- Comment on The terrible tragedy of a stolen Steam Deck 7 months ago:
That’s because it’s not dirt but normal pigmentation of the shell.
- Comment on The terrible tragedy of a stolen Steam Deck 7 months ago:
What would be the point of washing that part of the egg you’re going to throw out 3 seconds later?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I’m not asking you to take my word for it. Do with it as you please.
I’ll provide one just to pique your interest.
Despite the presence in cannabis smoke of known carcinogens, toxic gases, and particulates, cannabis smoking does not seem to increase risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or airway cancers. In fact, there is even a suggestion that at low doses, cannabis smoking may be protective for both conditions.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
No level of alcohol consumption is safe when it comes to human health, according to a WHO statement released in January, 2023. The data behind this dire warning come from a 2021 study that estimated the number of incident cancers attributable to alcohol consumption in the EU in 2017—light to moderate drinking (1–2 drinks per day) was responsible for 23 300 new cases of cancer. New Canadian guidelines take a strong stance too, suggesting that any more than two drinks per week puts your health at risk. Does this mean the days of safely enjoying a tipple are officially behind us?…/fulltext#:~:t…)00073%2D5-,Alcohol%20and%20health%3A%20all%2C%20none,%2C%20or%20somewhere%20in%2Dbetween%3F&text=No%20level%20of%20alcohol%20consumption,statement%20released%20in%20January%2C%202023.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Weed smokers are less likely to get lung cancer than non smokers, they have a bigger lung capacity and it acts like a bronchodilator, making it (the substance, not the smoking part) an effective medicine in patients with asthma. People who’ve used marijuana and develop COPD also have a lower mortality rate, and it is beneficial when it comes to corona as well. But yes, smoke is still bad for you.
- Comment on Pavlov's conditioning 1 year ago:
What you’re describing is exactly the delusion I was talking about. And it’s very typical these days. People don’t want nuance, they want perfect heroes or complete villains, complete polarization, anything in-between is too complex and we’re too insecure to be associated with someone who’s done something bad. I don’t need a messiah, in fact I think that is exactly the problem that is the foundation of your line of thinking.
I have no problem admiring the good Pavlov or Ford did, and I don’t really care that they did something bad, it’s irrelevant to the discussion, really. And I can say that because I believe that recognizing their achievements says absolutely nothing about me agreeing with what they did wrong. I think that people who have to point out the worst are ultimately scared that if they don’t do that, it would say something about themselves.
- Comment on Pavlov's conditioning 1 year ago:
Move forward as a society, that’s a good one. Please do tell how you’re going to change your ways now that you know someone famous did something heinous. Fuck all is going to happen, and all of this unearthing of our evil past to better ourselves is just a form of self delusion and shock value, typical for the outrage culture of these days.
The only reaction to this new found wisdom is “and then what”? And if you took two seconds to analyze the situation instead of getting on your high horse to start a new crusade you’d probably come to the same conclusion.
Cancelling? The fuck are we cancelling?
What is being implied here is that because he did something bad, all of a sudden that has to be mentioned every time he’s brought up. It’s completely pointless and just a testimony to how insecure we are as a society. It’s like having to cover up female ankles in case we get “urges”. It’s completely ridiculous.
This is the not how we move forward as a society, in fact it is a form of regression and infantility. An inability to hold two opposing ideas in our heads and instead throwing out the baby with the bath water because everyone constantly needs to reassure the person next to them how virtuous they are.
A progressive society does not need to retroactively change history, it can accept the imperfections of the past in the knowledge that we’ve already changed.
- Comment on I feel like I need a separate body towel (big towel), and 3 other small towels for hair, face, and hands. 4 towels in total. Is that normal? 1 year ago:
Yes, apparently four times less than some though.
- Comment on Pavlov's conditioning 1 year ago:
Jfc, to what end? All this retroactive cancelling of dead people is just diddling yourself for feel-good reasons. Get over it and be different instead of waving some flag that says you are different.
- Comment on I feel like I need a separate body towel (big towel), and 3 other small towels for hair, face, and hands. 4 towels in total. Is that normal? 1 year ago:
You using 4 towels isn’t hurting anyone anymore than me using one towel does.
I can only guess where the idea of wastefulness is such an alien concept that it’s completely overlooked here.