A geologist and archaeologist by training, a nerd by inclination - books, films, fossils, comics, rocks, games, folklore, and, generally, the rum and uncanny… Let’s have it!
- Yrtree.me - it’s still early days for me in the Fediverse, so bear with me
- Comment on Heritage Foundation Presentation Details Plans To Doxx And Target Wikipeda Editors It Claims Are ‘Abusing Their Position’ 4 weeks ago:
From the comments:
If you’re from the Heritage Foundation and you’re reading this: keep in mind that (a) Wikipedia is under our protection (b) we can return the favor © we’re way better at this than you are.
- Comment on Don't call it a Substack 4 months ago:
They’re just the latest Big Tech landgrabs until they reach a sufficient size they can begin enshittification.
- Submitted 4 months ago to technology@lemmy.zip | 3 comments
- Comment on UK likely to miss Paris climate targets by wide margin, analysis shows 1 year ago:
Most of them probably think they will have died by the time the effects of climate change are great enough to bother them
But they have tend to have children and grandchildren.
or that their money will be enough to insulate themselves from it.
Yes, if there’s a cull, they’ll be on the right end of the scythe.
I have a horrible suspicion that they’ve just drunk the Koolaid - if you only hang around with energy executives who are also denying climate change you either buy into the idea that there isn’t a problem or hand-wave it away by saying some boffin will solve the problem.
It is an enormous task to get the entire world to take coordinated and far reaching action on anything, and some don’t think it’s possible.
It may not be.
Carbon capture and storage or geoengineering just look to be fig leaves that allow Big Carbon to keep rumbling on (why a lot of the argument at COP 28 was over “abatement”). Which feels very short-termist, if they redirected a fraction of the profits (or the money they spend lobbying against green legislation) into building things like solar energy farms across North Africa and the southern states in the US, they could create a future of near limitless profit for themselves. Unfortunately, while the dirty energy companies are fighting any change to their status quo, making any progress will be impossible.
- Comment on UK likely to miss Paris climate targets by wide margin, analysis shows 1 year ago:
This is.not much of a surprise given all the nonsense with new oil and gas contracts as well as the constant chipping away at green policies.
What I don’t get is the lack of sense of urgency amongst the 0.1% - we all live in the same planet and their mountains of cash will only get them so far (this side of jumping on a rocket ship to somewhere an order of magnitude or two more hostile to life).
- Comment on It's ba-ack... UK watchdog publishes age verification proposals 1 year ago:
That’s how they get you - the French are too busy making le sweet sweet amour to watch porn. Probably. Better to pretend to be Dutch or German.
- Comment on It's ba-ack... UK watchdog publishes age verification proposals 1 year ago:
Digital identity wallets and, our favorite, facial age estimation, where the features of a user’s face are analyzed to estimate the user’s age.
Well that could be “fun”. Poor George Dawes - he’s just a big baby.
- Submitted 1 year ago to unitedkingdom@feddit.uk | 1 comment
- Comment on ‘Missed opportunity’ after Jimmy Savile to deal with NHS necrophilia 1 year ago:
I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that having sex with children and corpses is so widely reviled that they are pretty much universal tabboos.
- Comment on Apple loses bid to stop UK investigation over cloud gaming and browsers in reversal 1 year ago:
And the Tories tend to be amenable to lobbying, especially if it’s in the form of cash.
- Comment on ‘Missed opportunity’ after Jimmy Savile to deal with NHS necrophilia 1 year ago:
An alleged corpse fucker.
I bet Prince Charles is regretting letting Saville sit an overnight vigil with Diana now.
- Comment on ‘Missed opportunity’ after Jimmy Savile to deal with NHS necrophilia 1 year ago:
Well that’s all horrific.
I was never sure what the situation was with the Saville claims but it seems they are “unconfirmed” but only because evidence would be hard to find (although the article linked to suggests he took photos, he could easily have destroyed them).
- Submitted 1 year ago to unitedkingdom@feddit.uk | 9 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to unitedkingdom@feddit.uk | 3 comments
- Comment on Labour vows to ‘rewire Britain’ as pylon plans spark row in Tory party 1 year ago:
A growing number of Tories have been raising concerns about pylons, among them the former home secretary Priti Patel, who asked in parliament this week why the National Grid could not be built in the sea.
The Tories should get in the sea for this idea.
I know the Tories lack commonsense but still…
- Comment on Best and worst parcel delivery firms revealed in Citizens Advice rankings 1 year ago:
Apparently Royal Mail has gotten worse (2.75 overall down from 3)
They did have that strike at the end of last year.
Evri despite still being at the bottom of the table has actually improved somewhat (2 overall up from 1.75)
At 1.75 it couldn’t get much worse unless they started delivering by trebuchet.
- Comment on Best and worst parcel delivery firms revealed in Citizens Advice rankings 1 year ago:
I’d guess they do relatively better because they have lower volumes (don’t some of them only do large parcels? I haven’t encountered them, other than DHL, much and it tended to be big items) and the wheels seem to come off (figuratively, the vans usually look sturdy, although I did drive passed an Amazon driver trying to change two tyres late Saturday - they clearly had had a long day and enough of this BS) when they try and push quantity, often at the cost of quality.
- Comment on Best and worst parcel delivery firms revealed in Citizens Advice rankings 1 year ago:
In previous discussions on Reddit it seems to come down to the quality of your individual drivers
Where I am I seem to have a pretty consistent set of drivers who know the patch and people’s preferences and I haven’t had an issue. So, statistically, there must be some areas where they’re all bad, which must be a nightmare.
- Comment on Best and worst parcel delivery firms revealed in Citizens Advice rankings 1 year ago:
A third in the last month?
Either package delivery is way, way worse in the UK than in the US, or the phrasing here is designed to get a high numbers.
It gives the criteria in the article:
A third of shoppers experienced a problem with a parcel in the last month, either because of late delivery or parcels being left in insecure locations
So, yes, it’s very broad.
Given the fact that large parcel volumes mean the delivery drivers have little time to do anything fancy, it’s a surprise more people haven’t said they had an issue. Amazon, especially, are notorious for not giving their drivers enough time and I often see their parcels just left on the doorstep, which most people wouldn’t think us very secure.
I was having a discussion on lateness in the pub at the weekend (the fun we have!) and I am pretty sure companies goose the numbers by setting the date a day over when they can get it to you, so they leave themselves some wiggle room if anything goes wrong. It also, handily, pushes people to use the express delivery option where available.
EDIT: Is this a third of shoppers that complained to Citizens Advice? Because this sounds like it’s not that they’re polling a sample of the general population,
I believe this is a survey done on behalf of Citizens Advice.
- Comment on Best and worst parcel delivery firms revealed in Citizens Advice rankings 1 year ago:
And Hermes was such a good name too.
- Comment on Best and worst parcel delivery firms revealed in Citizens Advice rankings 1 year ago:
It’s almost not worth giving a best and worst as they all did so badly. It’s especially disappointing to see the Royal Mail struggling as they always used to be solid and reliable - I wonder what could have happened… 🤔
- Submitted 1 year ago to unitedkingdom@feddit.uk | 17 comments
- Comment on Tommy Robinson sprayed by police during arrest at march against antisemitism 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t usually condone police violence, but…
- Submitted 1 year ago to unitedkingdom@feddit.uk | 12 comments