- Comment on An official Elder Scrolls Oblivion remake will release as soon as next month, claims report 1 week ago:
I would be amazed if it wasn’t since Bethesda proper heavily depends on user mods and the remake would likely want to reuse at least the logic in the .esm files (or whatever they were back then).
That said: Expect all existing Oblivion mods to not work without a LOT of effort (so all the usual anger) and likely an even bigger push for the Creation Club/paid mod marketplace.
- Comment on The MechLock wall mount for Steam Deck looks ridiculously slick 3 weeks ago:
Is this an obesity thing? I remember back when I thought the switch joycons were “cool for docked mode” but was shocked when I found out how many people just put it on its (horrible) kickstand and played with their arms at their side. And when researching a kobo discovered that there is an entire culture of people who prop their e-readers on their chests and buy projector dongles as “page turners”.
And now this.
- Comment on Amazon's previous VP of Prime Gaming said they "tried everything" to disrupt Steam 4 weeks ago:
I know we all want to clown on this because amazon sucks and we all stan Steam as our corporate overlords.
But there are actually a lot of REALLY good insights in the original linkedin post. Particularly the reality that anything that competes with Steam needs to be
It was a store, a social network, a library, and a trophy case all in one. And it worked well.
Epic is a shitshow and barely competent on the store front. But they took a very smart approach of starting from basics and adding what people want… and people want their video game store to be facebook.
Maybe if amazon had more tightly coupled that to twitch it could have worked but it is clear that coupling any services is a shitshow for them (remember when we could do actual watch parties if people bought stuff on amazon video?).
- Comment on Valve is looking to add an optional battery charge limit to the SD, to preserve battery life 1 month ago:
How hot a battery should/can get is a whole topic that tends to contain the key words that trigger “UGH!! PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE!!!” stupidity.
But understand that these devices are generally being held in hands or even against our bodies. That is why so much work is done to let them dissipate heat quickly. We will care about the heat long before the components and glue does.
A quick chat gpt says that PSAs tend to soften around 60-80C and Hot Melt Adhesives around 70-100 C.
As for the electronics themselves? They can all run a LOT hotter than people expect. Using desktop PCs (just because I DO know those off the top of my head), a general rule of thumb is to not actually care until a component throttles or the case temperature hits 100F. Individual components have different thresholds (generally anything that is mostly semiconductors is in the danger zone around 100C), but individual components are almost all attached to heat sinks which are “attached” to air which is a really good insulator. So if the air is getting close to 100F (35-ish C if I remember right), stuff is bad.
So yeah. There are definitely cases where you could see the adhesives fail. But they will generally be associated with hardware failures/damage if during use or, more likely, someone leaving their gameboy on the dashboard of a car during the summer.
- Comment on Valve is looking to add an optional battery charge limit to the SD, to preserve battery life 1 month ago:
In theory that is nice. In practice that is just as expensive to re-tool for and isn’t needed. Any adhesive being used should (and, in my experience, does) soften up under a simple heat gun (or hair dryer if you are lazy). That obviously gets REAL sketchy if you are dealing with a spicy pillow but… in that case you should not be touching things unless you know how to handle those (bucket of sand). At which point dealing with a battery you probably don’t want to get hot is not an issue.
Like a lot of stuff, I blame “popular science” tech youtubers like Linus Sebastien. He thought it was funny to lose his mind with a butter knife and stab at his steam deck and everyone pointed out how dangerous that was while memeing it around. When the reality is that you just get a plastic spreader/old credit card and a heat gun and stuff pops out pretty quick in these “reasonable” uses of glue/tape situations.
- Comment on Valve is looking to add an optional battery charge limit to the SD, to preserve battery life 1 month ago:
Yeah. People underestimate the thermal and “durability” benefits of just holding that in place with some double sided tape.
Going by…/168676 it doesn’t look great but it looks “reasonable” and the replacement battery comes with new tape.
The other month I was reading up on a white paper proposing an industry standard adhesive designed to pretty much dissolve instantly when exposed to the right solvents. Whether said solvent is at all human safe or what the cost of switching to these kinds of strips were was not discussed which… kind of is an answer in and of itselff.
- Comment on Funded in 5 minutes - the open source modular mini computer 'Pilet' is on Kickstarter 2 months ago:
That keyboard looks like one of the worst abominations ever made. Keys that tiny and that close together basically means you need to get a stylus and peck or REALLY contort and angle your thumbs to type anything.
