To me, that is sure evidence that it will be the normal screen in the next deck. I’m guessing a summer 2025 release. Resolution Will make it just perfect enough to make tiny text readable, which is the only thing the current stock screens need. Reading texts in games like witcher 3 are a bit of a pain. Have to set up magnification stuff on the right touch pad.
If you have DeckHD (Steam Deck Display Mod) will now be officially supported
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Comments 7 months ago 7 months ago
I wouldn’t read that much into it. Valve isn’t Nintendo, I doubt they’d launch a new Deck without OLED 7 months ago
I just meant more like the resolution.
Supposedly, the SD didn’t get an oled screen because it was a bit less power efficient. Oled saves power when there’s blacks on the screen, and most games don’t have much black. 7 months ago
With FSR getting better each year, I think the time is ready for full hd on the deck. Also, 2560x1600 would be a nice option, offering both high DPI and flawless scaling from the original resolution. 7 months ago
I can’t parse the title of that post. Is there a word missing? Without the parenthesis the title is “If you have DeckHD will now be officially supported”. That does not make sense. 6 months ago
This reminds me, I wonder if there’s anyone that sells OLED screen upgrades for the original Deck? I think it just makes sense since if you can upgrade the Deck’s screen to a higher resolution one, why not upgrade to an OLED screen to have way better colour contrast and possibly battery life improvements?
I know some people might ask me “why not just buy a Steam Deck OLED?”, well, I’m just really cheap and I’d rather upgrade something that I already have instead of buying a completely new device 7 months ago
It’s understandable and reasonable.
I use a 1080p 24” monitor as the external display for steam deck. CP2077 and RDR2 run steadily at 1080p 25hz. 7 months ago
I keep forgetting mods also mean physical modifications of hardware and I was really confused how Valve can support upping resolution on a screen.
Idea of modding hardware in general feels risky af to me. But I’m glad it’s possible, worthwile, and apparently quietly supported by Valve.
They make a lot of good decisions with it. 7 months ago
While replacing the display is quite complex in comparison to other repairs on the Deck, you may as well get this display should yours break for some reason. 7 months ago
Its higher resolution 1200p vs 800p makes it less of a good idea to me. The few pixel more doesn’t make it much better looking, but much worse performance (less fps and battery life). There might be old games and emulation where you could take advantage of, but otherwise I would not recommend this as the default replacement if you don’t have a good reason for higher resolution. It would have been a real shocker if they made a bigger screen with less or no bezels. Maybe if they have good touch screen, it would be worth it too. Because the touch screen element of original Steam Deck is not good.
When the Deck screen breaks and one want to replace it, I would still recommend the original screen as default and tell about the alternative. 7 months ago
Yeah especially if you break it while trying to replace it 7 months ago
Exactly. It’s not like you’d be playing a ton of stuff on the Deck at 1200p if you had this screen… but it’d be nice to have the option for older games that don’t need a ton of power at that resolution.