After a series of AI scandals, the CEO of Hasbro has revealed he’s “excited” about using the technology in “Dungeons & Dragons.”
Yes please, kill d&d so the creative people currently working on it move to others IPs you don’t control 🙏
Submitted 6 months ago by to
After a series of AI scandals, the CEO of Hasbro has revealed he’s “excited” about using the technology in “Dungeons & Dragons.”
Yes please, kill d&d so the creative people currently working on it move to others IPs you don’t control 🙏
It’s the year of Pathfinder, y’all
(Or Lancer, if u a freak like that 👅)
Me and my homies castigate the enemies of the godhead and ¿%:?extru!de gun.
“I’m probably more excited though about the playful elements of AI,” he said. “I play with probably 30 or 40 people regularly. There’s not a single person who doesn’t use AI somehow for either campaign development or character development or story ideas. That’s a clear signal that we need to be embracing it.”
So as a DM and Player, yes, there are uses for AI. Generating a good character portrait as opposed to scouring search engines is the obvious one. But I also had good useage with putting my loose outline in to AI story generators, while it only produced garbage cliches that I didn’t use. It was a good way to brainstorm and see different angles of my original idea.
Having said all that, I super duper don’t want AI to become a core part of DND/MTG, art in products should be ACTUAL art by ACTUAL artists. Not my 8 fingered free placeholder nonsense. I truly struggle to think of a good way that hasbro could be using AI that would help the game.
Naive hopeful me: maybe they will use it in the way it’s described. For gathering ideas, developing concepts. Hopefully a character generation tool. Where it leads you through step by step and keeps track of all things. Probably not gonna happen. Probably they use it to write the damn rule books with them including art.
They already have a character tools on both Dndbeyond and roll20. The rest are already in the “This is your life” section of xanathars. Nothing AI needed
Define “actual” in this instance, please. How unassisted are we going to attain this genuine art? Non-digital? Or, do these hypothetical makers need to concoct their own pigments, too? 🤷🏼♂️
Only art where you gather natural pigments with human hands, mix them yourself on a surface you made yourself out of fibers you gathered yourself shall be acceptable. Everything else isn’t actual art and is costing millions their jobs.
You know what’s funny? Professional artists probably use AI more than anyone. If not, they’re dumb. Why wouldn’t you use a tool that can 10x your output?
In terms of human perspective with digital tools AI’s difference of scale is a difference of kind. Photoshop fundamentally didn’t change the process and concept of producing images. It’s still a human sitting down with tools and producing art based off their ideas and rendered with their skill.
But AI removes that human process, now a string of keywords will mash up existing art to make a facsimile of something unique. AI doesn’t make anything new, it fundamentally can’t, therefore not really art. All of human culture is standing on the shoulders of historical giants, you and I can have this conversation because of someone else inventing computers, which exist because of someone utilizing electricity, which was only possible by the wheel, etc.
However I don’t think there is much to gain in criticism of an artist buying their paints from a store just as there isn’t any in artists using a mouse. Their perspective, skill and talent will produce something new, inspired by others undoubtedly, but not copy pasting brushstrokes. That’s just high level plagerism and intrinsically not unique.
I mean this is all philosophy of existentialism, what IS art and when does it become something else? The artistsy of the writers, painters and editors is what produces a compelling end multi generational international product like DND. Which is different than an end user using AI to spice up a character sheet inside the privacy of their own home.
AI is a wonderful tool, but only if the end use doesn’t really matter. My players and I don’t care about 11 fingered elves, but I’d be pissed to see that in a book I paid $50+ for. Just as I would be upset to read flavor text that recruisve of past writing or game mechanics designed by a machine incapable of actually running a session. If you are charging for a product, human artistry should be involved, anything else is free so who cares.
Great time to get into, oh, any RPG that isn’t connected to WOTC.
Ton of options available, including many designed to offer similar experiences to various editions of D&D if that’s your jam.
Sounds like a great reason to not buy any of the DnD 2024 shit then. My players and I are perfectly happy with 5e
DnD Beyond is laying all the ground work for full enshitification as they do a soft push away from 5e to whatever the fuck live service subscription and micro transaction model they’ll be pursuing.
They’ll probably try the “blind bag” monetization of minis again… or worse, do “blind bags” of subscription model virtual minis. cap-think
Never “buy” a digital only product. They have already taken them away once
I am happy getting physical products since they can’t be changed and I own them. Nothing digital ever again
I encourage you to try other ttrpgs, as well.
Solidifying that I’m not touching a dnd product again for a very, very long time.
There are so many other Tattoos to choose from now, so it’s pretty easy!
I assume you meant ttrpgs lol, and yup! My group currently plays Pf2e and Fabula Ultima. We’re looking at Slugblaster.
Only DND and AI combination I want is a massive random table. I want thousands of good human made ideas that I can query for a random selection using tags. This is not what is going to be made.
Using current AI for DND ideas gives the worse most cliche and generic responses that bore me to tears.
Expect a lot of smirking, winking, and excessive use of “squelch” sounds. sus-torment
Sound terrible
I swear all the CEOs on the planet have lost their damn mind.
And his last name is Cocks, so I guess this tracks.
When it’s not a marketing team bumbling things up, you instead surrender the creativity to someone’s fickle whims.
I’m sure this is going to go about as well as the star citizen’s devs (or owner) choosing to go with the crysis engine for their massive game on a whim.
you instead surrender the creativity to someone’s fickle whims
The corpos want entire game groups to surrender their own creativity to the diluted reconstituted slop churned out by the treat printers… and pay for that privilege.
I’m sure some will go for it, and never experience the joy of being creative themselves, or having a creative Dungeon Master for that matter. Just line up for more IP-regurgitating slop that burns down acres of forest amid all the prompt retries! brrrrrrrrrrrr
It’ll definitely lead to a few never-imagined-by-humans campaigns.
Now I want to plug in the rules to ChatGPT and let it run a session, just for fun.
AI is already becoming a core part os everything.
OSR is gonna go nuclear over the next year or so
Wow that sucks
AI art is going to do the same thing to fantasy art that digital art did: completely destroy the immersive feeling for the benefit of rich assholes who want to pump out slop quicker and cheaper
Whatever problems you might have with low-effort digital art, the two are not remotely comparable.
Digital art, at the least, didn’t uplift itself at the uncredited expense of the artists themselves, pushing them further into precarity.
That pic makes me think of Gauntlet
That photo is awesome.
Today, I scheduled the first one shot using DC20 rules. If it plays as good as it reads I’ll convert completely. CEO decisions should not have any impact on my private entertainment 6 months ago
Hasbro CEO is excited about not having to pay humans for their work anymore. Fify