- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 4 weeks ago:
Its in one of the replies below. Have Fun!
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 5 weeks ago:
I think this is about all the important ones, i have to install them all manually on linux so i cant just export from a manager.
Dark Future by DarkFortuneTeller. Have a look at their list of compatibilities because it makes for a great recommendation list. www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/16300?file_i…
HARDCORE22 by cortlong50 If killing feels to easy with this mod its because you took less then 2 npc bullets to your own head. www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1908
Night City interactions By Deceptions add things to do, other mods of them add even more things to do. More mods of them are included in the list below but there are to many i can’t remember.
next.nexusmods.com/profile/deceptious/mods?gameId… www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/5519
**Night City Alive **and NCPD Prevention Police Enhancement by Katana make the streets more realistic and dynamic as you travel.
next.nexusmods.com/profile/Katane1991/mods?gameId… www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/10395) www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9863
I copied these below from my mod archive directory hence the full zip names and icons, i omitted most subjective cosmetic stuff like HQ textures, custom cyberware
‘Lean Anywhere’ <- Sit anywhere used to be the #1 mod on my day one wish-list. Leaning on a ledge during a conversation or one of the many phonecalls feels sureal natural. 'Sit Anywhere - Immersive FPP Camera-
‘Idle Anywhere-8038-1-2-1-1716746732.zip’ ‘Immersive First Person-2675-1-5-1-1712513796.zip’ ‘Always First Equip-2557-2-0-5-1734539871.zip’
‘Immersive Fixers-15460-1-3-1-1721076353.zip’ ‘Missing Persons - Fixers Hidden Gems-5058-2-2-2-1707356949.zip’
‘Better Vehicle First Person-2202-1-4-2-1710241650.zip’ TrunkStash-9158-1-2-1704135329.rar ‘Parking Spots Enhanced (alt)-15708-1-2-1-1733966361.zip’ ‘Extra Vehicle Controls 2.0 Hotfix-3225-2-0h-1660752972.zip’
‘Immersive Timeskip-5115-2-1-2-1735891704.zip’ ‘Game time tweaks - Longer days and nights-870-0-2-1617042981.zip’ ‘Balanced Nighttime Cycle - 4 (Half Speed)-12369-0-9-1705426189.7z’
‘Weather Probability Rebalance-3196-2-7-1701912933.zip’
‘No Paper Bags From Vending Machines-8387-1-2-1686061498.7z’
‘Street Vendors-2894-v2-0-2-1732076910.zip’ ‘Immersive Food Vendors-7322-1-1-0-1715386873.zip’ ‘Immersive Food Vendors - Dogtown-10393-1-0-1-1698230607.zip’ ‘Immersive Rippers-7064-2-2-3-1734721890.zip’ ‘Immersive Rippers - Dogtown-10255-1-1-1-1733874708.zip’
“Lizzie’s Braindances-11077-1-60-1735989168.zip” <- Incredibly polished, i never cared about video game sex scenes but there is much more depth with sex being optional then expected.
