- Comment on If 1 million people sign a petition, a ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable has a chance to become law in Europe 7 months ago:
If you are a European Citizen, sign it. It takes a minute of your time. Not more.
- Comment on Good gaming experiences with no HUD? 1 year ago:
That’s a good definition of being immersed.
- Comment on Good gaming experiences with no HUD? 1 year ago:
I never forgot the woman who asked me to look for her husband, I found him, dead, killed by bandits. She was in tears, saying life would never be the same.
Five minutes later I sold her stuff, and she was like “Nice weather today, isn’t it?”.
That killed every immersion at that moment.
It was Skyrim. It has fantastic moments, but there are lots of moments that kill every immersion it built up on a grand scale.
- Comment on Good gaming experiences with no HUD? 1 year ago:
Dead Space. Ammunition is displayed on your weapon, health and stasis on your suit.
Prey 2016 also displayed your ammo on your gun, but had traditional health bars (it was an fpp game after all).
But I like a good HUD if it’s implemented in the story, like Cyberpunk where it’s a part of your augmented eyes, like an advanced Google lens. Doom did the same with the helmet.
Regarding GTA V, I never got to know the city well enough to play without a map. That fucking town was just to big for me. But I remember Vice City, I knew the map in and out, and playing without a map was fun!
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.1 Patch Notes 1 year ago:
And now a serious response: it ran, just before the Add-on dropped, on my 4790k and a RX6600 on 1920x1200 flawlessly with no bugs, at 60 fps on high settings. This game is now well optimized, and a fantastic experience. It took a while, but the wait was worth it!