- Comment on The one accesory I would recommend with the Deck 5 months ago:
Looks like this thing if someone is looking for a shopping link.
- Comment on Pornhub prepares to block five more states rather than check IDs 8 months ago:
Porn drives all sorts of technological adoption, so it makes sense if you think about it. If your product enables people to see some titties easier, it’s gonna be a success.
- Comment on It Takes Two does not require EA app anymore and its Steam Deck Verified now 8 months ago:
Can you play it on a single computer or does it have to be two machines? If it’s a single, do you need two controllers or how does that work?
- Comment on Linda Hamilton says she wouldn't star in a 'Terminator' reboot: 'It's been done to death' 1 year ago:
Dark Fate was surprisingly really good. Obviously not as good as T2, which was one of the best movies ever made. But still exceeded every expectation I had.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I’ve beaten every Monkey Island game except for Curse. Something about the art style is really off-putting for me, so I could never get into it. I might have to give it another shot, especially since I just finished Return to Monkey Island a couple weeks ago and have an itching for more.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
It really is a fantastic game. It’s simple while still being complex. It has a great progression and fun gameplay loop. None of my friends have heard of it, outside of me saying how great it is. Makes me happy to see it’s doing well.
- Comment on Back in my day 1 year ago:
I have a core memory of seeing this movie for my birthday when I was 6. God damn 80s movies were good at traumatizing a whole generation.
- Comment on Back in my day 1 year ago:
Haha I was just talking to someone the other day about how much I loved Howard the Duck growing up. She was like “uhh… that wasn’t really a kid’s movie, was it?” Maybe not. Maybe it and similar movies are the reason us millennials are the way we are.
- Comment on Back in my day 1 year ago:
I remember HBO used to have a new movie on at something like 6:00PM every Friday. But I didn’t know what the movie would be ahead of time. So I would start the VCR recording as soon as I saw that screen at 6:00, then would wait patiently to see what the movie was that I was recording, hoping it was gonna be something good
- Comment on Watching mouths fill up with towels 1 year ago:
Is it really less weight though? If you have to carry in the towels and carry in the water, then combine them, isn’t that the same as carrying them already combined? Same thing with space. You’re compressing the towel but you still have to carry in the water.
- Comment on Watching mouths fill up with towels 1 year ago:
Yeah it seems to be an expandable wet wipe, where you have to provide the wet. Not sure how this is more useful than a pack of wet wipes.
- Comment on Thief: The Black Parade - A full sized expansion to Thief Gold 1 year ago:
He said "son, when
- Comment on Future You 1 year ago:
This was a reference to a dude a few months ago who needed diet recommendations that would make him not poop for 3 days. He ruled out a few things but for the most part, refused to elaborate as to why.
- Comment on Future You 1 year ago:
He was Lemmy’s first prophet. Followed by that dude that magically killed Henry Kissinger.
- Comment on What are some common everyday examples of this phenomenon? (see body) 1 year ago:
My neighbor is big into essential oils.
- Comment on Sea of Thieves' long-awaited private servers arrive next week 1 year ago:
User name checks out
- Comment on Sea of Thieves' long-awaited private servers arrive next week 1 year ago:
Haha I’m the same way. So many of the vocal players say “it’s a PVP game, there’s not supposed to be anywhere safe!” But yeah, I just really like the sailing mechanics, the exploration of diving to sunken ships, sailing in storms and hunting megaladons. Getting stomped by some hardcore players while in the middle of an adventure was never fun to me.
- Comment on Glad it's almost over 1 year ago:
Exactly dude. He’s sold 10,000,000+ books and the pressure is clearly too much for him. And while we can’t unsell those books for him, the best we can do is spread the word far and wide that Patrick Rothfuss writes like old people fuck. If we each do our best to discourage new fans from jumping on the hype train, we just might have a shot at getting the 3rd Kingkiller Chronicles book before we die.
- Comment on Citrus Lingerie 1 year ago:
You know you’re down bad when you’re losing NNN to a bag of oranges.
- Comment on Glad it's almost over 1 year ago:
I love the idea of Rothfuss planning all day, coming up with the perfect next chapter in his life’s work, knowing just how to wrap up the intricate threads he’s woven. Then he boots up his laptop, slowly stretches and cracks his fingers. Just before he opens up his word processor to record his beautifully crafted prose, he decides to check out Lemmy for a few minutes. Then he comes across a random comment of mine saying how his fans are frustrated at his pace of writing, and just goes:
- Comment on Glad it's almost over 1 year ago:
Stormlight is my absolute favorite series. Yeah, Sanderson doesn’t write as flowery as some authors, but that’s not what I’m looking for. I love how he puts together a whole world with a new magic system, history, religions, political climate, etc. Then is like, alright so that’s what the world was like hundreds of years ago, now let’s see what happens when they get guns and spaceships!
- Comment on Glad it's almost over 1 year ago:
Just finished his 4 secret project books. Also just finished the first Mistborn trilogy with my son and started in on the Wax and Wayne series with him (I’ve already read them). I freaking love me some Brandon Sanderson.
- Comment on Glad it's almost over 1 year ago:
I’m reading a short book by Patrick Rothfuss (The Narrow Road Between Desires). This dude is such a notoriously slow writer that it drives me crazy. He had the audacity to do an author’s introduction where he said this was an existing story of his, but he added 15k words to it. I’m like… what is that, a couple weeks? Write faster, you bastard!
- Comment on Glad it's almost over 1 year ago:
I hear you can save a lot of time by writing Lemmy comments while masturbating.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Diablo 4 plays really well on the Steam Deck. Too bad there’s not more content, besides endless nightmare dungeons once you get to the endgame.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Dave the Diver is such a gem
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - August 2023 1 year ago:
I don’t think it’s a network problem. I think Diablo has a memory leak that causes issues that are especially noticeable on the Steam Deck. I’ve heard it’s getting patched out soon, but not sure where I got that info from. One of my Discord friends I think…
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - August 2023 1 year ago:
I have a Diablo 4 addiction. It runs surprisingly well on my Deck. Only problem is it requires the internet, so I can’t play it anywhere outside of the house.