- Comment on IATSE and Teamsters Warn of Another Hollywood Strike at Massive Rally: ‘Put Your Helmets On’ 1 year ago:
O’Brien, who built a national profile last year with a threat to strike at UPS, was more combative.
“We have a message for the white collar crime syndicates known as the studios,” he said. “When you fuck with the Teamsters, or any other union, it’s a full contact sport. Put your helmets on and buckle your chin straps.”
- Comment on Just watched Dream Scenario and loved it! Are there any other similar movies you recommend? 1 year ago:
What did you like about it?
If you liked the story, I highly recommend all of Charlie Kaufman’s other movies, starting with Adaptation, Being John Malkovich, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
If you liked Nicolas Cage, you might try two of his most recent movies, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent and Pig as well, or even his older movies like The Rock, Con Air, Face/Off, etc. if you haven’t seen them.
- Comment on Inside the Coyote vs. Acme Rollercoaster From a Voice Actor at the Front of the Campaign to Save It 1 year ago:
I don’t pirate movies, but I would for this one. What damages could they even possibly claim?
- Comment on Wendell Pierce Cast as Perry White in James Gunn’s ‘Superman’ | The actor will lead 'The Daily Planet' as boss to Clark Kent and Lois Lane 1 year ago:
“Clark, you motherfucker. Fuck! Fuckity-fuck-fuck fuck. And Lois… what the fuck! You dumb motherfuckers have really fucked us this time.”
And scene
- Comment on Here’s your first look at Tron: Ares, premiering in 2025 1 year ago:
Ugh. How does this creep keep getting roles?
- Comment on The case for 4K Blu-ray in a world of streaming 1 year ago:
Well if Christopher Nolan says so
- Comment on Streaming Ads Are So Much Worse Than Traditional Ad Breaks | MZS | Roger Ebert 1 year ago:
Yep, it was Pi-hole!
- Comment on Streaming Ads Are So Much Worse Than Traditional Ad Breaks | MZS | Roger Ebert 1 year ago:
I built a DNS proxy that filters all third-party ads, but ads for the same service (e.g. Paramount advertising its own shows) are hosted by that service, meaning they get through.
- Comment on Streaming Ads Are So Much Worse Than Traditional Ad Breaks | MZS | Roger Ebert 1 year ago:
Paramount used to show no ads whatsoever for their no-ads plan, but now they show an ad at the beginning for another show. For the longest time it was unskippable, but at least now these can be skipped.
Hulu does the same thing. No ads should mean NO ads!
- Comment on ‘Office Space’ at 25: The Unlikely Cult Hit That Had Its Cast “Biting the Inside” of Their Cheeks From Laughter 1 year ago:
I used to have office jobs just like this; it’s much worse today. The office jobs depicted in the movie are slower paced, just like office jobs used to be. In other words, despite the level of drudgery and manual toil, people generally had time to actually do their job. Not everything was optimized into oblivion, and that was a good thing. It gave people time to learn, gain mastery, investigate options, and be creative. It wasn’t perfect by any means, but it was a better time.
Now, besides an “always on” demand that many companies expect, if you have to work on site (in order to prop up the company’s real estate investment), forget about a cubicle. Cubicles got a bad rap, but they enabled each person to imbue their workspace with some of their own personality, and they provided a modicum of privacy. Now you only have an open floor plan with desks side by side, and more likely than not, the desks are hot (meaning you have to reserve them in advance). There are very few offices except for executives.
No one has time to do anything, and on a very much related note, many roles that used to be dedicated no longer exist. Instead, their job functions were piled on top of the job responsibilities of people who already had too much on their plates to begin with.
Frankly, in many ways Office Space is nostalgic for me these days. The only two things I have over it are that I work remotely (pros and cons) and I don’t have to wear a pressed shirt and tie anymore.
- Comment on Official Trailer for Star Trek: Discovery's 5th and Final Season 1 year ago:
I have to admit that I’m impressed at how incredibly committed the haters are to continue stewing in their negativity and commenting on a show they despise many years after they stopped watching.
There were problems with the show from the beginning, and there have been some clunky, eye-rolling choices and dialogue, but it’s had some good storylines (particularly season two) too.
It was an incredibly bold decision to jump into the far future of the Star Trek timeline. That was probably the most dynamic choice in any Star Trek media since The Next Generation launched, a series which also garnered a lot of hate from Star Trek “fans.”
Of course, Discovery is no TNG, and the writing isn’t as good, but I can appreciate that it’s tried to do something completely unique each season.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to the final season, although I won’t mourn it once it’s gone.
- Comment on Game of Thrones Prequel Knight of the Seven Kingdoms Eyes Late 2025 Premiere 1 year ago:
It’s literally based on his Dunk and Egg novella series, collected in a book.
- Comment on ‘Game of Thrones’ Bosses Confirm Film Trilogy Ending Got Blocked; AT&T Execs Asked Them to Shoot Vertically So Episodes Could Fit on Phones 1 year ago:
Executives are the worst
As the WSJ reports: “Benioff and Weiss, who have been friends since grad school, weren’t crazy about HBO’s then-owners, AT&T, whose executives once asked whether ‘Game of Thrones’ could be shot vertically so it would fit on your phone. The company also openly discussed the idea of snackable mini-episodes of the series.”
- Comment on ‘Last Week Tonight’: John Oliver Returns To HBO & Offers To Pay Clarence Thomas $1M A Year To “Get The F*** Off The Supreme Court” 1 year ago:
The problem is he likes the status of power and influence more, he just wants to also be rich. But honestly, this is actually a good deal for him if he were thinking about retiring.
And the guy is 75. His maternal grandfather lived to be 76. John probably wouldn’t be on the hook for very long.