- Comment on Hackers Can Jailbreak Digital License Plates to Make Others Pay Their Tolls and Tickets 3 months ago:
There are a lot of misconceptions regarding how effective the automated scanners are.
In theory? Yes, you can compare the license plate against the make and model and even color of the car. And there are plenty of demos of exactly that.
In reality? It is almost never used outside of something completely egregious like “This says this is a sedan but that is actually a giant semi truck”. Because cars just aren’t distinct enough for this to be reliable enough to justify the cop brushing the donut off their stomaches, trying to remember where they left their gun, and tapping on a window.
What it IS good for is checking for plates that have an APB out on them (so the amber alert scenario) and making up a bullshit excuse for why a black person’s car needs to be checked.
- Comment on Hackers Can Jailbreak Digital License Plates to Make Others Pay Their Tolls and Tickets 3 months ago:
I mean, it is also pretty trivial to just steal a license plate. Or even to put a decal on the back of your license plate to make that 9 into an 8 and so forth.
The reality is the same as with a digital one. If your number is for a stolen car or an amber alert, you are gonna have a bad time. Otherwise? You are fine for a red light camera. You are fucked once the cop pulls you over and wants to see your license and registration and realizes the plate doesn’t match.
- Comment on How Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 uses machine learning AI, and how much of your data it might need 4 months ago:
Actually “data” is a better term for that.
Bandwidth is capacity in the moment. Data is what is metered by Comcast.
To put it in less technical terms: Bandwidth is your max speed at any given moment. Data is your max range. The more Bandwidth you use, the faster you consumer your Data
- Comment on Leak: Valve is making a Steam Controller 2 and a ‘Roy’ for its Deckard 4 months ago:
They worked great for 4x games and even slower paced real time strategy games or grand strategies. And they are an excellent shim for more action oriented games that are built around M+KB and don’t support a gamepad.
The problem is that this came out at the time when EVERY PC game was rapidly getting gamepad support. And with very few exceptions (Terraria and Stardew come to mind), it was a worse experience to set up your own mess rather than just use the bindings that let you play civ on an xbox controller anyway.
But yeah. If we can get both this time? That would be perfect AND encourage people to really dig deep on their setups for steam deck games. I know I would use the trackpads and even back buttons more if it wasn’t learning a completely different scheme for a game I also want to play at my desk or in front of my TV.
That said, I am also very wary of fitting all those controls on a single controller. Most of the mock-ups people make have HORRIBLE ergonomics. But… Valve knocked the Steam Deck out of the park so day one.
- Comment on GOG launch their Preservation Program to make games live forever with hundreds of classics being 're-released' 4 months ago:
So glad you contributed that.
Also: Be involved with an acquisition or a “pilot program”. You have multiple managements.
- Comment on GOG launch their Preservation Program to make games live forever with hundreds of classics being 're-released' 4 months ago:
That is not at all what I said.
Sell software. But customers need to understand they are being sold a license with terms. That was the big controversy on Steam semi-recently and that will continue to be a big controversy because people always forget because nobody wants to think about it
And yes, I do think providing offline installers is good (it is why I still re-buy games on GoG). But unless people have massive amounts of dedicated storage, they are not going to keep all their games downloaded. AND, because there is rarely a notification of an update, they are going to not even be keeping all their games and will instead have “launch” versions of some.
And, as GoG themselves demonstrated, when the site goes down you aren’t getting all your games out in time.
So… you have a license with terms and you are going to go download some torrents when the service shuts down. So… what is the meaningful difference against a Steam or EGS game (assuming there are no additional DRMs on top)?
Or we can just get angry and yell at each other because someone… said they liked your favorite store? Do I need to say why that is fucking stupid and self defeating?
- Comment on GOG launch their Preservation Program to make games live forever with hundreds of classics being 're-released' 4 months ago:
How else would you do ‘buy to own’ for software
I wouldn’t for anything where I don’t 100% own the license and rights in perpetuity.
Because GoG has already lost the right to sell many games (I want to say they lost Interplay two or three times?). And it is a matter of time until a publisher demands a game be fully revoked (which has happened on Steam a handful of times?).
Don’t promise things you can’t deliver on.
As for something where I do own the license and it will last the lifetime of my company? Bare minimum, I would provide a way to be properly notified of whenever an installer is updated. And I wouldn’t have quite so many “secret” serials required for games (like UT or OFP or whatever).
- Comment on GOG launch their Preservation Program to make games live forever with hundreds of classics being 're-released' 4 months ago:
Good on GoG and I do genuinely love most of what they have done.
