- Comment on small upgrade to my steam deck 1 month ago:
What monitor is this?
- Comment on Steam Deck game library now 29% larger than that of Nintendo Switch 8 months ago:
I like the Deck, but lately been using my Switch again because I like the battery life and the smaller form factor sometimes. I hope Valve releases a Deck that is a little easier to slip into a bag and that can do a bit better than 1.5-2.5 hours of battery life.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Okay internet rando, I’ll take your word for it because you’re “confident”
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I’m not really interested in arguing about it with someone who would rather be stubborn or insult others. When the conversation goes there, as it has, it usually is cover for something. It’s probably an indication you’ve got some personal connection to the issue that is making you biased about it (present cannabis user, seller, etc.) and feel like you need to protect something. That’s a lot of the people on this thread. I don’t have that. I’ve used marijuana. I’m over it. It’s fine if others want to. I don’t really care.
From the studies, there is a potential risk to your heart (heart disease, heart attack, stroke) from Cannabis use. I’ve already provided more information than I really cared to about the topic. Do with the info what you will. Or don’t. It makes zero difference to my life. I’m done with this conversation.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Still too early to really say for sure. You don’t really know yourself and you aren’t citing any studies.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
You can provide evidence of that if you have a study, otherwise I think we can’t really say that with certainty.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Idk heart disease is kind of a big deal. Using neither is probably best.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
There are multiple studies beyond the Forbes article.
I do have a close friend that has used heavily cannabis for years and she has been treated for heart issues recently. She’s still young… too young for heart issues. I can see the link.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Marijuana may be bad for your heart…/marijuana-and-e-cigs-can-harm-heart-tr…
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Maybe you haven’t yet learned to recognize the impacts of marijuana on people
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
The top post on here has someone claiming bud is safer without linking, but they are greatly upvoted. I hope you have the same feedback for people with opinions that support your biases.…/marijuana-and-e-cigs-can-harm-heart-tr…
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
There is new research that marijuana may be bad for your heart.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 Has Been Completed by 1.3 Million Players, Shadowheart is Most Popular Love Interest 1 year ago:
I never played DnD. I bought it because of the rave reviews and it’s been fun. Glad to support real AAA without the upsell shenanigans.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 Has Been Completed by 1.3 Million Players, Shadowheart is Most Popular Love Interest 1 year ago:
That’s awfully speciesist of everyone.
- Comment on Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 1 year ago:
I’m only interested in GTA 6 for the single player game. Never played GTA 5 online for more than 30 minutes. I wish they had given us some single player DLC, but I guess Rockstar decided they could make the same amount of money selling a handful of people fake in game currency so why bother. It sucks for those of us that like the single player because it means we get a new game once a decade now. Used to be that Rockstar released a new GTA every couple years.
- Comment on In the last 1000 years we have not advanced as a species. We are just as tribal, dogmatic and reactionary as we always were. Given that scientists are people too, will science save us? 1 year ago:
Scientists are egotistical too… opposed with self-promotion and citations.
- Comment on George Santos joins Cameo; John Fetterman uses it to troll Bob Menendez 1 year ago:
If he can keep his health
- Comment on Amazon, DoorDash, Walmart, trapping workers in poverty: UN rights expert 1 year ago:
They subsidize their profits with food stamps.
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
True and all the road will be blocked with traffic, so you can lane split with the motorcycle.
Problem is you’re sleeping in the open air unless you grab the tent. Also can’t really build a collection of supplies.
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
What’s the body armor for? Zombies will bite you on the neck.
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
I chose the same top 3. Torn on the 4th between fire ax, first aid, or flash light.
- Comment on What'll It Be? 1 year ago:
4 months or 40?
- Comment on GRRRR 1 year ago:
Lemmy is just dad jokes
- Comment on De omnibus dubitandum 1 year ago:
Academic philosophy is mostly concerned with the Greeks and Germans. The Romans had their philosophers, but they did not have the same influence on modern thought.
Also, often times philosophers do use an original word or phrase because it cannot be translated well into English. Language evolves over time and concepts as they were originally understood can be lost or muddled by modern uses of a word used to substitute. Also, etymology is more and more important in philosophy.