- Comment on The FCC proposes requiring robocallers to disclose when they’re using AI 7 months ago:
How about just ban fucking robo callers. Do not fucking make my phone ring if it isn’t a human on the other end.
- Comment on Owners Report Valve’s Priciest Steam Deck Model Has A Cracking Problem 11 months ago:
So you’re saying it was never about ethics in gaming journalism?
- Comment on I used to be a frame rate snob but owning a Steam Deck has made me realise the error of my ways 11 months ago:
It’s not just look precision, it’s the limited number of buttons. A great example is how amazing and complex combat is in the Witcher 2 because it was a PC first game, and how much it was simplified for the third game to target console.
- Comment on I used to be a frame rate snob but owning a Steam Deck has made me realise the error of my ways 11 months ago:
This feels like cope. Controller input with limited movement and look velocity definitely hides a lot of performance issues, but also it also massively limits control complexity. Basically all modern AAA games are harmed to some degree by needing to support controllers imo.
- Comment on Airbnb is banning indoor security cameras 1 year ago:
Look, obviously the host is a landlord and therefore torturing them to death is the only moral option. /s
- Comment on Airbnb is banning indoor security cameras 1 year ago:
Plausible deniability. If ABnB allows cameras in common areas, customers probably agree to that possibly in the ToS. So if they find one, the legal questions get wrapped up in “what is the definition of hidden according to the contract language.” But if cameras are banned outright, it’s much more clear where any legal or civil liability falls, and finding a hidden camera becomes a legit legal problem for the host.
- Comment on The advancement of humanity 1 year ago:
- Comment on The advancement of humanity 1 year ago:
2023 Republicans: that wrapper can’t tell me what to do.
- Comment on GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles 1 year ago:
Because they know most PC gamers have at least one console as well, and they’ll buy it on release at full price, and then again on PC for the better gaming experience.
- Comment on GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles 1 year ago:
The reality is that even if you are patient, this is complete bullshit.
- Comment on GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles 1 year ago:
This is stupid because they literally developed the damn game on PC. The only reason to do a console release is artificial scarcity. They know a certain sunset of PC gamers will but the game twice. Once on console for FOMO. And again on PC for the proper experience.
- Comment on Air: Where did that bring you? Back to me. 1 year ago:
You have clearly never lived with an old air cooled VW engine and dealt with it overheating in traffic.
- Comment on Air: Where did that bring you? Back to me. 1 year ago:
The whole point for AIO water loops is that you have more flexibility in radiator placement. For advanced systems you can beat static copper tubes pretty easily by moving more water.
- Comment on ...did everyone get this? 1 year ago:
Hah, now there is nothing candlejack ca
- Comment on Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours 1 year ago:
After Arena Commander was released, while they were testing early stages of flyable ships, they implemented a tiered release process where a small group of hand picked players were given access to release candidate builds before these were pushed to “alpha subscribers.” In practice, this was supposed to help reduce server loads for testing purposes, but in practice it meant we would go months at a time between playable updates, while a select few stared to control outsized influence on the development meta. At times it meant that the game was actually completely broken and unplayable in the public universe for extended periods, while the special test group would go on about how “trust us, it’s not ready yet,” even though the newer build were clearly more stable.
Also, in those early days, it was already obnoxious enough going back and forth with forum power users over shit like accurate G force simulations, control scheme preferences and weapons balancing, and then suddenly most of us were completely cut out of that conversation.
To me, this was a departure for what I signed up for, which was to be an alpha tester. In my mind, the generous sums of money I spent on ships and weapons was supposed to buy me two things - access to real time development of a revolutionary gaming concept, and perhaps a small amount of influence on that development (even if that just meant reporting bugs focused on things I cared about). When they implemented the tiered release system, both of those things were negated. All of use who we’re not selected for the real alpha test were excluded from the meta, and the real access to the development process, and were instead walled off behind an increasingly tall “community management” fence.
- Comment on Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours 1 year ago:
I’m sure it is, but they lost me a decade ago when I paid for “alpha access” made dozens of bug reports, put a hundred hours into a broken game, signed up at least ten other people, and then lost alpha access because I wasn’t enough of an influencer.
All I wanted to do was play a buggy fucking game and give them free (professional) QA and they instead decided to restrict access to a bunch of extra exclusive PTU alpha influencers. That’s the second I decided to not give them any more money or free labor.
- Comment on I hate getting up early. 1 year ago:
Trust me when I say that this is the easy part.
- Comment on Court rules Gabe Newell must appear in person to testify in Steam anti-trust lawsuit 1 year ago:
Gaben will then slowly drop his head and whisper into the microphone with a wry chuckle - “You fool. You have just activity trap card.”
Immediately, the Half Life 3 release will drop. Gaben has been holding it back, continuously updating for decades, awaiting exactly this moment. The judge, completely flabbergasted at the proceedings will immediately declare a mistrial. Legal scholars will then study the “Gaben defense” for decades.
- Comment on Court rules Gabe Newell must appear in person to testify in Steam anti-trust lawsuit 1 year ago:
Oh lawd he comin
- Comment on Do guys that tip cam models hundreds of dollars week after week think that model actually likes them? 1 year ago:
I am more curious why you care what other people do with their money.