‘Wilsons Range-7367-2-0-0-1720738029.zip’ ‘Kabuki Gun Range Enhanced-13466-1-2-0-1716730769.zip’
‘Playable Arcade Machines 1.4-4213-1-4-1707999196.zip’
NoMoreDuplicateNPC_v1.3-15585-1-3-1721558440.zip ‘Psycho Crowds 3.3-7159-3-3-1-1703875959.zip’ ‘Ragdoll Physics Overhaul 2.0 BETA - Main File-3858-2-0-1705775258.zip’ ‘Nova Crowds-14211-1-0-7-1716378738.zip’ DynamicNPCItems-v1.4-16158-1-4-1723480851.zip
‘Yet Another HUD Recolor-1226-2-1-1702118230.zip’ <- subjective but works nice with the rest of the ui MapStreetView-9911-2-1-1731451882.zip ‘Loot Icons Extension-16386-1-5-1732332294.zip’ ‘Limited HUD-2592-2-15-8-1734786978.zip’ BetterLootMarkers-1.3.1-3486-1-3-1-1716059124.zip ‘Nova LUT 2 - Experimental HDR-11622-2-2-1a-1721933572.zip’ ‘Nova Scanner-13434-1-0-2a-1715403174.zip’ ‘Nova Scanner - No Time Dilation-13434-1-0-2c-1715629339.zip’ ‘Crowd E3 2018 Restored-11003-1-0-1700088310.zip’ ‘Custom Map Markers-3819-2-1-4-1706792956.zip’ ‘Custom Quickslots-3096-5-1-4-1731891811.zip’ ‘Blur Begone-8105-1-23-0-1732139634.zip’ ‘Disable ONLY 2D Effect For UI And Disable Chrom Ab-2648-2-00-1695865650.rar’
‘Virtual Atelier-2987-1-2-8-1735891150.zip’ ‘Virtual Car Dealer-4454-2-2-3-1732869417.zip’ ‘Virtual Car Dealer - Browser Extension-4454-2-1-1-1698213132.zip’ ‘Virtual Car Dealer - Car Pack-4625-1-8-2-1674936277.zip’ ‘Virtual Car Dealer - Car Pack 2-4625-1-9-0-1675361670.zip’ ‘Virtual Car Dealer - Gangs Pack-4509-1-1-0-1656843110.zip’ ‘Darks Night City Marketplace-4433-2-0-0-1708319794.zip’
‘Legacy version - Mute All Police Dispatch Radio-11095-1-1700438744.zip’ <- recommended as a fix with NCPDPPE ‘No Combat Alert Stealth Music-6395-2-0-1698193562.zip’ ‘No Intro Videos-533-0-5-1721546294.zip’ ‘SFX Begone - Complete - REDMOD-10342-2-6-0d-1720383398.zip’ ‘Legacy v2.1 - Mute Combat Music-10951-4-1702570208.zip’ ‘Legacy v2.1 - Mute Stealth Music-10951-4-1702570165.zip’ LightBeamsFix-12381-0-1-1705452106.rar
ArchiveXL-4198-1-19-5-1736163410.zip mod_settings.zip-4885-0-2-8-1710978150.zip ‘Mod Settings - Gallery Patch.zip’ ‘Native Settings UI 1.96-3518-1-96-1704576025.zip’ BrowserExtensionFramework-10038-0-9-5-1701186644.7z ‘CET 1.34.1 - patch 2.2-107-1-34-1-1734088328.zip’ Codeware-7780-1-14-0-1736032559.zip RED4ext-2380-1-26-1-1733932053.zip redscript-1511-0-5-27-1725563529.zip TweakXL-4197-1-10-7-1736032571.zip Equipment-EX-6945-1-2-7-1734071331.zip ‘Cookedprefabs Nulled-4789-2-0-1695396661.rar’ ‘Deceptious Quest Core-7831-3-1-0-1729797560.zip’ input_loader.zip-4575-0-2-2-1709344282.zip
I was however unable to install Appearance Menu Mod because of a weird lag when entering cars. Its the only mod that gave me problems but the occurance of this bug seems pretty rare depending on your pc.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 5 weeks ago:
If you are interested i have a mod list that addresses about everything you mentioned.
The true potential of customization for cyberpunk has always been mods.
- Comment on Almost a third of developers think generative AI is a negative for the games industry, says new survey 5 weeks ago:
Negative for some yes but what i see is a net positive.
To the untrained Ai appears like a super cheap shortcut to make something that looks good at a glance. You know the same glance a shareholder may take at the tripple A game in development.
Its not hard to see where that is going. Tripple A is already full off enshitification, add more and morea ai mess and the result will be one stink of an overpriced game after the other.
Actually non ironically wonderful, i hope they choke on their own fucking budget.
In the mean time actually passionate artists will also be using these tools, not as a cheap shortcut but as a way to get closer to their inherent perfectionism.
The video game industry is dead, long live the video game industry.
- Comment on Japanese company makes $16 USB-C cable that rotates 360 degrees 2 months ago:
And this changes the mechanical design of the 360 degree feature how exactly.
Context: just a month agot so fed up with different changing Usb naming schemed and made a full spreadsheet detailing every usb specification known to man.
I cant speak about the mechanical design innovation except that its nothing new but usb wise there is nothing special about it except they put usb4 level of power delivery (240W) on a very shitty cable. (Usb 2.0 speed)
usb4 is still relatively rare and your not usually gonna find it combined with some easily broken connector but if you had the means you could contact a random manufacturer to build some for you in bulk. No patents or research required.
