My setup for YouTube on the deck was adding my browser as a non-steam game and letting it open in kiosk mode. Worked great for a long time. Today it started giving me a message like “check your device’s app store for the official app” and redirected me to default YouTube.
Anyone else got this problem? Any solutions? 1 week ago
I found the problem, apparently something in Firefox broke and disabled all my plugins because they can’t be verified, including “YouTube for TV”. Can’t even install new plugins right now and sometimes having Firefox open just randomly crashes my steamdeck. 1 week ago
This sounds like the root certificate expiry that just happened. You need to update Firefox to get the updated root certificate. 1 week ago
Yes that fixed it, thank you. Feeling a bit stupid for not having the idea to check for updates myself… 1 week ago
In addition to fixing Firefox, you may need to change the URL to
I don’t have YouTube TV anymore, but now redirects me to standard YouTube, while takes me to the TV web app. 1 week ago
Got “It looks like you’re outside of the United States. YouTube TV is only available in the US.” after logging in. Didn’t know the US had their own version :D 1 week ago
I just realized YouTube TV is not the same thing as the YouTube app on Android TV… 1 week ago
FYI it is a good time to move away from firefox given recent events at mozilla.
I have been liking Librewolf which is on the discover app downloader in desktop mode. 1 week ago
Don’t know much about this but now I’m curious. What happened to Mozilla and why do you recommend Librewolf as an alternative?