its skill and timing based this time. dodging, jump attacks, parrying, etc. ultimates also are here.
its quite fun. companion moves are not automatic anymore and you can set certain combos to detonate. and unlike DA:I, companions can’t go down.
skill trees are awesome and I’m looking forward to trying different builds with each class.
the only downside is that enemies always target Rook. even with companions that can taunt, those taunts must be physically used by you and aren’t automatic.
it makes a mage pretty hard when starting out, but super powerful mid to late game. 4 months ago
Thanks for the details, but that sounds… Generic. I really hoped for it to have them pimping up the programmable combat. But i see why that might not be as commercially successful as it’s probably more niche.
I’ll try that one with a different expectation then. Thanks again. 4 months ago
It was reminding me of an evolution on Andromeda’s combat, actually plays well, went in not a huge fan of that change (da:o is still my favourite of the series) but after how dumb as fuck the companion AI was in inquisition (I always play sword and board, unless I micromanaged people in inquisition they’d all be dead during dragon fights), but ended up really enjoying it, between that and the sphere grid skill tree, there’s some decent stuff to work with. 4 months ago
Andromeda was ok in that regard. I will give it a shot in some many months when all is patched out and there may even be some mods (oh yes please) 4 months ago
if it doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, you don’t have to force yourself to play.
play what you like. 4 months ago
I never force myself. If it sucks, I’ll ditch it asap. But just because i would love the old combat, i also know it will never ever come back like this. I can also enjoy a more action-oriented combat. I just don’t prefer it when given the choice 😊 4 months ago
either way, hope you enjoy.