- Comment on China Wiretaps Americans in 'Worst Hack in Our Nation's History' 4 months ago:
So you’re telling me that my wireless dildo isn’t encrypted?
Oh brother!
- Comment on Me shitpost 1 year ago:
That’s been my problem.
When I was young I thought, “Man, I’m intelligent and I’m surrounded by idiots. I want to learn. They don’t.
Now, I’m just an idiot among idiots.
- Comment on Have yourself a most wonderful time of the year! 1 year ago:
I’m in Appalachia. If I worked in an adult bookstore my boss would be an evangelical. Haha
Holy rollers, holy rollers everywhere.
Each and every day of my life someone preaches to me. I just smile and carry on.
Had a really weird 81 year old man in my store yesterday. He said, “I was down ‘are at ‘tuh moose lodge with my girlfriend and some feller flirted with her. My buddy said, “now don’t go fightin’ eem. You don’t wanna git in no trouble.” And I told him I didn’t have to fight him. The lord would take care of him. A few weeks later his cayncer came back. Other night my dead wife was laying in the bed holding our baby that died. She asked me to put a blanket on her. I wanted to talk to her but I guess the lord didn’t want me to speak. Not everybody can see spirits. Only a select few people. I’ve seen spirits all my life.”
Part of me is jealous of these folks. They think they’re gonna live forever and trust that everything will work out. Meanwhile I’m worrying about my health and that everything isn’t going to work out. :p
- Comment on Have yourself a most wonderful time of the year! 1 year ago:
I worked in a small office with an evangelical authoritarian supervisor. For a time we had our music libraries on our computers and we were able to play music in our headphones. One morning we came in to find notes on our desks saying headphones were no longer allowed.
It was definitely December because of what was on that horrible little boombox.
This Christian group called Point of Grace had a Christmas album. I heard it over and over and over and over again.
I would probably go catatonic if I heard a single note from that record.
Mariah Carey was actually a relief when I heard it haha.
Fortunately we got our headphones back. My best friend for 20 years now (dayuuum) came up with an idea.
When the supervisor would leave we’d try to play Bela Lugosi Is Dead by Bauhaus juuuuuust slightly out of sync between our computers until everyone got sick of it and complained. We both threatened to quit unless we were allowed to use headphones when we were told “no more music in the office”.
God that place was miserable.
- Comment on Pavlov's conditioning 1 year ago:
This reminds me of the silly iPad games my kid had me playing a decade ago.
I miss it. :(
- Comment on Yeah, yeah, yeah... 1 year ago:
Ah yes. The poorest people are the smokers, let’s just make them more miserable. Sounds about right.
You should work at a place that sells cigarettes for awhile and scope out the customers. I’ve seen people count pennies and cry because they’re hungry but they’d rather not experience the anxiety of nicotine withdrawal.
- Comment on Yeah, yeah, yeah... 1 year ago:
Prohibition of any drug is stupid. Especially a damn plant.
- Comment on What reviews didn't say about the Steam Deck OLED 1 year ago:
This is what I’m thinking of doing. It’s a steep price increase for that etched glass though. I really wish they had went with the limited version across the board too because I won’t be able to get it until those are long gone and I absolutely love the look.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - November 2023 1 year ago:
My daughter told me I could do this. I might actually get a series S if it’s good.
Problem is, I have toddlers. I have not been able to use my tv in awhile. The Steam Deck has been a lifesaver.
If I touch the tv, just baaaarely touch it, they swarm me. “I want JJ!” says one, “NO DADDY, PINKFONG! No, monkey, yeah monkey.” The other cries, “No daddy, JJ. Pleeeeeaaaase?”
So I just don’t touch it haha.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you currently playing on your deck? - October 2023 1 year ago:
I don’t know how I got lost really. I remember this big machine and not long after that I was stuck. After I finish RDR2 I’ll probably load it back up.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you currently playing on your deck? - October 2023 1 year ago:
I just played them back to back (again) starting with AM2R.
I definitely prefer AM2R, but some of the mechanics of SR are just absolutely amazing.
