- Comment on Best Way to Clone Micro SD Card Linux? 4 weeks ago:
Dd is a solid option, I’ve used to image emmc modules, make CD isos, clone drives etc., but Clonezilla is a great tool to have around and quite literally purpose built for cloning and imaging disks, that’s how I’d do it myself.
- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 4 weeks ago:
Combat changes put me off initially but honestly, enjoyed it far more than inquisition, combat is far closer to me:a and that’s a good thing, me:a is easily the best mass effect game mechanically (and that’s coming from someone who still loves me1), skill tree is massive and you can respec whenever to try different things, as an RPG I personally felt it’s quite strong. Also, felt da:v was more focused wrt maps, da:i has really large, empty maps that I originally tried to do everything in, by the hissing wastes unless it was shards or an interesting side quest I ignored it.
Felt them making companions invulnerable was a good idea too, da:i on nightmare they usually died almost immediately against things like dragons or dlc bosses unless you micromanaged the hell out of them.
Story wise, it’s me:2; you collect a bunch of experts for an impossible task. Personally, I like bioware RPGs, they’ve always been cheesy. Shepard has lots of one liners that are sarcastic quips, “it’s a big stupid jellyfish” comes to mind immediately, half the dialogue between Shepard and Garus in the later games (especially me:3). One criticism is probably shared with me:a, we had time to experience the me characters over the course of the games, they weren’t immediately like that, but honestly it never really bothered me, jade empire has really cheesy dialogue and is up there for me flaws and all.
IMO one thing bioware has always done well is world building and veilguard isn’t an exception to that for me, I like that the set the game in a region only really mentioned in previous games.
is it the best game I’ve ever played? No but definitely an enjoyable one, I personally feel we’ll see retrospectives in a handful of years like I’ve seen with me:a recently (another game that was actually solid and had some interesting ideas and concepts)
- Comment on default trackpad behavior while in gaming mode, but not in a game 1 month ago:
I swear I recall a “big picture mode” config in steam in the past but can’t seem to find that at all now either, sorry I don’t have an answer for you.
- Comment on [Discussion] What are you playing on your deck? - February 2025 1 month ago:
Morrowind (OpenMW) with Just good Morrowind it’s been a long time since I’ve done a full playthrough.
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard's impressive tresses feature '50,000 individual strands per character for over 100 hairstyles' 4 months ago:
It was reminding me of an evolution on Andromeda’s combat, actually plays well, went in not a huge fan of that change (da:o is still my favourite of the series) but after how dumb as fuck the companion AI was in inquisition (I always play sword and board, unless I micromanaged people in inquisition they’d all be dead during dragon fights), but ended up really enjoying it, between that and the sphere grid skill tree, there’s some decent stuff to work with.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - October 2024 5 months ago:
There’s a profile I tried on my desktop during update 8 that wasn’t terrible on an xbox controller, it’s surprisingly playable imo, works well with action groups, probably be way nicer on the deck with something like rotary menus on the trackpads and using the back buttons for modifiers.
I’d give it a try anyhow, just probably going to need some fiddling to get where you want.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - October 2024 5 months ago:
I’m replaying through the Metroid Prime Trilogy again, primehack is amazing.
- Comment on PC gaming fan Steven Spielberg says he "can't do controllers," prefers keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
It could totally be setup to feel/work like a trackball, remember playing a bunch of warframe with mine and being able to “throw” it and have it stop when you touch the pad again, took getting used to but substantially more flexible than a regular analogue stick.
- Comment on Using GPT-4 to generate 100 words consumes up to 3 bottles of water — AI data centers also raise power and water bills for nearby residents 5 months ago:
I would be really surprised if anyone is cooling data centres with city water except in emergency, that’s so unbelievably expensive (could see water direct from a lake though but that had it’s own issues too). I recall saving millions just by adjusting a fill target on an evaporative cooling tower so it wouldn’t overfill (levels were really cyclic, targets weren’t tuned for them), and that was only a fraction of what it’d have cost if we’d’ve used pure city.
- Comment on Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam 8 months ago:
I don’t use mine much anymore but I still have it out, was a really cool idea and while it had a learning curve, definitely made controller gaming possible with a lot of titles, steam input in general these days is fantastic for that but even so I’d totally buy a steam deck layout steam controller v2.