- Comment on What video games immediately grabbed your interest? 1 year ago:
Thanks? That’s the first I’ve heard of Custer’s Revenge:
The game was universally panned by critics and has been described as one of the worst video games ever made.
Custer’s Revenge was developed as part of the “Swedish Erotica” series to capitalize on the lack of pornography available in the medium of video games. The development was deliberately sloppy and rushed because quality did not matter—they only needed a product on store shelves. The overtly racist and sexist themes were chosen to maximize outrage and generate free publicity.
- Comment on Roughly 31.75 meters 1 year ago:
Thank you for your rigor.
- Comment on What do we think of greenpeace activists? 1 year ago:
I think that’s what most people miss. Green Peace is mostly right. Everything scientists and environmentalists have been saying for decades is right. They’re easy to shit in because they are passionate and wear their hearts on their sleeves, but they’re right: we need to do better.
- Comment on It would be romantic 1 year ago:
maybe we’ll be detained at the same black site
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Write on paper. An attacker would need physical access to read it.
- Comment on yes you too 1 year ago:
Her name is Blinky
- Comment on What do we think of greenpeace activists? 1 year ago:
There isn’t enough opposition to entrenched influence. They push back against huge companies doing shitty things. I like that.
I’m ambivalent about their anti-nuclear stance. Renewables seem like a much better bet, but it’s hard to say no to anything that would slow down climate change.
They’ve screwed up on some of their actions, sure. But they’re pushing in the right direction.
- Comment on Tribes 3: Rivals - Official Gameplay 1 year ago:
Sorry, two? Where is the other?
- Comment on Tribes 3: Rivals - Official Gameplay 1 year ago:
I really liked parts of Ascend, but the game never really came together for me. It felt like they were focused on the high speed esport angle, but I was looking for the base assault/defense plays.
- Comment on Passing on the right on a highway 1 year ago:
There are laws about passing on the right in Ontario:
Section 150 of Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act states that using the right lane for passing a car in the left lane is legal as long as it can be done safely and one of the following conditions be met.
The law states the car you’re passing must be making or signalling a left turn; that the road must be wide enough for two lanes of traffic in both directions; or that the highway be designated for one-way traffic only.…/article-is-it-legal-and-saf…
So it’s straight up legal on multilane highways. Which I didn’t know.
- Comment on Tribes 3: Rivals - Official Gameplay 1 year ago:
I’m pretty sure the generator was part of the stock game, because it powered sensors (which the commander needed), inventory stations, and base turrets. All three of those were part of the base game, IIRC.
The shifter mod added a lot. I think it might have added force fields.
- Comment on Tribes 3: Rivals - Official Gameplay 1 year ago:
- Comment on Tribes 3: Rivals - Official Gameplay 1 year ago:
It isn’t low-g, you have a jetpack. If you hit the ground at the right angle, you “ski”, building up speed. It’s a CTF game, so cappers try to hit the enemy flag stand at ludicrous speeds and then find a route back to their base.
It’s the first FPS I played that had the notion of a generator. Each base has a generator that powers turrets, sensors, force fields (that might be a mod), and inventory stations.
In theory a team has to work together to take down the enemy’s generator so they can get to the flag stand. In practice nobody gives a shit after the generator is destroyed so most games end up as running battles around the flag carrier.
It’s not a bad series, but the official map builders never seemed to get the balance between base maintenance and flag control right.
- Comment on Do guys that tip cam models hundreds of dollars week after week think that model actually likes them? 1 year ago:
It’s capitalism, baby. It teaches young men that human relationships are a
financialtransaction and nothing more.I really notice that idea in movies from the 80s and 90s. The love interest leaps into the dude’s arms at the end. They didn’t know each other an hour ago, but she’s the reward for the hero’s success.
- Comment on Everything Should Be As Easy to Upgrade As the Steam Deck - Wired 1 year ago:
Has it gotten negative press? Everything I’ve seen has been extremely positive.