But the “buy here and you own it” bullshit is a real laugh. It is still just a license that can be revoked at any point. And the “just download it and have it forever” is untenable for larger libraries and… the French Monk Debacle already demonstrated why.
For those not aware, in the first year or so of gog’s existence, they pretended they were shutting down the website and told everyone they had like 48 hours to download everything. People lost their shit, hug of death, etc. CDP immediately apologized and then put a “fun” character in The Witcher 2 that referenced that.
But… that is the reality. If the site goes down, you are only getting a fraction of your library, if that. And GoG have always been horrible about letting you know when a game is updated if you use the standalone installers. So, regardless, you are pirating shit when the site goes down. Same as Steam.
- Comment on Valve Working With Rockstar to Fix GTA Online on Steam Deck 5 months ago:
Part of it is the same reason any live game would disable Linux. There is a LOT of money in premium currencies and RMTs but the game also needs to let players “earn everything” so that folk defend the design. And the studio (shareholders) just don’t think they have enough resources to properly test the “proton version” of the game. So if an exploit is found? You can bet the market share of linux users would go up an order of magnitude or two over night as people want to get their exploit cash and break the economy.
And considering that Linux is still single digit percentages of the Steam userbase (and that that is insane considering where we were a decade ago) we just don’t matter.
The other side of things is more tinfoil but I wouldn’t be shocked if it comes out that one of the other platform holders paid for some form of pseudo-exclusivity. Because the Steam Deck is incredibly powerful in that people are quite likely to want to play the PC version “just in case” they want to play it on their steam deck during all the public transit they do in their every day life. Like, personally speaking, it killed Gamepass for me. Because while I love the idea of being able to just try a bunch of different games to see if I like them, I found myself buying too many games because I wanted to play them on my Deck on my deck (hee hee or to be able to continue my progress when I go on travel.
- Comment on Valve Working With Rockstar to Fix GTA Online on Steam Deck 5 months ago:
See this going around and… that is a LOT of reaching from a random CSR trying to placate an angry user.
“We are currently working with Rockstar games to find a fix” followed by “You can buy the game you already have for cheap” just means that Valve sent an email saying “Bro, what the fuck?”. And Rockstar will likely send a response of “Do you want GTA 6 or not?” and this will never come up again.
I would like to be proven wrong (GTA:O is trash but some people like it) but … not optimistic. And we get these kind of “A random CSR said something to make me stop asking to speak to their manager!” level of “leaks” a few times a year. The vast majority go nowhere.
- Comment on Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be 6 months ago:
Yes and no.
The thing to understand about “AI” is that basically all of it is old tech with a few advances and much better branding.
“Generative AI” to make worlds is very much the future of games… it is also the past. When Bethesda could do no wrong and Oblivion was the new hotness, there was a big deal about the forest (and I think even town?) generation tech and how it let them make a much denser world than Morrowind ever was. And… it did. It just also felt samey (which is actually realistic to anyone who spends time walking through forests and/or suburbia can attest but…).
Which led to a strong pushback against admitting these tools were used. I want to say the UE4/5 demos on this kind of tech usually includes “and then you modify it” after generating a forest or whatever. And MS Flight Sim 2020/2024 is heavily dependent on this kind of tech.
But as things get more advanced? It suddenly gets a lot easier to make a good open world (which, for all its flaws, Ubi’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a great example) where you have the giant forests with natural-ish paths that funnel you to POIs via a text prompt or a configuration file.
The other aspect which, funny enough, also goes back to Oblivion is the idea of procedurally generated quests/stories and narratives. A big part of Oblivion was that every NPC needs to eat food every N hours and that this was the big reason why everyone would kill themselves by eating a mysterious apple that you reverse pickpocketed on them. But you also had Radiant Quests where a random NPC would ask you to go to a random dungeon and get them a random item.
And… the fact that people had so much trouble realizing how pointless those radiant quests were says a lot about how many basement rats and yak asses we kill in the average RPG. Which is why there are increasingly guides for the Dragon Ages of the world that list what quests are “worth it” based on narrative and the like. Which gets back to the idea of generating en masse and then fine tuning.
The real sticking point, like all things AI once you get past the knee jerk bullshit and marketing, is assets and proper credit. Making a voice or texture or mesh model based on previous work is trivial and has been a thing for most of the past decade. The big issue is that getting that training data is complicated and there are very important discussions to be had about what it means to compensate creators for using their art/being as training data. And companies are glad to skip all that and just get it “for free”.
