- Comment on Name your most played and most surpring game you played on Steam Deck 2024 2 months ago:
right before the holidays I got caught up in No Man’s Sky on the Steam Deck for a little bit, first time experience after following the whole fiasco. I’ve had it from a Humble Bundle or something for some time now, and I needed some diversity from Rivals and it did okay. Runs well on the Steam Deck without much effort changing anything, was able to use it in offline mode easily for my flights. Was really nice. Wasn’t on my year in review though since it was after that date, lol.
Otherwise, my year in review “You played on a Steam Deck!” shows Phantom Brave 71%, Children of Morta 16%, Sonic Mania 4%, Hero’s Hour (fun game) 3%, and Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel at 2% lol. Oddly, ReVita isn’t on there probably for not technically being verified. I played that quite a bit this year though, so much so it inspired me to start trying to work on a game for a little bit.
Haven’t played a lot of games this year, 16 on Steam Deck and 18 on PC.
- Comment on Is there a reliable low profile stand/dock? 2 months ago:
Ah, a better option for you I just thought of. Look into the DeckMate, it’s an attachment that can be connected to different things, and comes with attachments to stick to other things.
For example, you can have a portable battery connected to your Deck. But also, a VESA compatible back that you can just screw into a regular Monitor Mount, and boom, Steam Deck stand with any angle you want at roughly any height you want.
Bonus, you have a lot of things you can mount the deck to!
- Comment on Is there a reliable low profile stand/dock? 2 months ago:
Is the official dock not what you’re looking for? I’m not sure I know what you’re looking for.
Do you mean, 45 degrees the angle of the screen?
Maybe something like a Nintendo Switch or Wii U stand, there are ones that have adjustable backs
- Comment on How do you have your back buttons set up? 2 months ago:
My favorite use of back buttons is in games where there’s long, pretty, treks of exploration. From Monster Hunter: World to Red Dead Redemption and more, I always set up a back binding to an auto-walk.
Press and hold to toggle, adjust the timing to something a little longer than normal, and revel in stoned pleasure at the sprawling landscapes while you pack another bowl without losing time towards your next destination. It’s awesome! If the game allows, you can set up sprinting this way too even for those pesky tap to run ones (looking at you RDR).
The press and hold to toggle is important because it allows me to keep the button bound to a roll, which is often nice for games like Monster Hunter where I can keep my fingers on important camera control and direction/attack inputs while keeping a getaway button available
Depending on the game, R1 and L1, and other times just the usual ABXY with some per game adjustments.
- Comment on There is no AMD Z2 Steam Deck model coming - Valve 2 months ago:
Good, we shouldn’t get one until there’s massive improvements all around. Give it 7 years
- Comment on What are your favorite accessories for the steam deck? 2 months ago:
The Deckmate, super easy to play with portable batteries attached to the back.
- Comment on While Palworld enjoys a resurgence Valve dropped the rating to Steam Deck Unsupported 2 months ago:
Ratings are based on somewhat trivial things, such as whether there is a website link in the main menu
- Comment on After a year in its company, I’ve done a complete 180 on my Steam Deck 2 months ago:
In way way did valve stop supporting streaming? Did they mean in-home game, remote play, friend remote play?
- Comment on Problems with connecting to a stereo receiver? 2 months ago:
What you described for the Shield is also how I have my Steam/Switch -> Splitter -> Denon -> Tv. Also my apologies, it’s late, I’ve had a long day and my grandfather gave me a nightcap, so I’m just going to ramble. Be warned, because I’m away from home and this is all from memory. It sounds like we have a similar setup sans TV model, so hopefully this just gives you things to look for.
Are you using the beta or the stable build? And LCD or OLED (can’t imagine it would really matter but it could - I have both so I could look in a few days).
Is there a setting on your Denon regarding HDMI audio, or another user mentioned eArc which I also have on my TV, unfortunately can’t remember how I have that set up. I do vaguely remember playing with those settings to get sound working. I’m fairly sure it was specifically HDMI audio in a settings menu of the receiver itself, but possibly in conjunction with the TV settings too… Could also try to use CEC, which is the handshake to allow devices to control the TV - it has caused problems for people before for the Nintendo Switch, so it could be something like that.
What’s the model you have? I have an AVR-S570 Bluetooth, if they’re both denon I imagine it can’t be too different. Do you view the Denon Receiver HDMI channel when you are connecting the Steam Deck? Does the TV the Denon Receiver, or is it an HDMI1-4? I have a Roku TV so it has has the menu where it can show the content without being on the channel as a preview.
I think my course of action would be to try a different build on the SD (sort of refreshes things and is quick), try your current set up, then try a new setup with different HDMI port (both Denon/TV) or possibly cable, that’s another common oddity. It happens to me so often, I just throw them out in the donate box when that happens, almost always 2.0 or whatever standard failing to perform
If that still all doesn’t work with newest HDMI standards (2.2?), then I would go searching through your receiver and TV audio settings to check if anything is amiss with CEC and HDMI Audio or something along those lines. Make sure that the TV/Receiver/HDMI port are all showing expected things. Good luck, and sorry for the rambling. Basically trying to run down what I remember and pick apart what of my setup was Steam Deck related and what was Roku TV woes. As the other user said, eArc is also a possible boon amongst all of this.
