In communist Poland you couldn’t simply buy movies on VHS so the only ones we had were Iron Angels I and II:
No idea where they came from and I’ve seen both way too many times.
Submitted 1 year ago by to
In communist Poland you couldn’t simply buy movies on VHS so the only ones we had were Iron Angels I and II:
No idea where they came from and I’ve seen both way too many times.
Today’s childhoods will be defined by watching some semi-obscure streamer or meme video on YouTube that only your friends understand.
Mine was Idle Hands, which my grandma taped for me when she noticed me watching an Idle Hands marathon. My love for this movie at such a young age really helps to explain my sense of humor as an adult.
an Idle Hands marathon
I actually kind of like the movie, but why would a channel play it on repeat?
Sometimes they just did that, I dunno why. Sometimes movies would play in a specific order then restart, and sometimes they’d play the same one back to back, usually if it was a newly released to TV movie.
The Thief and the Cobbler!
Oh my goodness, I remember for some reason people kept giving or lending my parents all these long play VHS tapes full of movies. Random video mix tapes where you didn’t know what you’d get next. Now and then some of them had kid movies (like the Sesame Street movie, Follow That Bird and there was at least one muppet movie), but most of them were PG and occasionally R-rated stuff, and I still watched it (except the R-rated stuff, but thankfully they were mostly pretty tame as I recall). I think my fave childhood movie was always on TV though: The Goonies.
Not a movie, exactly, but we had the VHS of the extended version of Michael Jackson’s Thriller and the making of the video. It was over an hour long. And amazing.
Idk how obscure, but “Puff the Magic Dragon” was definitely a weird one for me. Kinda glad it got lost (probably thrown out, who knows)
In the land called Honoli!
Full-disclosure… I found it online and am about to re-watch it
One of the things I put on when my son refuses to go to sleep- 5 minutes in, he’s out cold.
Lol, that’s pretty ingenious. It’s soothing and the animation is kinda boring, especially the beginning. Bravo
I had a VHS copy of the Empire Strikes Back that my uncle recorded for me when it played on one of our 3 local TV stations. For the holidays I had a recording of a bunch of the old holiday cartoons that would play in a marathon every Christmas, and one of Ghostbusters (for some reason it used to play every Christmas in the evening, so it became a Christmas movie for me).
Aside from that I’d mostly just rent the same VHS tapes from our local hole in the wall video rental place every weekend (Neverending Story and Inhumanoids) from the ages of 4-6. Then I think we got a real video store and my movie watching experience improved a bit. To be fair, the hole in the wall rental shop was probably only about 10 feet long and 6 feet wide inside, and the shelves of movies lined the walls, so there wasn’t a lot to choose from.
Or something that came up while channel-surfing on TV and decided to leave it on for a minute, put the control aside, and ended up watching the rest.
Back while in high school, one weeknight I stumbled across Jean Luc Godard’s “A Bout De Soufflé” (“Breathless”) at just the right moment when it seemed like the film was skipping. Intrigued, I left it on, soon enough figured out that this was intentional editing. By the end, my mind was blown and my way of looking at film and art had changed forever.
so true.
my uncle had a tv. and 2 movies on vcr. I saw “Smokey and the bandit” more then a hundred times. and “the sting” 30-40 times…
I lived in an in-between, I have a lot of dvds (even 2 blu-rays I think) but they’re not shitty at all, 90% were Disney films when original content was still a thing but we’d rewatch every time, nowadays my little sister, born in the era of streaming can’t handle not choosing what to watch on tv or not having a new film out every 2 months
Whenever I’m subjected to terrestrial TV, the only thing I end up watching is the second half of movies I’ve seen a dozen times before.
I grew up with only having 4 channels, but holy shit having some actual agency over what you watch was a game changer.
I basically knew every line of Space Jam by heart. I even knew when to look for the funny parts of the VHS when rewinding it and watching the movie in reverse.
“The Cat from Outer Space” we used to rent it all the time from blockbuster for me and when they switched to DVDs we bought it
Cats Don’t Dance. 20 years later I’m a furry.
Asterix. Doesn’t really matter which of the 30+ comics, or the 5 or 6 movies. No one knows Asterix in The US.
I don’t know Asterix, but I loved the shit out of Flight of the Navigator. I still drop a “compliance!” every once in a while when somebody asks me to do something.
