I’ll start it off - Legend of Dragoon has my heart with this one
Max Payne. It sets the tone of the game at once.
Submitted 1 year ago by Yokozuna@lemmy.world to games@lemmy.world
I’ll start it off - Legend of Dragoon has my heart with this one
Max Payne. It sets the tone of the game at once.
Syndicate was a really niche entry into the Cyberpunk genre that flopped commercially but had some interesting ideas about corp-ocracy and the way businesses of the future would wage warfare against each other like nations used to.
That main menu music has echoed in my brain for years. Deus Ex: Human Revolution would have been first but Syndicate is less well known and I figured someone already mentioned DE:HR at some point here.
Duke Nukem 3D Gets me pumped to this day.
The tune’s but also the crisp crackly sound effects of the main menu navigation are inexorably tied up with it (in a good way)
Witcher 3, phenomenal music.
Crusader: No Remorse / No Regret
So many great remixes of it too.
The whole collection of music from Stellaris and Cyberpunk are both excellent.
Dragon’s Dogma.
Gotta be Into Free which was the original main title music from Dragon’s Dogma.
It was removed for Dark Arisen for reasons I am unsure of, so it isn’t even something you can experience without mods.
It is wildly different from the rest of the game’s music but still connected in a way, and sets a very different vibe. Great game, great music.
Metroid Prime or Mass Effect
Xenoblade Chronicles!
Let me introduce people here to “life is strange : Before the Storm” main menu music !
Depends on what mood I’m in.
Currently I’d like to chill, I’m pretty tired, maybe eat an edible if I had one.
So right now I’d have to say the Mass Effect 1 menu music: youtu.be/3GXVXYl3_8c?feature=shared
There used to be a mix I would fall asleep to several years ago. It was the engine humming mixed with the occasional beeping and status tones like a computer on the bridge, and the main menu music would play very softly every few minutes. Can’t find it anymore, although there are several of those each individually in hour long mixes.
If I want to get pumped though, doom 3 is a good one:youtu.be/rs0cSUIKKew?feature=shared although for actual main menu looping music, I’m going to have to agree with GONADS125, battlefield 1942 never fails to get me up and moving. It’s a very driving song.
Crackdown. youtu.be/ay9q298vbUc?si=Z9Hghm3Qf7kkH8_9
Uncharted 2 main theme for me… So short but so damn good.
The Ghost Recon theme has been stuck in my head off and on ever since it came out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwLIHqkqHcw
I didn't even play the game that much -- I think I beat it once, played the multiplayer a little, and moved on. But the music is catchy.
I use the F-Zero start screen tune as my alarm clock.
Ori and the Blind Forest has a great track throughout, but the menu is definitely a highlight.
Papers please
Final fantasy 4
While 4 is my all time favorite FF, I gotta give the best main menu theme to 9.
Fallout 3. Gives me frission every time I hear it.
I don't know if it was in the main menu, but if you walked onto your balcony in the PC game version of Blade Runner, Vangelis' Blade Runner Blues would play, mixed in with the rain and the sounds of the city. I spent a lot of time just standing on that balcony and letting the music play.
Definitely the kind of game where you stay too long in each menu because you don’t want to cut off the music
Many good ones here already. Another memorable one for me is Metal Gear Solid 3.
Not main menu but the MGS V deployment music while you’re picking out your gear really gets you amped for your next mission. (from 1:10)
The theme to the original Tomb Raider: youtu.be/fIWLT0QVPzw?feature=shared
I hope they keep this for the remaster, for the full nostalgia effect.
GONADS125@lemmy.world 1 year ago
The BF1942 theme/title music is the most epic to me.