- Comment on HDMI 2.2 will be announced next month — and it may require a new cable 2 months ago:
I don’t know if I’m ready for DP yet, if I try to put them in my hole they don’t fit, I could probably make them fit I don’t know I might be doing something wrong and I do have a hole in the front and the back.
- Comment on Ubisoft Director Claims "Non-Decent Humans" Are Wishing For Company's Demise 4 months ago:
I disagree, wishing for a company that is objectively bad for society like Tobacco, Third party drug companies, housing investors, etc… is perfectly reasonable.
I also think wishing dose nothing and there real problem is often well earned negative press.
If you don’t want negative press don’t do anti consumer things and don’t blame a vague nebulous them as a boogeyman to place blame on just because you couldn’t play by the rules.
You rose to power during the rise of the internet you have no excuse you knew it was always like this, you just made shitty decisions that made society turn against you.
- Comment on Massive generational gap: Gen Z flocks to multiplayer, while 55+ sticks to single-player 4 months ago:
In other news they used to make good single player game and now they don’t.
- Comment on Can’t upgrade your PC to Windows 11? Buy a new one, is Microsoft’s laughable solution 4 months ago:
New Shitty “Os”*
(Legal Disclaimer “Os”* is actually malware)
- Comment on Nintendo shuts down Ryujinx 5 months ago:
Personally I don’t give a flying Fuck what the law says, breaking copyright is the only thing preventing the world from being more of a dystopian nightmare with subscription mice and trains that break down if you take them to a mechanic and I can’t wait for someone in china or India to take the Open source code and make a better emulator.
- Comment on Most Amazon workers considering job hunting due to 5-day in-office policy: Poll 5 months ago:
Sounds like some pathetic manager is starting to realize that the only way he can get friends is by paying them to be with him and now that isn’t even enough so he is having to threaten their job as well.