I loved them both so much, and even though they had the same story it really didn’t matter much. They were different enough that the experiences felt separate somehow.
My lady bought Dread for me when it first came out and I got lost and quit, but I can’t wait to start over. I was super busy at work and it kind of messed me up on it.
If you haven’t played it yet, get Axiom Verge. Hands down my favorite Metroidvania (that isn’t Metroid or Castlevania). It is a truly amazing experience. And of course if you haven’t played Castlevania: Symphony of the Night you are TRULY cheating yourself. Hands down one of the most spectacular games I’ve ever played. If I play it again (and I will) it will probably be the 9th or 10th time. Last time I beat it on PSP. Holy shit! What a game. Its the game that put “vania” in Metroidvania. It took everything Super Metroid did right and expanded on it. A different feel, but absolutely the same kind of game all the way to its core.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you currently playing on your deck? - October 2023 1 year ago:
If you like Metroid get Axiom Verge. I originally bought it Xbox one. I liked it enough to buy a physical copy on the Switch for my collection.
I just learned there’s a part 2 as well. I haven’t played it, but I’m gonna get it on the Deck.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you currently playing on your deck? - October 2023 1 year ago:
I’m sure I would love the rog ally, and like a dolt I paid for the 512gb Steam deck.
Ultimately though, the deck does everything I want. I don’t care for Windows so I’m happy it runs on Linux. I love the trackpads.
Still though, I’ve seen the videos that compare performance and I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t love the boost. I’m not sad about my choice, but I wish I had enough money to rock both of them.
Exciting times for handheld gaming, that’s for sure.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you currently playing on your deck? - October 2023 1 year ago:
I just got done burning myself out playing all the Metroid games in order. I’m gonna jump back in where I left off, but I got bored at Prime 2. I’ve never finished that one and I’ve never played 3, but all the side scrollers are perfect games if you ask me. I loved the original Prime too. That dark world, light world shit in 2 frustrates me, but I’m sure I’ll love it when I look back on it.
I’m a Metroid fanatic. I’ve played Super Metroid over and over again since I was 11. I still have my original copy. AM2R is also one of my favorite games of all time.
I’ve also beat Cuphead twice and got all achievements and S ranked every boss. I prefer it on my OLED Switch for the pretty screen (where I’ve done this 3 times), but the load times on the Deck outweigh the value of the pretty screen I guess. I might hit it again on the Switch though. That game is absolutely the greatest game of all time for someone with ADHD. Might just be me, but damn I love it.
I’m in the same place on Fallout 4 that I ended up on the Xbox. I have to betray one group or another to beat it. I can’t make myself do it. I was so sure I could.
What I’ve really been hung on is Red Dead Redemption 2. I never dreamed I would love this game as much as I do. It is absolutely one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. I am so attached to Arthur Morgan it’s unreal. I never played the first one and it breaks my heart that it wasn’t released on PC. I’m gonna find a way to play it on the deck if I have to emulate the Switch version (I’ll buy it on Switch if I have to, even if it’s the inferior version. I don’t have time for gaming that isn’t portable).
The only game I’ve ever played that had my heart like RDR2 is The Last of Us, which, despite the complaints, I fully intend to play again on the Deck eventually.
Like, holy shit! What a game! RDR2 might end up being my favorite game ever made. If you haven’t played it because riding horses and shooting revolvers doesn’t appeal to you, it didn’t appeal to me either. This game literally has me pining to be a part of that time and thinking about watching every western I can get my hands on. I literally never want to leave that world. I couldn’t stand the thought of it before I played it. I cannot praise it enough. If you haven’t played it, get it. Like, right now.
- Comment on Valve: don’t expect a faster Steam Deck ‘in the next couple of years’ 1 year ago:
I only ever got my hands on one of those. This kid broke his and his dad brought it to me for repair.
I wish I could remember who it was. I’d offer to buy it today just to have it on my game shelf.
- Comment on Valve: don’t expect a faster Steam Deck ‘in the next couple of years’ 1 year ago:
Holy shit that would be amazing.
I’d seriously regret buying mine if that came out.
That said, I play mine so much the plastic is getting smooth haha.