- Comment on What to claim from Prime Gaming, February 21st edition - plenty for Steam Deck / Linux 2 weeks ago:
That what I use for gog games.
- Comment on Amazon's previous VP of Prime Gaming said they "tried everything" to disrupt Steam 2 weeks ago:
I like prime gaming, sure I haven’t actually bought anything but Amazon has given me a decent gog library and an ok Amazon games one.
- Comment on Civilization 7's post-launch plans include free multiplayer and Age features and paid Ada Lovelace 5 weeks ago:
The words in the article. Great Britain/English is a paid dlc. You can’t play with the same number of players in each age at launch. You can’t do hot seat multiplayer at launch.
- Comment on Civilization 7's post-launch plans include free multiplayer and Age features and paid Ada Lovelace 5 weeks ago:
Post launch plans include finishing the game and packaging popular civs as paid dlc.
- Comment on Man in charge of Diablo thinks we should start calling games that he thinks are like Diablo 'Diablo-likes' 3 months ago:
I thought we used arpg for that already.
- Comment on Crypto genius 1 year ago:
You probably wouldn’t need laundered crypto, but you would need to be able to hide it from the bankruptcy court. This only works if you can clear the credit card debt.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
This sort of exists. Amazon had unmanned convenience stores that used cameras to track purchases. Sam’s club had an inventory robot the last time I was there. It’s not star wars level tracking, but it’s somewhat close.
- Comment on When is it okay to drop out of college? 1 year ago:
- IT can be a good career without a degree, but it absolutely helps.
- Maintaining a full time job is far more demanding than college. If you can’t stick it out in class, I’m concerned about sticking with the job too. No job and student loans is even more stressful.
- You probably won’t go back, also classes expire if you aren’t actively taking classes. Yes it’s bullshit, but look into this before you decide.
- 40k debt isn’t awful, but 2 more years without payments is going to really balloon that. If you try to finish, doing everything you can to finish faster would be better.
- Comment on Never forgetti 1 year ago:
That makes more sense. I thought it was some 90s era novelty phone based on the pattern of holes.
- Comment on How long could one survive with only water and beer and no food? 1 year ago:
High malt, low alcohol beers could keep a person surviving for a pretty long time. You would likely run into some deficiencies in certain vitamins eventually, but that would take months to be a problem.
- Comment on Why are there circles of melted snow on this icy pond? 1 year ago:
If it’s used as part of waste water treatment these could be areas where water is released.
- Comment on Giving blood exception 1 year ago:
Mad cow disease was prevalent.
- Comment on Do I need a license to kill a squirrel? 1 year ago:
If you intend to eat it, a hunting license is required.
- Comment on Do I need a license to kill a squirrel? 1 year ago:
For species that are listed as nuisance animals, it can be legal to kill them without a hunting license and out of a hunting season. If there’s evidence that the animal is causing significant harm, it can generally be killed.
- Comment on Why people say good morning (or something like that) on chat after a night? 1 year ago:
To me someone saying good morning in a group chat is usually a bit of a fuck you to other members that aren’t having a good morning.
- Comment on How to stop thinking about an interaction from my past? 1 year ago:
Forgiveness is how you move past things. Also time helps, but mostly you choose to move on and get over any real or imagined slight. Your anger and resentment only hurts yourself and those close to you.
- Comment on 1 imitation whipped cream tub with a side of pie, please. 1 year ago:
Cool whip is the margarine of the whipped cream world.
- Comment on How do you know if you can win in texas hold'em? 1 year ago:
Not in the same sense as with blackjack, but you can keep track of public cards to determine odds of a card appearing. For example, if you have one king in hand and there is one on the flop, it’s unlikely that 1 of the next 2 cards will be a king, so counting on it for a winning hand is a bad bet.
- Comment on Court rules Gabe Newell must appear in person to testify in Steam anti-trust lawsuit 1 year ago:
You’re going to need a lot more than just I’m afraid of covid to get out of being in person for a trial. People with actual fears of being killed for testimony, still appear in person. At this point with vaccines making any serious complications nearly impossible for covid, it’s a really desperate attempt to avoid attending.
- Comment on Court rules Gabe Newell must appear in person to testify in Steam anti-trust lawsuit 1 year ago:
Court is boring AF, he’s just using covid for an excuse to avoid having to go. I can’t really blame him for trying, but I’m not surprised it didn’t work.
- Comment on Can this discoloration be fixed? Is it rust? 1 year ago:
Looks like you’ve worn the plating off, you can probably remove the black smudge, but nothing is bringing the color and finish back.
- Comment on In the Hamas/Israel war, why does Palestine have "hostages" but Israel has "prisoners"? 1 year ago:
Prisoners also implies a minimum level of treatment that hostage doesn’t.