation and resume after the sound stops to bring it back in sync. Maybe a spot of lag or frame drop when some things happen for the first time, but mostly stable 30fps. I’ll probably switch to desktop once I have space to set it up if the audio desync doesn’t happen there.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - October 2024 4 months ago:
ttyd switch, echoes of wisdom.
- Comment on Indestructible quartz crystal can store 360TB of data for billions of years 4 months ago:
It makes me think about how the 2.5d glass screen protectors with bevelled edge eventually became 3d for curved screen phones, then 5d, then 9d, and I’ve seen some silly 1000d and 9999d because clearly none of these marketing idiots remember what the d numbers even referred to in the first place. They used to explain what each d gave you and now its just a number and higher is better.
- Comment on 29 games are getting delisted from GOG 4 months ago:
literally nothing. Most of the “repacks” I have seen are made from the gog release.
- Comment on Steam Families is here 4 months ago:
IIRC I’m 5 years older on steam than reality because of this. From my family’s first computer onward, I am the parental controls.
- Comment on The one accesory I would recommend with the Deck 5 months ago:
I have that exact one and I agree with this. Makes using any other usb setup so much better and noy feel like you will shear off the plug by just using motion control or something.
- Comment on Instead of carrying multiple camera lenses, this one lets you swap optics 5 months ago:
since when is the lense not the glass part?
- Comment on Waymo’s robotaxi depot is still honking its San Francisco neighbors awake 5 months ago:
wasn’t waymo the one that parked on someone before? with the hazards on?
- Comment on Windows is Now Officially Supported on OLED Steam Deck 5 months ago:
I guess it’s nice of them to release the drivers but that still won’t make it a good experience. They should have designed the deck to use full length nvme so you could get bigger drive sizes and not feel like a dual boot leaves no room for games. Not that I would do this or recomend it, yuck.
- Comment on Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source 6 months ago:
damn that’s something.
- Comment on The next Nvidia driver makes even more GPUs “open,” in a specific, quirky way 6 months ago:
hah of course. If it works and isn’t fucky then it will be good enough.
- Comment on PSA: If you use Bazzite on your deck, you need to do a manual fix to get updates 7 months ago:
main one for me is installing software from distro repos that aren’t in flatpak and having it persist through updates.