Playing a lot of Brotato (just got addicted) and Olli Olli World (I love me a good skateboarding game and bonus points for the styling).
I do want to put more time into You Suck at Parking. It’s a fun little puzzle driving game.
Art of Rally is also cool if I just want to relax 11 months ago
So I started (and finished…ish) Hollow Knight. I got the first ending and I was planning on going back for the true ending but now I’m a little out of it, I’m actually not sure I want to go back in and experience the game at its most difficult. I had a real good time, but the difficulty spike is supposed to be pretty huge and that’s not why I went to that game.
Also been playing Death Must Die which is a Hades-meets-Vampire-Survivor game. It’s in early access but it’s absolutely hitting the right spot. I’m probably going to jump off for now though, I don’t want to exhaust my time with the game before it’s out.
Finally, I’ve just picked up the poker game that everyone is currently playing (I can’t remember the name) called Baletro…maybe
And Deep Rock Galactic: Survivors because apparently I like these Auto-shooter things. 11 months ago
I felt exactly the same about Hollow Knight. I’m worried Silksong (whenever it comes out) will lean even more into the difficulty of late-game HK. 11 months ago
Now don’t get me wrong, I may yet go back to it. What I’ve read though…isn’t exactly selling it. Celeste level platforming and a bucket load of boss fights that are significantly harder than what I faced in the main story…
Im a sucker for those hard games, I’ve beaten Cuphead twice, finished Sekiro and Elden Ring…but I’m not sure I want the same things from Hollow Knight you know? 11 months ago
How are you liking Balatro? 11 months ago
I was bully on it from the demo. But it’s gotten old pretty fast. It has an item saturation problem and lack of deck forging tools, I think. When I learned the decks you unlock aren’t anything crazy or fun, just regular decks with new start conditions, I lost a lot of steam. Not leaving it behind, but my drive to play it isn’t as high. 11 months ago
I’ve literally only played five minutes (baby woke up) so I can’t really say too much yet. I’m absolutely awful at poker, so I’m not expecting all that much, but … maybe this is the game that changes that.