- Comment on Linda Hamilton says she wouldn't star in a 'Terminator' reboot: 'It's been done to death' 1 year ago:
There are lots of places you can go with the concept, but only so many places you can go if you constrain yourselves to continuing that particular story.
The story was successfully completed with the original movie, but T2 took the concept and competently spun it on its head while continuing the story. After you’ve done that, what’s left to do? Apparently only retreads of the first two movies.
Put another way, the series is oriented around Man vs. Technology (and more broadly, Man vs. Fate) and can’t break from that or it becomes unrecognizable, unless you want to see John Connor consumed by inner conflict, or trying to survive nuclear winter, or organizing his fellow humans to protest harsh robot prison conditions, or I guess ghosts show up for some reason?
The only way thatI can think of that you could flip it on its head again is by personifying Skynet as a humanoid robot who has a chance to work harmoniously with humans, but fate tragically works against it and the humans are mean to it and Skynet decides they all need to be wiped out.
Or the resistance reaches Skynet and John Connor spends an hour in rigorous philosophical debate about the nature of man and machine, a la My Dinner With Andre. Which… look, I’m gonna be honest, I would totally watch that, but it would piss everyone off. 😂
- Comment on Invincible: Season 2 Part 2 - Official Trailer (2024) Steven Yeun, J.K. Simmons 1 year ago:
Conveniently split so that the back half airs after they started showing ads
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video Ad Tier Sparks Class Action Lawsuit From Subscribers 1 year ago:
I still get two-day shipping, along with one-day and often same-day, so definitely worth it to me.
I forgot about The Boys. Maybe I’ll wait for the next season to come out and then pay $3 for exactly one month in order to binge the whole season.
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video Ad Tier Sparks Class Action Lawsuit From Subscribers 1 year ago:
The value proposition of Prime Video for me as an existing customer is so low at this point that it’s not worth the extra $36/year to watch their shows ad-free. I’ve watched everything I’m interested in and the shows I liked have all ended, with one heavily qualified exception (Rings of Power). I’d cancel it entirely like I did with Netflix and “Max” if the shipping benefit didn’t make it so worthwhile to me. Maybe I’ll just delete the app from my media player and move on with my life.
- Comment on Spike Lee and Denzel Washington reuniting for Akira Kurosawa remake 1 year ago:
A Spike Lee joint
Angela Bassett as Kaneda
Denzel Washington as Tetsuo
- Comment on Kumail Nanjiani Reveals He Went to Counseling Over ‘Eternals’ Bad Reviews: “I Do Have Trauma” 1 year ago:
He should really take a page from Michael Caine when he talked about Jaws 4.
I have never seen it but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built and it is terrific.
- Comment on ‘True Detective: Night Country’ Is One Of The Most Disappointing Mystery Shows Ever Made 1 year ago:
This kind of hyperbolic negativity for movies, shows, and games is rampant on YouTube, and it’s so exhausting until you say “don’t ever recommend this to me again” for the laundry list of popular channels that do it.
- Comment on A Very Brief Analysis: The Phantom Menace 1 year ago:
I think the best analysis of this movie I’ve seen was the Plinkett review. I never really processed prior to that that the movie has no protagonist.
- Comment on ‘SNL’ Faces Backlash After Nikki Haley Makes Surprise Appearance During Cold Open 1 year ago:
Every time I see “backlash” in a news headline it’s always just Twitter culture warriors who are always angry about something
- Comment on Commercials Are Streaming’s New Norm, and Creators Aren’t Happy: “It’s Almost Worse Than Broadcast” 1 year ago:
Welp, Paramount Plus has the Super Bowl and then Halo S2, which looks like it might be worth watching. After that it goes on the canceled pile with Netflix and “Max.”
I only have Hulu and Disney Plus at this point because they’re bundled with my phone plan, and Prime because of Amazon. I have Apple TV+ during MLS season.
But otherwise I’ll just stick to my Blu-ray collection and sign up for Netflix ad-free or whatever for two months every two years and binge everything worth watching. My backlog is long enough to last me years at this point.
- Comment on Brad Pitt set to star in Quentin Tarantino’s final movie – report 1 year ago:
He and Hayao Miyazaki should form a club
- Comment on Which James Bond movie do you consider the worst? 1 year ago:
I felt like they were just mostly OK. Not bad for the most part, but not as good as many others. I did feel his run was way, way too long.
- Comment on Which James Bond movie do you consider the worst? 1 year ago:
I actually watched them all back to back a couple years ago and ranked them as I went. Here’s my complete list, from top to bottom:
- Casino Royale
- From Russia With Love
- Skyfall
- Goldfinger
- Dr. No
- On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
- Thunderball
- For Your Eyes Only
- The Spy Who Loved Me
- GoldenEye
- The Living Daylights
- Tomorrow Never Dies
- Spectre
- Quantum of Solace
- No Time to Die
- You Only Live Twice
- Octopussy
- License to Kill
- The World Is Not Enough
- Never Say Never Again
- Moonraker
- Die Another Day
- Diamonds Are Forever
- A View to a Kill
- The Man With the Golden Gun
- Live and Let Die
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Lemmy is to small for this kind of drama. If you want movie review threads, start movie review threads. Less complaining, more doing.
- Comment on Is the sixth sense worth watching now ? 1 year ago:
I mean, in the time you took to get your answer you could have just watched it. This feels like a lot of prep for a 108-minutes commitment.
- Comment on ‘Blade Runner’ Star Rutger Hauer Took Exception to His Character Roy Batty Being Labeled a Villain 1 year ago:
Roy is the protagonist in his own man vs. society story. Society is the real villain in Blade Runner.