- Comment on Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam 8 months ago:
Lmao, I think you and I share the same opinions on a lot of those things. I’m a very simple person, all those extra frills are wasted on me
- Comment on Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam 8 months ago:
Thank you, that makes a lot of sense. I think my misunderstanding comes from being a kbm gamer and just not experiencing games that took proper advantage of those features. I kind of just assumed we were talking about the same rumble from a PS2 or 360 controller. I hadn’t realized it’s become so much more advanced.
- Comment on Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam 8 months ago:
I appreciate the feedback! I’m primarily a kbm player, and I don’t really play any racing games so I see how I totally would have missed that. Thank you for your response homie!
- Comment on Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam 8 months ago:
Honest question, is vibration that important of a feature in your opinion? I don’t think I notice it all too much whether it’s there or not, so I don’t really have much of a preference and wouldn’t consider this a deal breaker. I didn’t realize people felt strongly about it. Is it an immersion thing?
- Comment on Despite Microsoft's push, Windows 11 and Edge see decreases in user share 10 months ago:
I’m planning on continuing with win10/Linux dualboot until I save up enough for a full PC upgrade, then it’ll be just Linux with a Windows 10 VM if absolutely needed. I have to use win11 for work and it’s absolutely awful. Alt tabbing gets stuck all the time, if I have more than one window open on a shortcut, pressing super+number gets stuck in the little preview window with nothing selectable. Can’t move the task bar to the top of the screen, it constantly freezes when logging back in. Just poop all around
- Comment on [Discussion] What are you're thoughts on a Steamdeck with a PSP Go form factor? 1 year ago:
I used to have one of those. It’s was definitely neat, and managed to survive a while, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. The biggest issue with something like this is that it adds more moving parts, which in turn increases wear and tear. For the screen to move, you’d need to either use a ribbon cable, or have weird contact points that only work in certain positions. Both of which aren’t great. Ribbon cables flex for a bit, but eventually tear, meaning no screen. The goofy contacts is slightly better, but eventually the sliding mechanism may go out of whack and now it isn’t making contact correctly.
- Comment on Why do some Spanish/English words share the same multiple meanings? 1 year ago:
I don’t recall all of the fun fine details of it, but waaaaaaaay back when, there was a math nerd who was also just as much of a religious nut. He’s the main idea behind why graphs work the way they do. Up and to the right is good, where as down and the left is bad. The direction right became synonymous with godliness and the left direction was for evil, just like up and down. In a weird way, math is hella religious
- Comment on What moment from a video game made you cry? 1 year ago:
The last of us part 1, Pittsburgh, with Sam and Henry. Gets me every fucking time, even though I know exactly what’s coming
- Comment on Accurate labeling 1 year ago:
This feels like a binding of Isaac reference
- Comment on Local pop radio station is using its metadata to spread anti Biden propaganda 1 year ago:
I feel like that doesn’t get discussed enough. The supplements provided under trump hindered way more than they helped. Might I remind you that those were promised and then delayed because Trump wanted his fucking name printed on the checks. Outside of that, the paycheck protection program was a disaster! So many companies took advantage of that while shitting all over the employees that that was supposed to help. All the while, mom and pop shops and other local places got shafted because the mega corporations tapped the fund. Then it all got forgiven?? You’ve got what is essentially neutered unemployment benefits performed solely to act as a clout grab, and you’ve got hyper inflation into the absolute wrong end of the scale of where it should go. More people focus on the former instead of the latter like the latter never happened.