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Unity cancels the stupid Runtime Fee
Submitted 6 months ago by [bot] to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago 6 months ago
Wow a .ml user being a shit head. Who could’ve seen that coming. 6 months ago
When you shoot your own foot, simply taking off the bullet won’t revert the damage, you know? 6 months ago
“That’s a load-bearing bullet!!” 6 months ago
Too late, damage is done, community trust has dropped to zero and few people will be motivated to pick your engine back up, because you CAN and absolutely WILL pull another boneheaded stunt exactly like this in the name of squeezing profit from a cold dead stone. Get fucked. 6 months ago
The fact that it even took them this long to realize this was an awful idea speaks volumes. 6 months ago 6 months ago
Doesn’t matter, company will just try it again later in some other way. The decision making process that went along with trying to change the monetary model under the feet of developers is still there. The greed.
Corporates gonna corporate I guess. 6 months ago
Back to square one! Yay! 6 months ago
they’ve already lost so many devs who walked away or restructured their projects for Godot or other engines.
They’re far too late on this. And their pricing is still too expensive.
not the brightest bunch. 6 months ago
Brand is already in ruins. Their users weren’t gamers, who’d come running back if a new flashy game came out, it’s engineers. Developers who need to know long term that the choice they make will work for them in 5 years, 10 years, or further. I don’t know how they can expect that trust to be rebuilt, it’ll take many, many years for them to even be on the radar for most developers now. 6 months ago
It also doesn’t help that once you’ve paid the large fee for the Pro version, it doesn’t actually guarantee any support if you encounter a bug. You get access to a different issue tracker, and might get a Unity employee to confirm that the bug exists after a couple of months (and maybe close it as a duplicate, then reopen it as not a duplicate when the fix for the other bug doesn’t help, then reclose it as a duplicate when it turns out the fix for the other bug also doesn’t fix the other bug, and at the end of a multi-month process, there still being a bug with no indication an engineer’s looked at it).
Anyway, I’m glad to no longer be working for a company that uses Unity. 6 months ago
Probably longer than the company has, to be honest. The engine’s best bet is to get purchased by another company that partially open-sources it or something. 6 months ago
I’m an old gamedev and software dev. I switched to Linux because I felt like every day there was some new, not better just different thing with windows you had to integrate. I feel the same for unity, I recall when they (2.7?) just downgraded from doubles to floats and my whole world didn’t work any more (tools included ofc).
Just started with Godot C# on Linux, and I feel so in control (after some setup stuff ofc but I feel that that will only happen once) that I can just spend my time on my game and nothing else. So liberating. 6 months ago
I think that’s exactly what they were counting on. Same thing all these companies are counting on; that their users are too deeply invested to bother switching platforms. And most of the time they’re right! But I guess Unity found that breaking point and blew by it at 100mph.