- Comment on Victory! California Bill To Impose Mandatory Internet ID Checks Is Dead—It Should Stay That Way 6 months ago:
California government gets it right way more often than wrong. Here it is again.
- Comment on X says it’s closing operations in Brazil 7 months ago:
Good, now do the United States next! That’ll show 'em libruls!
- Comment on Saboteurs Cut Internet Cables in Latest Disruption During Paris Olympics 7 months ago:
Last week, French police arrested a russian agent in Paris, with plans to disrupt the Olympics, he couldn’t have been acting alone. But hey, at least we can enjoy the lack of stinky russian “by hook and by crook” petty bullshit in the sporting events themselves.
- Comment on Elon Musk calls for “criminal prosecution” of X ad boycott perpetrators 8 months ago:
They can always push trump bibles and anti-gay-frog pills. Or something. Whatever.
- Comment on ‘Dune: Part Two’ First Reactions: Rave Reviews Topped By Critic Who Claims, “It’s The Definitive Sci-Fi Epic Of A Generation” 1 year ago:
- Comment on Jon Stewart Says ‘Daily Show’ Return Was Prompted by Wanting to Have a “Place to Unload Thoughts” Ahead of 2024 Election 1 year ago:
It’s almost like a medieval peasant mentality, still regarding the presidency as some sort of faux-monarchy, with a certain aura, missing the point that an executive branch is not just a president who can work the cameras and microphones, that is just the tip of the iceberg, as there are a myriad employees chosen by the president and his top appointees.
There’s an old chinese curse - “May your children live in interesting times”, and there is a saying that the best leaders are practically invisible, as the whole group works towards a common goal.
We seem to always be living through interesting times, gravitating towards interesting characters, when what we really should want are boring government nerds who operate on reason and science, with no need nor inclination to make a loud splash. - Comment on ‘SNL’ Faces Backlash After Nikki Haley Makes Surprise Appearance During Cold Open 1 year ago:
500 clicks in an hour, half a goddamned penny of ad revenue, then it’s time to move on to the next droplet of junk content.
- Comment on Which James Bond movie do you consider the worst? 1 year ago:
One from each, excluding Lazenby (who happened to make my favorite) and non-canon (Never Say Never Again):
Connery - Diamonds Are Forever
Moore - A View To A Kill
Dalton - License To Kill
Dalton - Die Another Day
Craig - (I’m about to commit sacrilege here!) SkyfallOverall top worst:
Diamonds Are Forever - the tone change between On Her Majesty’s Secret Service and this is jarring to the extreme, the fake-hip dialogue stinks to high heaven (“forget it, Charlie! You had your chance and you blew it!”), the mafia types were obsolete, quaint and flat cinematic caricatures, when The Godfather came out just a few months later.
Bonus negative points for an unfit and disinterested Connery, seemingly in constant self-amused form at how little effort he can get away with onscreen for a then record million-and-change dollar salary.BUT…! There is another one, so much worse, but mercufully non-canon: 1967’s spoof Casino Royale, with David Niven, Peter Sellers and Woody Allen. Oh my GOD is that thing unwatchably awful!
- Comment on What the hell! Let's all just go crazy! 1 year ago:
Now that’s a Rubicon that I crossed ages ago.
- Comment on Tourists write-off uninsured rental BMW 4WD in river crossing gone horribly wrong in Iceland 1 year ago:
I thought 4WD meant that you drive with either two wheels or four doing the traction, and it’s a setting you turn on and off manually, while AWD turns each of the four wheels independently, which also allows for just one or three wheels turning, and it’s an automatic process.
- Comment on Back in my day 1 year ago:
Or something that came up while channel-surfing on TV and decided to leave it on for a minute, put the control aside, and ended up watching the rest.
Back while in high school, one weeknight I stumbled across Jean Luc Godard’s “A Bout De Soufflé” (“Breathless”) at just the right moment when it seemed like the film was skipping. Intrigued, I left it on, soon enough figured out that this was intentional editing. By the end, my mind was blown and my way of looking at film and art had changed forever.
- Comment on But it's just a Galaxy 1 year ago:
My god, it’s full of carbs!
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Obama FEMA Boncentration Bamps!
He’s coming for yer gunz!They repeat the same lie over and over and over again, and these one-dimensional simpletons swallow the entire thing, time after time after time.
The problem is, these one-dimensional simpletons vote.And you know who doesn’t vote? The other type of simpleton who swallows that other cherry-picking lie, over and over and over again: bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe.