Yeah collabera have been doing tons of awesone stuff in Linux graphics world for a while!
Comment on SteamOS 3.6: How the Steam Deck atomic updates are improving 9 months ago
I’m surprised I haven’t heard much about Collabora partnering with Valve before now. From reading their articles about it, it sounds like they’re largely responsible for the Deck’s update framework and for pressure-vessel
which is designed to provide a standard linux container for games to run inside of (think of it like a flatpak but just for steam games). 9 months ago 9 months ago
IIRC SteamOS development is mostly outsourced to contractors like Collabora and Blue Systems with Valve having only a handful of people to oversee the development and the occasional in-house developer. 9 months ago
Collabora has been quite active in the field, e.g. they’re the prime developers of WINE’s current Wayland solution. So it makes sense for Valve to partner up with them.