Despite promising to filter personal data out, Recall still captures it.
Every year I’m happier and happier that I touch MS products only when paid to do so.
Submitted 3 months ago by to
Despite promising to filter personal data out, Recall still captures it.
Every year I’m happier and happier that I touch MS products only when paid to do so.
problems with their shit has been paying the bills here for over twenty-five years now.
How happy are you to know your personal data is still going to be leaked because 90% of the services handling it are using MS Backdoor OS? If it’s not going to be your bank it will be your work, if not your work, then it will be your government, and there will be no consequences because "nobody ever got fired for buying Microsoft®"™.
I only need access to a terminal for my job, i would be so happy if i could run linux on my work laptop.
Same my only experience with windows (and w11) is at work (exception being my vr flight sim pc).
Is this a joke comment? Your experience is playing on MS OS, a flight sim which, assuming it’s the Flight Simulator, periodically sends data back and forth? on top of using it at work.
This this more of a by product of the design than anything.
Its almost like this was a bad idea to begin with.
We all saw that coming.
Microsoft: there won’t be bugs
This isn’t a bug. It is by design
You have to be truly an idiot these days to still be using Windows.
Or you’re at work, or you need to collaborate with people who use Windows-only software.
I hate that argument so much. It’s like picturing me incapable of choosing a car because I know nothing about them.
“Why did you buy that garbage?” “It was the first vehicle at the first car dealer I found.”
And as long as that group of people you just described continues to uncritically accept everything MS does, they have no motivation to do things differently.
Or maybe that’s all you know
You have to be a complete idiot these days to think everyone is able to use another solution
What do you gotta be to think bajillions of people are idiots? Besides cripplingly cynical
Where else am I throw the computer, a wall?
Is there a way to turn this off?
DISM /Online /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Recall
Run that from an administrator terminal (right click start menu and select Terminal (Administrator)). You can also do it from Settings > Privacy > Recall.
Those are the Microsoft-approved ways. If you don’t trust them, you can also just download a new iso and completely rip it off before install using something like ChrisTitus’ microWin.
Thanks for making it nice and user friendly… most of my elders going into a kind of fugue state when they see the terminal
Thanks for mentioning microWin. A tool I didn’t know I needed. I figured none had been made since XP’s Tweaks.
steamOS cannot come any sooner for desktop
Since the first steam machine in 2008 it’s all I’ve ever wanted…
There so many others you can use right now.
Most of the distros run steam great out of the box. Our biggest problem is video card updates breaking crap. Linux Tech Tips scared a bunch of people off by not reading a warning message on an update then refusing to seek any help when something broke.
Im excited to live in that world.
Any game that relies on BS DRM like Denuvo that refuses to work for SteamOS can die in a fire.
Most of the are shitty multiplayer games anyways.
next PC upgrade won’t feature any Intel or Nvidia, full AMD full glorious Linux under steamOS hopefully
I’m using bazzite for now in lieu of that
You don’t need SteamOS. It’s likely not going to solve any problems for you that aren’t solved elsewhere. It’ll be good for console-like devices, but just use a normal desktop distro for a desktop computer.
I like Garuda Dragonized for gaming. It comes set up with a lot of gaming stuff already, and makes it easy to install a bunch of other gaming related packages you may want.
Theres no need to wait for Valve. The problem is solved already.
eh? I tried gaming with lutris fairly recently and I’d call it far from solved.
it’s in a better spot than a decade ago
What a surprise, the spy software is spying on you.
Prompt injection acrobatics via cortana playing sounds from a hacked speaker
If I want to save something I’ll back it up myself. My attitude toward an OS remembering what I do: “We don’t know each other and I was never here.”
Let me try: hunter5
Although not the exact topic covered in the article, as you wouldn’t necessarily be sending sensitive information like that to other people, but it’s important to note that this means nothing you’ve sent before is safe.
It’s not enough that from “now on” you don’t send anything you wouldn’t want Recall to capture, if you’ve already sent it and someone with Recall captures it then it’s compromised. It’s not just your own device that you need to worry about, it’s also everyone you might contact or have ever contacted.
Oh sorry, by “sensitive information” we mean ours. 3 months ago
Man the first hackers to get their hands on that data are gonna get rich. Blackmail material, personal details, banking information, passwords, everything you could want. 3 months ago
Microsoft really cares about security
As long as it doesn’t get in the way of money 3 months ago
Our financial security! 3 months ago
It’s like those a extortion scam emails that say “we took pictures of you masturbating” except this they’ll know know some guy’s porn habit from their Recall database lmao