This is quite cool. They shattered a 40 year-old conjecture on map-insertion speed boundaries. To understand the practical impact I have to read the paper, but given their abundance in CS the potential is huge.
A young computer scientist and two colleagues show that searches within data structures called hash tables can be much faster than previously deemed possible.
Submitted 1 month ago by to
Comments 1 month ago 1 month ago
“Data structures called hash tables”? Editor thinks this is some arcane little-used data technology.
Hashes are used in literally every programming language that’s worth using. 1 month ago
What are you on about? The first paragraph says hash tables are “widely used” and the second says they are “common”.
“Data structures called hash tables” seems to just be a factual statement of what we’re dealing with, especially for people who are not programmers. 1 month ago
It just feels bizarre. You wouldn’t say something like “a car part called a catalytic converter”. 1 month ago
Some of my best, most useful programs sort data from disparate sources into enormous Hash-Of-Hash structures to produce extremely insightful reports. And I wrote the first version 25 years ago. 1 month ago
All we have to do is rename b-trees to “hash tables” and database lookup times will be changed forever. 1 month ago
Oh yes, the new revolutionary data structure called a hash table 1 month ago
Did you read the article? The claim is that they have invented a new kind of hash table that has vastly improved algorithmic complexity compared to standard hash tables.
I haven’t read the paper yet, but if what the article claims is true, it could be revolutionary in computer science and open up a ton of doors. 1 month ago
I need to look more into this, I would’ve thought query time on hash tables was already constant. 5 weeks ago
Only if there’s no collisions. With lots of collisions it’s far from constant. 1 month ago
This is very cool news. Would be nice if it had some details on the implementation though 1 month ago
Agreed, I figured they’d have at least some psuedocode but alas 1 month ago
For those in a rush:
Initial paper outlining theorem (2021):
Paper that demonstrates and proves its validity (2025):
I tried a quick search, but I’m not seeing any public implementations that specifically mention or cite ‘Krapavin’ or ‘Tiny Pointers’ anywhere.