“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
- Comment on Pornhub to block two more states over age verification laws 9 months ago:
When Mulvad eats good we all eat good.
- Comment on Steam Deck game library now 29% larger than that of Nintendo Switch 10 months ago:
Only 29%? The fuck does Nintendo even have on there?
- Comment on Former Blizzard president wants to be able to leave a "tip" after completing $70 games: "I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20" 11 months ago:
That used to be what tipping was. Receiving a service so profoundly above average that it warranted an above average expense.
The last “above average” thing Blizzard made was Overwatch and they killed it to sell it twice.
- Comment on China has flooded the market with so many solar panels that people are using them as garden fencing 11 months ago:
E-waste? The fuck is that? Sounds like Western propaganda.
- Comment on “Disabling cyberattacks” are hitting critical US water systems, White House warns 1 year ago:
I won’t pretend to understand how those monitors work but there’s definitely a way to do it without connecting to the internet.
- Comment on “Disabling cyberattacks” are hitting critical US water systems, White House warns 1 year ago:
The company I work for uses their publically known store number for each computer, email address, and a universal code for every physical lock.
To tell you that I vibrate with frustration at the lack of OpSec is an understatement.
- Comment on “Disabling cyberattacks” are hitting critical US water systems, White House warns 1 year ago:
Hey, question, why the fuck are water systems not airgapped and isolated? Fuck do they need wifi for?
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
Absolutely the last place you’d ever want to be. Everyone loots stores, it’s safer to loot locally first. Best case scenario everything is cleaned out. Worst case, you find other people. Or other “people”.
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
I suppose but for me I wouldn’t want to waste a pick on something I’d use for extreme cases. Sure it’ll help in a bind but I’d rather prep to not be in that bind to begin with.
Everything changes with context but I made my picks with “The Walking Dead” scenario in mind. They all walk, everyone’s infected, it only takes effect if you die with your brain intact, they roam in hordes. But hey, we may never know and it’s probably for the best.
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
Fire Axe requires you to be pretty dead on with every swing. You miss or misalign the edge coming down and it bounces off their skull. They feel nothing and now you’ve got to lift up that axe for another swing. You’ll tire yourself out pretty quickly but if the edge lasts long enough I suppose it could be used to make spears as well. Spears, even just makeshift ones from sticks, are light and if you miss it’s almost effortless to get another go at it.
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
Ah but see, a firearm requires cleaning, oil, and ammunition. The suppressed sidearm will lure in your neighborhood while anything unsuppressed is going to call everything within 8 blocks right to you. Dog is a mouth to feed, mess to clean, and is also loud unless you’ve trained them very, very well. Making light isn’t hard but everyone can see light - including zombies. NVGs are just for you. Water you can clean yourself but I assume you mean boiling which would need a fire… and everyone can see the light and smoke.
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
First Aid Kit - Zombies are dangerous but so are infections from minor cuts and lacerations. Gotta prep for the unexpected.
Machete - Most effective and common sense weapon as all the others require some level of skill or maintenance and only the machete would be good at making pointy sticks for improvised spears.
NVGs - Something people forget about is that when the power goes out you’re going to be looting some dark ass buildings even during the daytime. Stock up some batteries or a charger and looting just got so much simpler. Plus, if you hear a bump in the night, you can go looking for it without letting the neighborhood know where you are, like with a flashlight.
Water purifier - You can go approximately 3 days without water and the pipes stop working when the electricity does. That river and lake isn’t safe to drink, neither is the rainwater, and do you really want to whip out your firekit and draw attention just for sippy sips?
Boring picks but I think these are the biggest bang for your buck. Everything else will take so much just to maintain that it isn’t worth it. Including doggo.
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
If we’re going on “brain damage to kill” rules you’re going to need to clean sweep their head off or find a way to the brain. As cool as it is, that’s a big ask for something designed for one swift body shot. I’d look for the spear since it’s the most effective peasant weapon and be real, we’re all about peasant skilled.