Does anyone have recommendations for games that I as an adult would enjoy playing but my 3 ear old could watch. So games that don’t have or you can avoid violence while playing. I already have Stardew Valley for example.
Herbal space program? My little ones always enjoyed “helping” me by hitting the space bar for me … But I could never get comfortable building anything with the controller 10 months ago
It’s simple and quite short, and I’m not exactly sure why this is the first one that came to mind but here goes anyway
There’s also the which is quite fun and silly.
I’m sure I got more ideas but those were the ones that came into mind without checking. 10 months ago
Both are verified. Thanks. 10 months ago
Another vote for the untitled goose game. My kids loved that one at just about any age. 10 months ago
I second the goose game. The Bluey game is good for kiddos along with the Katamari games to a degree. I imagine many of the music based games would be okay too