- Comment on Might as well get a laptop??? 4 weeks ago:
This is also a killer tablet, actually
Linux tablets when?
- Comment on Might as well get a laptop??? 4 weeks ago:
This is far too big, but still preferable over laptops if you just wanna game
- Comment on Sid Meier's Civilization VII is Steam Deck Verified with the Linux version ahead of release on February 11 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Funded in 5 minutes - the open source modular mini computer 'Pilet' is on Kickstarter 5 weeks ago:
What the fuck is this
- Comment on Steam Deck is getting official Nvidia GeForce Now support, with HDR 5 weeks ago:
I actually do
- Comment on The deck is a damn good manga reader 5 weeks ago:
it’s ready to use without any set up, it does not require you to install extensions, it functions on the bare minimum permissions
It’s newer than mihon which is built on tachiyomi and the reading experience at the end is similar, but even then I think that kotatsu is currently more of a rounded experience
Few things I noticed:
- Better interaction with manwha and reading alongside manga
- Better manga downloads
- Better notifications for new releases
- Easier to distinguish between who released in aggregators
- Easier to find alternatives for manga on different sites for official releases, better sites, or on the direct fansites
- Decent recommendations from different sites and what-not, where I found some interesting manga
- Focuses more on the manga in question more than the source of where it’s coming from
- Allows for manga sites with accounts to be able to be logged into, allows you to use coins and what-not that way
Also, some things that it js worse than mihon/tachiyomi at:
- If you have uncertain internet then it’ll hang on loading even though you have the entire manga installed to the drive, which doesn’t happen when you’re offline
- Slower updates on f-droid, so patches may come later
- Less of a community, less people to help with making kotatsu work with sites, so smaller sites are less focused on
- The reading progress isn’t as accurate, and may show 0% on manga that are up-to-date, 99% on manga that are done, and 100% even though there are still 3-4 chapters remaining
- Comment on The deck is a damn good manga reader 5 weeks ago:
Try kotatsu too
- Comment on Nexus Mods new cross-platform app v0.7.1 released finally supporting upgrades - better modding for Linux / Steam Deck 1 month ago:
Very cool thank you nexus
- Comment on [help] Getting my first steam deck tomorrow 1 month ago:
Set up parsec and play windows games Set up windroid and play android games
Also steam deck sleep feature is so fucking good you can stop anywhere
- Comment on Sid Meier's Civilization 7 Specs Were Released And It Should Run on Steam Deck - Steam Deck HQ 4 months ago:
I already like the direction this game is going, I had already found humankind to be a lot more fun (I still probably will prefer it due to the graphics it gives) but now that they support Linux I will give them my complete attention
- Comment on This Year's Gamescom Showed Us A Ton of Devs Care About Steam Deck Support - SteamDeckHQ 5 months ago:
Most people don’t know Linux. Those that do know it for the bad rep it has. Steam decks are the easiest way to explain that Linux isn’t as complicated as arch and isn’t as unusable as macOS for gaming