Original gamer.
Me: 41.
"Fortnite wasn’t a thing? I didn’t know it left. But also, you can’t say it’s coming back permanently. The roman empire lasted 1000 years. It was all some people knew for hundreds of generations. Even the roman empire wasn’t permanent. And I highly doubt some free to play shooter game is going to last 1000 years. I mean could you imagine? Still using technologies from 1000 years ago? Hmmmmm, maybe the wheel? When was the wheel invented? Had to be before 1000AD, right? Huh…I guess my knowledge of history prior to the 1700s is kind of hazy. Well…besides Columbus being a raging asshole and racist. That part is pretty well documented. I mean he was a slave owner. Although I wonder if at the time slave ownership was considered morally wrong? We KNOW it was known as being wrong by the 1860s. America fought a whole war over it. But columbus was almost 400 years earlier. I wonder if it was like how most people today know pollution is wrong, and climate change is bad, but hell if as a society we’re going to give up cars, and plastic water bottles, and soooooo much disposable waste. I mean, people like to talk shit about starbucks CEO for living in L.A., and running a company daily out of Seattle, and using a daily private jet to commute instead of just using zoom, or moving to Seattle, but they don’t actually take time to think that maybe if every single person gave up their cars, and their styrofoam plates, and their red solo cups, that the world global impact would be drastically lowered. Not that the starbucks CEO should be defended. He should be shot out of a canon into the sun. Wait…we shouldn’t fuck with the balance of the sun. If we fuck the sun, we’re all fucked. Ok, what if we just shot him out into a black hole? Well shit. If we’re getting black holes involved we should get some science observation involved. Strap him up with observable communication, ya know? I realize that 99% chance his molocules are crushed inward and he’s crushed into nothing, so the communication would just go dead. I get it…but what if? Some of the greatest scientific accomplishments were discovered completely by accident. So what if we discover that black holes hold other properties we don’t know yet? The PLAN is to destroy him, but if we discover the secrets of timr travel instead? Hey, happy accident.
…where are my shoes?
Megaman_EXE@beehaw.org 4 months ago
I wasn’t a fan of fortnite until recently. Now I’m kind of into it. I played last season, and now this season, and I’m not sure how to feel about this particular one.
I’m finding people are hiding more when you get down to the last handful of people, and that kinda causes the gameplay to flatline at the later stages of the round. I find the perfect spot is when there’s a bit of organized chaos when everyone is actively fighting it out.
In the last season, it was harder to hide because there was at least one person with a radar ping type buff that revealed player locations. It kept things at a faster pace