- Comment on Might as well get a laptop??? 2 months ago:
Hot take, but I see it having a market for people who just want to play on a tablet dedicated to gaming without futzing with peripherals. During break I stole my daughter’s tablet to play Gameboy games and it was possibly better than my deck (lighter weight, bigger screen, and shaders that give it a pixel grid w/ a GBC border frame).
This big thing is still not for me, though, as I’d prefer the versatility of going portrait mode because I would likely use it as a 3DS emulator depending on how good the touch is. DS screens fit quite comfortably on tablets in portrait mode. (Assuming I even have the disposable income, which I do not).
- Comment on Might as well get a laptop??? 2 months ago:
I’ve doing bezels play an additional role of protecting the screen. My most fragile monitor is the one with almost no bezel-- a tiny bump and kaboom, fucked monitor. I’m sure that plays a part in the design decision.
- Comment on Classic shooters Unreal and Unreal Tournament are now free and preserved on the Internet Archive 4 months ago:
Unreal was one of my favorite to multiplayer because the setting felt fun to explore with my friend, even if they stripped some of the story out. I’m glad it’s available in all it’s glory.
- Comment on Nintendo shuts down Ryujinx 5 months ago:
There’s a very very interesting story about nesticle but unfortunately I’ve forgotten it. Some kind of drama, a bit edge lord stuff, and I think someone died? It’s actually one of the first emulators, ever, though.
It was a very niche community back then though, long before IGN caught wind. Weird I only found out because of a crazy conspiracy theory uncle, though. Thanks for reminding me about UltraHLE, though!
- Comment on Nintendo shuts down Ryujinx 5 months ago:
As with Yuzu, I won’t be buying any more switch games. I’ll still be playing switch games, and so will my friends, but we won’t my buying them.
Honestly, I’ve lived watching emulators for decades. They can come and go and there’s always more, even ones that aren’t forks. Just today I was reminiscing on my first emulators, zsnes, no$gmb and nesticle. Y’all remember the peaceful zsnes snowfall? Good times.
- Comment on New Steam Agreement gets rid of forced arbitration and waivers for class action lawsuits 5 months ago:
That was technically my thinking too, haha. If you’re ever targeted by this (and it can be as simple as having a Google image placeholder in an unindexed page) you just need to be stubborn and spiteful. It’s not worth their time with so many other patsies, haha.
- Comment on New Steam Agreement gets rid of forced arbitration and waivers for class action lawsuits 5 months ago:
Having been sued by copyright vultures, I definitely get the difficulty with court. The minimum just to have a lawyer retainer was 2500. The vultures told us to essentially give them 2400 and the problem would go away (a strongly worded email managed to get them off my back, but mostly because they clearly used bots).
I can see it weed out small cases less than that. I guess it’d help if I knew what people were sueing over.
- Comment on New Steam Agreement gets rid of forced arbitration and waivers for class action lawsuits 5 months ago:
Seems like a good thing?
I was wondering if it was related to anything passed recently, because another service had to change privacy rules to opt in over a rule change in Cali. I just assume if it sounds like a good thing for consumers, it probably wasn’t their choice, lol, but I guess in this case it’s just a cost cutting measure.
I at least appreciate them being pretty clear about what’s different now.
- Comment on LG TVs start showing ads on screensavers 5 months ago:
I haven’t noticed, but I did hear you can root WebOS TVs which include LGs. I may look into it if it gets intrusive. The front page is already showing ads, after all, although not nearly as awful as my fire stick was before.
- Comment on It Takes Two does not require EA app anymore and its Steam Deck Verified now 9 months ago:
Man I really like the scene for it’s dark humor but it’s so hard to watch, lol.
Game overall is fantastic though! Definitely good with a significant other.
- Comment on It Takes Two does not require EA app anymore and its Steam Deck Verified now 9 months ago:
Yeah… that was a fun surprise for us.
- Comment on Vanguard takes screenshots of your PC every time you play a game 10 months ago:
I thought it was weird when my investment portfolio started investing heavily into Bad Dragon. I’m remember to close those tabs next time I log in.
- Comment on Steam Deck had a strong end to 2023 and a great start for 2024 1 year ago:
True about that stand alone nature, and I think they like to argue it let’s you play mouse based games (which is true but I still like a mouse, haha).
I think a pocket version would be to at least rework it. How it does that, I’m not sure, though… PS Vita had a weird touch screen back plate, but that kind of sucked. Maybe a touch pad along the sides? Idk. But of joystick, dpad and touch pad, I think the former two win for gaming on average.
- Comment on Steam Deck had a strong end to 2023 and a great start for 2024 1 year ago:
Haha, usually a smaller screen means cheaper prices… but obviously they’d need to setup the manufacturing and supply chains and whatnot. Having cracked mine open, I know it really wouldn’t be hard with parts they already use (it’s already very thin and efficient).
They are just really stubborn about the track pads… and given Valves lack of hierarchical structure, it’s hard for someone on their team to nix a feature as anyone involved and veto that decision.
But man, I’d buy so many as gifts— well, one or two, but good enough!
- Comment on Steam Deck had a strong end to 2023 and a great start for 2024 1 year ago:
I didn’t think Valve even expected this level of success, given previous flops. The company is a tad disorganized though, I don’t see them taking full advantage of it or offering a real sequel or alternative sizes anytime soon. (My wife requires a lite version, like Switch sized, cause admittedly the deck is a bit of a behemoth and she admittedly has tiny Asian girl hands.)
- Comment on Valves iFixit partnership is a game changer 1 year ago:
Apparently it’s a feature and not a bug (they didn’t let me return her, even for hospital store credit). I heard there are preventative measures available, though… ifixit brand condoms?
- Comment on Valves iFixit partnership is a game changer 1 year ago:
I second this! My decks screen got cracked for… probably toddler related reasons… and I was able to get everything to repair it no problem.
Wasn’t terribly cheap though, I hope ifixit can score a partnership with a shipping company or something cause shipping adds up fast if you, say, mess up the two sided adhesive… for toddler related reasons… and need a quick second order of just the adhesive.
- Comment on Once again, I am calling on manufacturers to improve their sealing glues 1 year ago:
Literally me today with a small soap container, but it was a trifecta: the lid separated from a plastic seal under it as with the picture, with the tiniest of rim you can barely get with your fingernails to pry it off to begin with, and a seal so strong you can’t just puncture it with you fingers.
As with another suggestion I just used thermite.
- Comment on Here's what a random person on the internet thought of Lords Of The Realm 2 1 year ago:
I played this as a kid and I loved it. I bet now, as an adult who understands gameplay, it’s probably a ton more interesting!
- Comment on Steam Deck OLED Plays Better Than Steam Deck LCD: Big Input Lag Reductions 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t feel remorse over that, you joined the cool gamers club and that’s what matters! Did you at least get the 20% off they were pushing here and there?