- Comment on Microsoft wants a slice of Valve's pie (and more Deck gaming news) 1 week ago:
I doubt a single person who is currently enjoying the openness of a Deck, Go, Ally, et cetera will voluntarily blunder back into a freedom-restricting walled garden of any sort.
yeah, I’m sure you could have made the same statement in the early 2000s about ipods and macs and iphones. Those people you are talking about are early adopters, also, it’s already currently flawed since most people who are currently using that format of gaming hardware are using a Nintendo Switch, which is about as walled of a garden as you can have.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
It makes decisions.
It generates content.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
this is stupid, there’s SO many indie games using procedural generation which is fucking generative AI. It’s in a shitload of them, from speulunky to Darkest Dungeon 2.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
By using you or that person there.
Also fuck you
- Comment on Steam’s Nathaniel Blue Talks Meeting Gamers Where They’re At And How They’d Bring The Steam Deck To Malaysia 1 year ago:
Jfc I thought it was shitty of valve to jot worldwide release everything, but missing Australia just seems a step too far