- Comment on In assembly line horror The Cabin Factory, you search freshly-built holiday homes for ghosts 2 months ago:
The store page apparently describes it as a ~60 min experience which makes more sense with linear gameplay and story. You might be spot on.
- Comment on In assembly line horror The Cabin Factory, you search freshly-built holiday homes for ghosts 2 months ago:
This seems like a very hard thing to pull of and not be supper repetitive.
Very interesting concept though, so i do hope its good.
- Comment on Microsoft have blocked their own Windows 11 update after it started breaking Ubisoft games 2 months ago:
#volunteer non profit advertisement#
Every game that works on steamdeck is working on linux.
The common known issues are all in the past:
Linux in 2024;
- has plenty user friendly distros.
- can find and install software more easily then windows.
- Has officia nvidia support drivers.
- Can run .exe programs using wine/proton/steam.
Dualboot your Machine today!!
- Comment on Norway to increase minimum age limit on social media to 15 to protect children 4 months ago:
I am less concerned with stopping young people from accessing the web then with general awareness of people about the damaging mental side effects of technology.
Those side effects are usually long term, an account and a few online interactions wont harm much. But a habit will.
If my kids hacks trough my infrastructure i will shine with IT pride… and then update my infrastructure explaining them why it is i am so concerned.
I know they will find ways outside my walled garden but keeping them in was never the point, providing a safe space to live to develop healthy habits is.
- Comment on NonSteamLaunchers gets booted from Steam Deck plugin store Decky Loader 4 months ago:
TIL, that is amazing!
- Comment on SteamOS 3.6.12 Beta Will Start Bring SteamOS 3.6 Into Stable - Steam Deck HQ 5 months ago:
Is it a Foss or at least an open linux based distro though?
- Comment on Microsoft lays out Windows 10 life support prices 10 months ago:
Your right about apples philosophy which apple does reasonably well. But microsoft windows? Never my experience.
Just today at work (where windows is mandatory) got a teams call and had no sound. Turns out after connecting a Bluetooth device and then removing it the internal sound-device got disabled and had to be re enabled in a new settings menu, which sure didn’t pose much challenge for me, but my grandparents?
Linux in contrast feels so much more stable. Applications may update but when i tell the system to behave a certain way it will continue to do so till i tell it not to.
- Comment on Linux share on Steam bounces back to nearly 2% for March 2024 10 months ago:
Serious question, are linux users just as likely to share there system specs for corporate stats?
Its also the platform for privacy enthusiasts so i think not meaning the actual number is higher then measured.
- Comment on My streaming fatigue got so bad, I started collecting DVDs 11 months ago:
With what i send you don’t even need to script anything (but you can, scripting is fun) all i needed to do was run it in a docker container on pc with disc drive.
I just slot the dvd in and it spits it out when its done. The container is setup so it outputs straight in my jellyfin library. The most difficult part, as usual was fiddling with the read write permission of that output folder.
- Comment on My streaming fatigue got so bad, I started collecting DVDs 11 months ago:
For anyone interested Here is some free self hosted Software to automatically rip any dvd
I am using this to convert my families dvd collection to jellyfin. Its super easy once its setup and also fully legal.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Thats an interesting observation. I love the game and plan on starting a new playtrough this summer but you made me wonder and i cant really pinpoint annything I would talk about.
Maybe the different is that the game is an addition to a fandom rather then being the fandom. There plenty stuff to talk wizarding world. The game is more about experiencing and immersing the total rather then zooming in on its individual components.
- Comment on Fuck Disney tbh 1 year ago:
This is Disney we talk about so getting sued is probably expected, they will explain in court how your character ripped of theirs, you defend. Court decides.
If you can point to a non Disney older source where these same details are present you have a likely win.
If there is a Christopher Robbins in the original you can use the name but if there is not it then having roughly the same letters or sound will likely be a loss.
Of course this more assumed law theory of not a layer. Some rich dudes can just trademark the name of fruit, a basic word or even a single letter and we just let them.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
The benefit of a smaller screen is that you need less resolution to make it look good and with all the optimizing valve does with proton i imagine its quite playable.