- Comment on [Discussion] - What are some niche applications / use cases you've gotten working on your deck? 4 weeks ago:
I started “The Odin Project” in the deck, because the course prompted me to either mess with WSL2 on windows or switch to linux, so the SteamDeck it is :)
I also set up a secondary setup for my girlfriend with it, even tho my initial intention was to use it handheld most of the times, but it has worked out beautifuly, even with dual monitors!
And I use it as a SmartTV tool, I take it from my desk and dock it on the living room
- Comment on How to Install Waydroid on Steam Deck: Full Guide 5 weeks ago:
I just lend my steam deck to my girlfriend and she games around, your aproach is 100% valid
Valve released a console, and you can use it as you wish, if you want help with installing wayland let me know, or you can search for any other tutorial online
Have fun gaming :)
- Comment on How to Install Waydroid on Steam Deck: Full Guide 5 weeks ago:
Waydroid in this tutorial is running in a “cage” so it can run under X11 which is an older system used by the current KDE version in the steamdeck.
To install it on bazzite (under Wayland instead of X11), it’s even simpler.
rpm-ostree install waydroid
sudo dnf install waydroid
So if you are ussing bazzite, follow first option here
- Comment on How to Install Waydroid on Steam Deck: Full Guide 5 weeks ago:
For me it usually comes to:
- Android TV to dock the steam deck on my living room and use it as such
- Some very specific games, like PvZ2, or roblox
- Specific apps like “Stremio”, have a better touch screen experience under Waydroid compared to their flatpack version
- Comment on How to Install Waydroid on Steam Deck: Full Guide 5 weeks ago:
You are right
But in this case, the “steamos-waydroid-installer” creates a cage ( A wayland compositor running X11), and uses XWayland to render that. That creates a nested Wy
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to | 17 comments
- Comment on It's Time to Bring Back the Steam Machine 10 months ago:
Is your statement true? Probably
But if we set our standards to “enough”, there wouldn’t be any progress
Was the switch enough for couch gamers? Sure. Did valve want to progress further? They did.