- Comment on Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be 6 months ago:
Its a joke based on molyneux’s long history of over promising and under delivering coupled with his past borderline (outright for the cube game?) scamming.
- Comment on Meta shouldn’t remove ‘from the river to the sea’ as hate speech, says Oversight Board 6 months ago:
This comes up every single time there is a commonly used bigoted slur.
I want to say it was two years ago that a prominent Black actor caught some hell for saying something like “Remember, they killed Jesus”. Everyone came out of the woodwork to point out that is a common phrase in African American culture and it refers to the idea that people who are ostensibly your friend can turn on you when you become too successful. And that is true. But there is also a LONG history of anti-semitism in African American culture and it is pretty obvious where the roots of that are.
Or? I think at this point everyone is aware of the origins of the homophobic slur that starts with an ‘f’ and means “bundle of sticks”. And, with deepest apologies to the Romani people, how many of us learned “you jipped me” is actually a racist slur from an episode of House?
So it should not at all be a stretch to understand that “from the river to the sea” as a rallying cry for Palestinians is anti-Israel. And while there are a LOT of reasons why there would be so much animosity between those two groups, it is still a phrase that argues that they fundamentally cannot coexist (which… is probably true).
Its one of those things where I am not going to bat an eye at a group that is actively being genocided in an open air prison saying it. I am going to throw a LOT of side eye at other groups in the region using that language because it has always been clear that they only support Palestine for the purposes of hurting Israel.
And when random people online put a black box in their facebook profile picture and say it? They are, at best, useful idiots. But they are also continuing to make this about anti-semitism rather than about a nation having tortured a people for decades.
Part of growing up is learning when words we say have alternate meanings. And then deciding to not use those specific words as a way to not look as though we approve of said alternate meanings. And when there are so many better ways to express support for the Palestinian people that don’t involve anti-semitic rhetoric that only serves to protect the murderers?
- Comment on EmuDeck team announce Linux-powered EmuDeck Machines 6 months ago:
Honestly? Just learning how to set up moonlight streaming (it is trivial) and using basically any dongle is probably going to be sufficient for this use case. Still, I am not going to pretend I haven’t been thinking about using some spare parts to build another HTPC.
And emudeck? It is really hard to tell where third party tools start and emudeck ends but it is a good tool. Steam Rom Manager is a shitshow (I NEVER managed to get it to acknowledge that Blood Omen for the PS1 was not Blood Omen 2 for the PS2 or whatever it was…) and I have strong feelings about anything that relies so much on retroarch (transphobic and abusive shitstains who bully developers), but I can’t deny its usability on a Steam Deck (even if you can get most of that with just es-de).
But still, this is a pretty easy problem to solve and most of the cost is just sourcing the hardware. Not super familiar with bazzite as a distro but it shouldn’t take too many mods to get rid of the login screen and boot these into steam big picture mode.
- Comment on The Elder Scrolls Online now Steam Deck Playable, to be fully Verified in "a future update" 6 months ago:
Oooh, awesome. I keep meaning to get back into ESO.
Main issue is that I really need stuff like the “show skill stones on the minimap” plugins which are still a hassle to set up. But that is just an scp or two after getting it working on desktop.
- Comment on The Beamdog & Owlcat RPG Humble Bundle has some killer games in it 7 months ago:
I can go either way on Beamdog (solid engine updates but their original content feels like a moderately high end mod).
But Owlcat are up there with Larian as the current kings of CRPGs. The Pathfinders have some serious balance and spiking issues but are spectacular experiences. And Rogue Trader is very solid.
- Comment on The First Microtransaction in Gaming 9 months ago:
For starters, the horse armor was purely cosmetic.
So… you would rather purely optional RMTs over “So yeah, if you want to find out what Roman Alexander did after he was abducted by this ship, send me ten bucks”?
I think it was really the first of the AAA first person fantasy genre,
First, Oblivion was very much NOT “AAA”. I know that term has grown to basically mean “anything from a major publisher or that looks pretty” but, for the era, that was games like Medal of Honor (with god damned Steven Spielberg) which tried to “transcend” gaming.
Second: Everyone who even knows what Myst is are either arguing over the definition of “fantasy” or grabbing socks full of nickles to beat you to death right now. You… got some time.
But you more or less keyed in on the reality of it. In the early 2000s, games media was still primarily console based. In large part because most of the PC mags had already gone out of business or went from “Hey, just in case this article on DOOM 2 wasn’t good enough, here is Kerri Hoskins in her panties” to “When you finish wanking to all the girls in this magazine you might want to try out Warcraft”
Its why people think Halo invented combined arms gameplay or… almost the entirety of Nintendo’s “innovative gameplay” even to this day. Release a game with light survival mechanics and aimless progression in the late 2010s and EVERYBODY forgets the entirety of the Eurojank Genre.