If you have any other questions, I’ll be happy to think more on it
- Comment on Problems with connecting to a stereo receiver? 2 months ago:
I use the official dock
- Comment on Problems with connecting to a stereo receiver? 2 months ago:
Hm I have not. I have a Denon that I use with a HDMI splitter. Splitter goes into the Denon, Nintendo and Steam Deck go into the splitter.
You may need to look for a specific setting for HDMI audio, I’m vaguely remembering
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you use any headphones with your Steam Deck? 2 months ago:
I have a pair of Sony EXB50’s or something along those lines, wired earbuds. Works great, though some games suffer from audio crackling (possible side effect of resume from sleep). Sound quality is good though regardless, and that’s game dependent in my experience.
Bluetooth earbuds work well too, you can pair your phone to the Steam Deck and pair the earbuds to the Steam Deck and stream music from your phone and play your game. Also haven’t noticed any latency which is pretty amazing, but even if there was a rhythm game worth its salt has a setting to correct that
- Comment on A 3D printed keyboard case for Steam Deck 2 months ago:
The Steam Deck almost annihilated the cyberdeck subreddit lol
- Comment on Free to play monster-hunting game Dauntless now on Steam and works on Steam Deck, desktop Linux needs a quick fix 3 months ago:
I’d rather just play Monster Hunter anyway.
- Comment on Ubisoft shut down multiplayer shooter XDefiant and lay off hundreds who worked on it 3 months ago:
That sucks but is expected. I played it for a short period of time and it was alright. It was a bit floaty and there wasn’t a lot of impact behind the actions in the game. That said, it felt alright for a point and click shooter.
The two biggest issues I ran into personally were the length of games compared to length of lobby times, and after a few hours, everyone just picked the best character, instead of working on team comp.
- Comment on Handheld consoles are the industry's next battleground | Opinion 3 months ago:
I can definitely see the benefit in smaller sized portables, but I do wonder at what point we reach diminishing returns. I can’t help but think about the 3DS and PSP and how silly it would be to be trying to play Battlefield and CoD in the Steam Deck style. At the same time, I played Monster Hunter all the time on those, and MH:W on my phone with a controller and steam remote play.
So then I think about the types of games, like Disgaea and other J/RPG’s and how a smaller Steam Deck would fit that well. Idk where I’m going with this, it’s just interesting to think about how gaming is fractured based on the genre and form factor. I use my Steam Deck a lot to play games, but I’m playing games that I stopped playing on PC, because indie 2D side scrollers feel weird there.
Are we just going to get to the point where gamers have their 3DS/PSP sized portable, the Steam Deck sized portable, and the large tablet sized portable, each for specific games? Lol
- Comment on Handheld consoles are the industry's next battleground | Opinion 3 months ago:
Can anyone tell me where handhelds are supposed to go from here? Truly. I can’t really see what can be improved from the perspective of the Steam Deck - all the things that come from a next gen device seem a bit antithetical to how the portable device functions. Better specs to make use of the better screen (HZ+resolution) mean a bigger battery and more weight, so…
The OG Deck is about as heavy as any portable should ever be, the OLED is noticeably lighter. So are the console wars shifting to handhelds in the next gen hardware packaging competition? The future of the gaming industry is just making more powerful Nintendo Switches?
Note: I’m not against more handhelds being out there. I just genuinely don’t see where they can really improve from here in any meaningful way after the next screen improvement
- Comment on Do you use your Deck for non-gaming purposes? If so, what do you use it for? 4 months ago:
The Deck is plugged into a hub with a monitor, m+kb, and a focusrite Scarlett solo, and Reaper is the DAW I use.
It’s pretty much just plug and play, I may have had to finnick with the software to get the focusrite going right away but it wasn’t much time at all, if any. Other than that, recording and editing as normal!
- Comment on Do you use your Deck for non-gaming purposes? If so, what do you use it for? 4 months ago:
Producing audiobooks
- Comment on Overkill is doing their annual Steam Deck survey 4 months ago:
That’s very odd. Have you factory reset the controller then done the upgrade?
- Comment on Hori’s officially licensed Steam controller is coming to the US 4 months ago:
What I really want is a Wii-U like experience lol
- Comment on When the Steam Deck was still just an idea, Valve says some staff were like, "I just want that for me" and "the point wasn't even to make a product out of it" 4 months ago:
Thank you! I have a lot more if you’re interested, I got pretty into VR for a while and I wanted to find what really worked and what really didn’t.
I still really enjoy it but it’s harder to find the time and space these days, but every time I do go to set it back up I’m just as amazed.
