- Comment on WB Games Montreal Is Reportedly Pitching A Game based On Game of Thrones 3 weeks ago:
The last season ended almost 6 years ago and was universally hated lol why do this now?
- Comment on It is time to ban email. 4 weeks ago:
I need email at work because otherwise I would have to have a direct conversation with numerous people whom I would rather not speak to.
- Comment on Trump plans to dismantle Biden AI safeguards after victory 3 months ago:
So he wants to make sure AI can be used for all the nefarious hateful purposes his cult members require, but at the same time wants to create tarrifs on imports that will make it difficult if not impossible to do so… Sounds about right for him
- Comment on Social network Butterflies AI adds a feature that turns you into an AI character 5 months ago:
So according to the article Butterflies is a “social media network” where you go to talk to fake AI people, and this new feature allows you to become a fake AI person as well with a fake backstory…
Is that really “social media”? It seems like the exact opposite lol
This seems like it’s maybe just one or two steps removed from one of those AI chat apps for lonely people
- Comment on Reddit tests automatic, whole-site translation into French using LLM-based AI 9 months ago:
I deleted all of my reddit accounts some time ago, but last I recall there were already a bunch of French people using it lol I’m sure a bunch of inaccurate clinical AI translations will really help though…
- Comment on Spotify plans to raise prices this year and introduce new plans - news 10 months ago:
I use Prime Music for most stuff now which I’m sure some people will make a face about but it works really well for what I need. The only issue I’ve ever had with it is some albums disappear as rights to it change
- Comment on Spotify plans to raise prices this year and introduce new plans - news 10 months ago:
I didn’t think anyone used Spotify for anything besides listening to Joe Rogan these days which was enough to get me to leave them forever lol
- Comment on Google Podcasts is shutting down soon, users urged to move to YouTube Music 10 months ago:
I did, but it will be a cold day in hell before I use YouTube Music… I already found all the same podcasts in another free app lol
- Comment on Valves iFixit partnership is a game changer 11 months ago:
I have to second the other person said, if you have the money I’d get the the kit. It’s proved useful for all sorts of things. I’ve used mine for electronics, knife repair/maintenance, home repairs, basically anything you’ve ever needed to work on that required some kind of weird screwdriver that you definitely don’t have in the drawer lol
- Comment on Valves iFixit partnership is a game changer 11 months ago:
I got the iFixit pro tool kit a few years ago and I use it all the time even for stuff that’s not electronic lol
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you have franchise fatigue? Or is there still a franchise that you enjoy seeing? 1 year ago:
I really liked Rings of Power! I think it was mostly just the neckbeard brigade who made so much noise about it lol
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you have franchise fatigue? Or is there still a franchise that you enjoy seeing? 1 year ago:
Honestly I’m still enjoying most of the newer Star Wars shows! I was worried that Disney would ruin it entirely for me like they eventually did with Marvel, but I’ve really enjoyed almost everything that’s come out despite that god awful train wreck that was The Rise of Skywalker lol
- Comment on Plates 1 year ago:
- Comment on Super Shitter? 1 year ago:
Looks like someone forgot their Imodium
- Comment on Get your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape! 1 year ago:
You’re the one who came here and declared that everyone who doesn’t agree with you is a tribalist ape. My response was pretty polite in comparison.
- Comment on Get your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape! 1 year ago:
You mean you made a reactionary statement, and now you’re mad that people reacted to it?
What did you expect them to do? Bow down and worship at your genius?
- Comment on what is the correct way to use the word "backorder" in English? 1 year ago:
At my job if a product is currently sold out but still taking new orders we say it’s currently “on backorder”
- Comment on How long could one survive with only water and beer and no food? 1 year ago:
It probably would depend on what kind of beer. You could probably live a long time on just water and Guinness, but not very long at all on Natty Light. Either way I think you’d probably be pretty sick of beer within a week or less
- Comment on Facebook Marketplace - because you can't get this at Wal-Mart 1 year ago:
The fact that the pole is all rusted and barely attached to the base really seals the deal on that on
- Comment on What's wrong with 'eggs'? 1 year ago:
It’s about a street food whose comical name apparently translates to “chicken butts” in English
- Comment on What's wrong with 'eggs'? 1 year ago:
Cowboy Kent Rollins calls them “cackleberries”, which always makes me giggle for some reason
- Comment on Why can't I argue against claims of suffering? 1 year ago:
Back under your bridge troll! I’ll waste no more time on your troll hijinks today!
- Comment on Why can't I argue against claims of suffering? 1 year ago:
Again, my responses are based ENTIRELY on the information that you provided, so if I’m missing an important plot point that is your fault not mine.
I’m now realizing that the real issue that has started all this turmoil is that you are not anywhere near as smart as you seem to think you are.
It’s pretty clear that you didn’t actually come here to resolve anything or get any answers, but just to create some troll foolishness…
- Comment on Why can't I argue against claims of suffering? 1 year ago:
I based it on the information that you provided their buddy.
This seems more like you’re just airing your personal grievances because someone didn’t want to put up with your neckbeardy douchiness
Someone refusing to put up with your abuse does not mean you’re being “oppressed” dude
Stop being such a whiney baby about it and move on
- Comment on Why can't I argue against claims of suffering? 1 year ago:
What’s the point of the analysis? It doesn’t seem needed in any way in the example you gave.
This isn’t even really an “argument”, it seems like Rob is being judgemental for no real reason
No one asked for his opinion. No one put anything up for debate. It seems like he’s just being a dick to his friend.
Perhaps Rob should try having a bit more empathy?
- Comment on Why can't I argue against claims of suffering? 1 year ago:
I don’t know that I understand the question. Whose claims of suffering are we talking about?