Also, The Last Starfighter was fantastic and… The Last Unicorn was definitely a movie that was. That Unicorn was kind of an asshole, though. Watching it cringe in horror at feeling mortality was like, yeah asshole. Welcome to the slums of the mortal world, ya prissy bitch.
I’ve seen a lot of nods to Flight of the Navigator in here, but this is the first mention of The Last Starfighter. I saw that probably a dozen times because my best friend was obsessed for a while and we’d watch it every time I want over. I have very fond memories of that.
I grew up in the US and used to play the Asterix Sega game when I was a kid. I loved the art style and the characters.
Me and my brothers loved the Asterix and Obelix books, we used to get them every time we went to the library. We probably read through most of them several times.
We also really loved the Tintin books, it was crazy to me when they made a movie from them, prior to that i had never known anybody else who had heard of Tintin.
If i ever got the opportunity I’d love to start collecting them, would be a real nostalgia kick.
We watched Mission Cleopatra in French class! I was able to find it online. All my friends thought I was a weirdo.
The weirdest one that comes to my mind, was a vhs tape of some stop motion lego stories that me and my brother watched a million times.
Surprised I just found the whole thing on YouTube
My brother and I kept watching The Go-bots meet(?) the Rock Lords. This was back in the late 80s to early 90s.
Mom and Dad Save the World and then finding out that Jeffrey Jones is a child molester.
It’s incredibly disturbing, but then also somehow not entirely unexpected.
You can recreate this by spending time working in a remote location, like a fishing vessel, that doesn’t have any internet. All you can watch on your off time is what media you take out with you.
I watched “A River Runs Through It” probably 30 times one summer while commercial fishing, because it was one of the few movies we had that we all liked.
I should send my kids to work on a remote location, so that they can watch a VHS after a 14 hour shift? Sounds reasonable.
That’s why I said “recreate,” asshole.
Oddly, I think I’d like the opportunity to do something similar, if I could pick the media in advance. The same kind of vibe as Desert Island Discs.
Image Transcription: Twitter Post
Kris P. Bacon, @KrisWolfheart
kids today are missing out of the pre-streaming era, where your childhoold was at least partially defined by some semi-obscure movie your family just happened to own on tape and you watched several dozen times
Hellooooooo The Great Outdoors and Harry and the Hendersons.
Cocktail with Tom Cruise, and Independence Day. I watched the fuck out of both of those movies in late Elementary/early Middle School.
For me it was The Boy Who Loved Trolls, The Boy Who Could Fly, Flight of the Navigator and the Rainbow Brite episode/movie that contained this song:
This was the movie Troll for me with Sonny Bobo.
My condolences to anyone who grew up with the movie Plague Dogs
Mine were Shrek, Dickie Roberts, and When a Stranger Calls
Oh shit, Shrek is a classic kids movie now isn’t it…? :(
Yeah. My layers are shattering right now.
For me it was a CD, not a tape, but I watched the hell out of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Bonus points if you recorded it yourselves on VHS.
My daughter asked me what a VHS Player was last night. It was in one of her books, and I couldn’t tell her how it works. But I got to tell her why we say “rewind” when we reverse a movie.
Data is written to a tape in one direction. It’s on a very long magnetic ribbon. That ribbon is wrapped around two spools.
Once you read through the data you have to wind it all the way backwards to read it front to back again.
Complete with adverts for shops that no longer exist.
Oh, man. Idea: When watching a vintage movie on a steaming service they should run ads from the same time period.
Watch an 80s movie with 80s McDonald’s and Folgers commercials.
I really liked the movie titan AE and had it on VHS . When looking it up recently aparen it was really bad . Still might give it a rewatch some time though
It isn’t bad. The story and characters are a bit tropey, but the animation is gorgeous. I’d recommend watching it again. The nostalgia will probably more than make up for what it lacks.
Don’t let the haters get you down. Titan A.E. is a classic
I love this movie.
Saw it in theaters. Still like it.
Honestly my plan is to try and get copies of my family’s old home videos
Might be interesting to see if any kids I have being able to see when I was their age has any effect on how they see me as their parent 1 year ago
Or catching the same movie in different places over the course of a month before HBO changed its lineup.