- Comment on When the Steam Deck was still just an idea, Valve says some staff were like, "I just want that for me" and "the point wasn't even to make a product out of it" 4 months ago:
Oh I see. It definitely can be plug and play but you are right that there is a chance for it to have some quirks. I think it can vary from TV/monitor to what cable or version of Steam OS you’re currently on.
I only say this cause I have 2 and one is treated like a Switch. Very rarely it will fail to connect right away unless it gets restarted, which I think is related to the overarching bug that is present that people talk about.
For the most part though it is plug and play, some of the problems are the same that switch owners might run into (CEC handshake issues, something Nintendo has also released firmware updates for). But also yes, not 100% plug and play with the exceptions usually being specific hardware, sometimes because of firmware.
- Comment on When the Steam Deck was still just an idea, Valve says some staff were like, "I just want that for me" and "the point wasn't even to make a product out of it" 4 months ago:
I’ve used multiple docks and never had this issue on the official one. Do you have this issue on other docks, or just the official one?
I would guess it’s a software issue on the device rather than some kind of compatibility problem
- Comment on When the Steam Deck was still just an idea, Valve says some staff were like, "I just want that for me" and "the point wasn't even to make a product out of it" 4 months ago:
I mean there are, it’s all just extremely subjective.
Pistol Whip is musical John wick simulator, with community made levels. This is pretty much the pinnacle, IMO it’s better than beatsaber which is a little more boring for me. Then there’s the story based and multiplayer based FPS games, alongside the rhythm ones. Arizona Sunshine, Superhot.
There’s Vermillion, which is a VR painting simulator. It’s incredible as an artist with a small space and not having to clean up afterwards. There’s also SculptrVR for modeling, SynthVR for music (synthesizers) which IMO is actually a quintessential piece of software as an actual synthesis rig is thousands of dollars, rooms full of space, and in this game it’s all available to you. There are a number of other games depending on your hobby preferences.
And then there’s space/relaxation simulators, on their own are great, but can be further enhanced with various software. For example, one of my favorite passtimes during lockdown was Elite Dangerous with my phone connected to my computer using SCRCPY, brought into VR as an overlay. So I was space trucking with Netflix and didn’t have to remove my headset to interact on my phone.
And then there’s murder simulators like Gorn and Blade and Sorcery, which also is the best Star Wars simulator.
So even your post doesn’t hit the problem on the head. There’s a few compounding issues.
First and foremost - the cost of the device in tandem with the lack of publicity. It’s no question that Blade and Sorcery and Beatsaber are well known VR games, but neither of them are marketed very well by their teams. Understandably so, how much ad money is worth putting into a VR game. But it’s hardly marketed by the headset sellers themselves, which you would think would be something desirable.
Second - the reality. Headsets are heavy. Moving is hot. Even if you do get your VR setup, really fun games translated to VR like Holoball (basically just racketball) can actually get you pretty sweaty. The other reality is space is a factor. Even though I have a smaller house I still got VR, but using it in a smaller house can be compromising.
Third - back to marketing, but with subjectivity. I would argue that there is killer software out there worth making VR worth having, the issue is that no one knows about it. Know one knows that SynthVR exists and let’s you save hundreds of thousands of dollars if you want to play with synthesizers without having to purchase all the parts for racks. Vermillion is incredible for aspiring painters and regular artists who may be low on materials or space, or I’mOpenBrush if they’re looking for the 3D VR art side.
Finally - VR has a really difficult time with multiplayer. Without it, longevity can be shortened. With it, there might be no longevity at all because the game cost $20 and the headset and the cost of the PC that can run it and no one has even heard of Revolv3r. So while some games like PavlovVR somewhat takeoff and are successful, other games might have you waiting in a lobby for forever. Additionally, after the Vive there was a bit of a falloff of developer interest, and so there’re a fair number of games from 2016-2017 which look promising but are entirely abandoned, or might not even work on modern headsets (not so much an issue anymore now that Microsoft is ending support for Reality Portal.) This makes it even harder to find games for VR since you’re effectively sorting through a graveyard with a mix between hardware compatibility and something actually worthwhile.
There are a ton of fun VR games, fully fledged and arcade style, and there’s a lot of great software. I just don’t think people know about them, they’re hard to find, and they’re a bit locked behind a pretty significant price disparity.
- Comment on You Can Rate How Well The Steam Deck Runs on The Steam Deck On ProtonDB 5 months ago:
Thank you for informing me about informing me on the status of my comment with your comment.
- Comment on You Can Rate How Well The Steam Deck Runs on The Steam Deck On ProtonDB 5 months ago:
- Comment on Caption this 5 months ago:
Ah, I see apple has came out with a brand new device form factor never seen before. It must be the iDeck
- Comment on Valve Helping Arch Linux With Build Service Infrastructure & Secure Signing Enclave 5 months ago:
Shaders mostly, gnocchi the rest of the time!
- Comment on Valve Helping Arch Linux With Build Service Infrastructure & Secure Signing Enclave 5 months ago:
I use StArch, btw.