🅸 🅰🅼 🆃🅷🅴 🅻🅰🆆. 𝕽𝖚𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖍𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍
- Comment on Why some book fans are leaving Amazon-owned Goodreads in wake of the U.S. election 3 weeks ago:
Have you tried Bookwyrm? It’s also available self-hosted, if you want to ignore or limit the social media part.
Someone else said, Openreads is a good, entirely local, app, with CSV in/export, and written in Flutter so you should be able to run it on your desktop, too.
Or, if you read e-books and don’t want the social media part, use Calibre. My only issue is that it doesn’t sync all of the information my Kobo obviously tracks, like read times and star-rating.
- Comment on US judge says Google must open Android phones to rival app stores 2 months ago:
It’s worse than that. Apple charges application developers just to put their apps on the app store. This is a big contributor as to why there are so few OSS iOS projects: I’m happy to share, for free, the app I wrote for myself, but I’m not going to pay someone money to do it.
- Comment on US judge says Google must open Android phones to rival app stores 2 months ago:
Oooo! Oooo! Do Apple next!
- Comment on Deadlock cheaters are being turned into frogs as players get chance to vote on their fate 2 months ago:
This is an anticheat system I can get behind.
- Comment on Determining the efficacy of a restart from a bash script (Debian) 3 months ago:
On an average Debian server reboot-required is really only ever triggered by kernel upgrades and those happen more often than you want but also not very often.
Cries in Arch
- Comment on Spotify blokis Esperantan podkaston 3 months ago:
Manke de klarigo ne eblas scii la veran kialon de la forviŝo, sed eblas suspekti, ke iuj algoritmoj de Spotify trovis la elsendon suspektinda, eble pro la nekomprenebla lingvo, la internacia aŭskultantaro aŭ alia specifa eco, kiu igas ĝin malsama ol neesperantaj elsendoj.
Ili nun transiris al alia servo. Dumtempe, mibkredas ke Usone Persone troviĝas al
- Comment on Jon Stewart's first episode back on The Daily Show 10 months ago:
Yes. You’re right. It’s pretty close, though, and “genocide” is handier than a drawn-out, nuanced description for which there isn’t a convenient term. Abusing the word “genocide” is little worse than using the extremely broad and easily downplayed “human rights abuses.” The latter is as equally appropriate to US police treatment of minorities as to China’s treatment of the Uyghurs, but you’d agree they’re vastly different in scale and scope, right?
- Comment on Key & Peele in "Planning a Heist" - One of my favorite sketches from the show. What are yours? 10 months ago:
Al Quaida is good, but Airplane Turbulance makes me laugh so hard I cry.
- Comment on ‘Blade Runner’ Star Rutger Hauer Took Exception to His Character Roy Batty Being Labeled a Villain 10 months ago:
But, Tyrell Corp is pretty villianous.
- Comment on ‘Our Flag Means Death’ Canceled After Two Seasons at Max 11 months ago:
I will never again lament that a show didn’t find closure before cancelation.
We were really liking Ragnarok (Netflix), but when it was clear thege wouldn’t be a fourth year, the writers threw together the worst, most unsatisfying, rushed, cop-out conclusion. Ever. Like, GoT season 8, but worse. Like they collectively said, “cancel us? Then fuck you!”
I honestly wish I’d have quit in the middle of S3. Not knowing would have been better.
- Comment on How long do you think until AI writes and debugs code better than the average programmer? 1 year ago:
I’ve managed software development orgs, and have seen better code from CS interns than from many veteran devs.
There’s a joke that goes:
Q: What do you call the med student who graduates lowest in his class?
A: “Doctor”
It applies to every career, IME.
- Comment on How long do you think until AI writes and debugs code better than the average programmer? 1 year ago:
This can’t be understated. Like many professions, software development is full of mediocre professionals.