And Oblivion is probably the first console game that had RMTs.
- Comment on The First Microtransaction in Gaming 9 months ago:
It always amuses me when people pretend that RMTs did not exist until Oblivion. Even contemporary games like Neverwinter Nights had already been selling DLC campaigns/“campaigns”. Let alone the early digital distribution games (Strategy First can fuck themselves for the price they sold stuff at but…)
And that also ignores how many “dos” games would have a kill screen that was basically “Send a check to this PO Box and I’ll give you access to the FTP server with more missions”
- Comment on Rumours point to Total War: Star Wars in the works at Creative Assembly 10 months ago:
No other faction has any meaning at the scale of The Empire and the mess that is how The Republic/Rebels/New Republic/Whatever is portrayed as. That is why games like Empire at War more or less made a super crime syndicate that controls most of the other crime syndicates.
The Hutts are full of infighting and bickery. But even if they WERE united… they would still not be a significant threat in any Total War style campaign. I could see something treating the crime syndicates and smaller factions as akin to Rome (different families/sub-factions that are expected to take over the rest eventually) but that still doesn’t work when The Empire is the size of the entire super-faction as of Turn 1.
Star Wars as Terra Invicta would be fucking amazing and a really good fit because espionage, guerrila warfare, and insurrections are a thing. I could even see a case for Star Wars as Crusader Kings. But Star Wars as a Total War or a Europa Universalis just doesn’t work.
- Comment on Rumours point to Total War: Star Wars in the works at Creative Assembly 10 months ago:
That is a horrible fit.
Star Wars has little to no concept of diplomacy or even trade. This was an issue for Total Warhammer but it is even moreso in Star Wars where every faction is more or less at war with every other faction at all times (Warhammer FB at least has uneaesy peace between the “order” factions).
Also, Star Wars has like two, MAYBE three, factions at any given time. With the third usually being some nonsense “Other” faction.
And just look at Napoleon and the more “gun” based Total Wars. The engine is very much designed for armies smashing into each other. You can sort of do line battles between muskets. But Star Wars is WW2 weaponry which needs cover to make any sense. Yes, the Jedi are great hero units but the majority of everything are shooting submachine guns at each other and fielding tanks.
Like, Men of War would be an awesome engine for Star Wars. That is built around street to street fighting and artillery on open battlefields. Total War just seems… real bad.
That said: Day one, mother fuckers.
- Comment on New Doom reveal hinted at by Zenimax trademark 10 months ago:
Still REALLY curious what Year Zero would even be
Shooting my shot: A direct sequel to DOOM 2 (well, 64 I guess?) where The Doom Guy becomes The Doom Slayer and begins the weird hell timeline warping.
- Comment on New Doom reveal hinted at by Zenimax trademark 10 months ago:
Sort of like how you made some bullshit up so you could complain about someone you clearly have a personal vendetta against?
- Comment on Cataclysm DDA, Vim & WASD - Implications For Generalist Translations Of Qwerty Layouts To The Steam Deck 10 months ago:
Honestly? I think you are getting hung up on approaching this from the T9 perspective.
Take a look at the mechanical keyboard community. Most people are sane and looking at TKL or even 60% layouts where most buttons people actually use on a keyboard are represented by dedicated keys. But there are some real sickos who go for fully minimalist layouts where they have closer to 20 or even 10 keys. And those are the leyouts where you heavily rely on different layers so that “A” might actually be “Button 1 with modifier X and Y” whereas B is “button 1 with modifier X”. Basically people took the logic of dvorak and went to an insane degree.
And that has the same issues that mapping to a gamepad would. Some people are going to be able to internalize that in a timely fashion. Others are going to spend months using typing tools online to train themselves. And the rest of us are going to say “nope” and move on.
In terms of how to have a better steam deck keyboard? I think there is a lot of room for someone to go full keeb-pill and take advantage of the physical buttons. I would 100% watch that youtube video, maybe throw a tip in a tip jar, and then have a new appreciation for the touchscreen keyboard the next time I have to enter my Warframe password. But I still think that if your game is heavily reliant on having a keyboard… it isn’t a Steam Deck game. And that is fine. I am not going to play DCS on my Steam Deck. One of these days I probably will futz around with streaming X4 though.