- Comment on Mechanism is having a sale on their Steam Deck accessories, including the Deckmate and Gaming Pillow 1 week ago:
Thank you for sharing!
- Comment on Mechanism is having a sale on their Steam Deck accessories, including the Deckmate and Gaming Pillow 1 week ago:
Has anyone used one of these gaming pillows? Is it worth it? I’m considering getting one.
- Comment on I Used to Teach Students. Now I Catch ChatGPT Cheats. 2 weeks ago:
I would only say that a calculator always gives people the right answer. ChatGPT does not. People should not be using any of these current LLM tools to seek answers to things they don’t plan on verifying through some other source.
- Comment on I Used to Teach Students. Now I Catch ChatGPT Cheats. 2 weeks ago:
If students can cheat on writing papers, why don’t we stop using it as a learning metric? Why not use in-person, timed tests instead?
- Comment on [Discussion] What accessories do you use with your steam deck? 4 weeks ago:
I use this dock by Skull & Co. because I needed a second dock. It’s half the price of the official Steam Deck dock and it has nearly all the same ports. It’s always functioned flawlessly.
I have purchased docks, cases, and thumb grips from them and they’ve all been great.
- Comment on FreeTube full screen 5 weeks ago:
That’s really odd. I don’t know what else to check.
I hope you are able to figure it out!
- Comment on FreeTube full screen 5 weeks ago:
I have a Steam Deck OLED and my Freetube uses the whole screen. Freetube v0.23.1 beta and SteamOS version 3.6.20
It might be the way you have Freetube installed. From Steam game mode, go to Freetube, then Properties, then Shortcut. This is what I have:
Start In:
Launch Options:
run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=/app/bin/ --file-forwarding io.freetubeapp.FreeTube @@u %u @@
I am not using any specific compatibility mode.
There is a problem though where the mouse pointer cannot select anything more than about halfway down the screen. To get around this, I have the controller config set as follows:
Right touchpad: mouse L2 & R2: right and left mouse buttons D-pad: arrow keys Left joystick - left: shift+tab Left joystick - right: tab Y: on-screen keyboard A: Enter
This will let you scroll with the d-pad, tab around, use keyboard, and select things with Enter.
I hope this helps.
- Comment on A 25-Year-Old Is Writing Backdoors Into The Treasury’s $6 Trillion Payment System. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1 month ago:
Do you mean Hacker News?
- Comment on A 25-Year-Old Is Writing Backdoors Into The Treasury’s $6 Trillion Payment System. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 1 month ago:
If they completely break the payments system, does that mean government employees stop getting paid?
Like no more federal government? No more ICE? No more military? No more FBI?
- Comment on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is Steam Deck Verified 2 months ago:
The video is okay, but without knowing the resolution or graphical concessions made, we don’t really have a good idea of how it looks.
I really want it to look and run great! Let’s wait and see.
- Comment on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is Steam Deck Verified 2 months ago:
Wait whaaat? How is it failing? I’m really curious to know your experience!
- Comment on What are your favorite accessories for the steam deck? 2 months ago:
This soft grip from Skull & Co. because it lets the deck stand up on its own.
- Comment on After a year in its company, I’ve done a complete 180 on my Steam Deck 2 months ago:
I think she means it will be unpopular, unknown, or not relevant. I am a gamer with a Steam Deck and I had no idea what the Index was or that it even existed until just now when you mentioned it here.
- Comment on Consumer Protection Officials Should Learn From OnlyFans 2 months ago:
It’s extremely likely that US citizens are going to lose many consumer protections once Orange Shitler is back in office.