- Comment on Microsoft Recall screenshots credit cards and Social Security numbers, even with the "sensitive information" filter enabled 3 months ago:
What do you gotta be to think bajillions of people are idiots? Besides cripplingly cynical
- Comment on Steam doesn’t want to pay arbitration fees, tells gamers to sue instead 5 months ago:
Thanks for sharing that info - I was just going off the recent headlines
To your second point, don’t companies normally win arbitration cases? I thought that was the whole point of it all - to make it easier for a company to win lawsuits
- Comment on Amazon’s paid Alexa is coming to fill a $25 billion hole dug by Echo devices 8 months ago:
They’d have to pay me use that shit! Insane to me how popular it is for some people
- Comment on Report: 82% of US gamers made an in-game purchase in freemium titles in 2023 8 months ago:
I just realized you must be talking about mobile games or something. lol
I was thinking of the finals or even warzone. Completely free games where you can just pay for a skin for your gun. Seems pretty great to me. I never pay for another COD game while then some poor addicted souls pay for everything they can. I mean, it works out pretty well for everyone… except those people, since they end up paying way more than what a game used to cost
- Comment on Report: 82% of US gamers made an in-game purchase in freemium titles in 2023 8 months ago:
That doesn’t make sense here, does it? The product is the digital skins or whatever
- Comment on Major Windows BSOD issue takes banks, airlines, and broadcasters offline 8 months ago:
This is absolutely fuckin ridiculous. Good luck IT teams
- Comment on A game called One Million Checkboxes has sparked a terrible online war 8 months ago:
I wouldn’t call it ruined. I rather like knowing how many “edgy” people there are
- Comment on Valve Working on Video Clip Recording and Sharing in Steam Client 9 months ago:
On that note, that highlight feature that auto-captures kills and whatnot (on some games) is actually really awesome! Hopefully steam ends up having something similar
- Comment on Valve Working on Video Clip Recording and Sharing in Steam Client 9 months ago:
Ok, now this would actually be cool. I could finally ditch Nvidia’s shitty bloated program
- Comment on Kevin Hart Says He Won’t Host the Oscars Again: Awards Shows ‘Aren’t Comedy-Friendly Environments Anymore’ 1 year ago:
I just saw this posted on lemmy a while back. It’s so good. lol
- Comment on When Entitled Woman Turns Restaurant Complaints into Arrest 1 year ago:
This is great!
That said, why do the cops say they don’t give out their names? I’ve neve heard that before
- Comment on Christopher Nolan Calls Zack Snyder’s ‘Watchmen’ a Film ‘Ahead of Its Time’: It Should Have Been Released Post-‘Avengers’ 1 year ago:
It was honestly mind blowing to learn that most white Americans legit didn’t know what the US was like in the 1900s.
That realization played a large part in me investigating how white Americans basically lied themselves into believing the US gov/white Americans made amends for their crimes towards blacks during the period called Reconstruction - in reality, most gains black Americans made after the civil war (e.g. the surge in black politicians, the ability to get educated/start schools, etc.) were immediately taken away by means of terrorism, disenfranchisement, and bs legislation.
The movie/doc Exterminate All The Brutes does a great job detailing the stories Americans used to tell about themselves and how they had to deal with savage natives/tribes and whatnot. It’s hard to watch but it really shows how we’ve all been victims of very effective propaganda. I mean, we literally recite a pledge of allegiance as children. The bs goes deep.
- Comment on US kids want games subscriptions and virtual currency more than games this Christmas 1 year ago:
No you don’t understand! The kids are enjoying themselves when they play these veedeeyoo gaymz. It’s horrible!