- Comment on New to Steam Deck and PC gaming, I'm looking for game recommendations... 1 year ago:
In tha case.
Twice after each line before pressing enter.Unfortunately on Android that adds a full stop too!
- Comment on New to Steam Deck and PC gaming, I'm looking for game recommendations... 1 year ago:
Hades Dead Cells Halls of Torment Bloodstained Vampire Survivor Backpack Hero Megaman
Is one long motherfucker of a title! They should’ve thought of something more concise
Also, press return twice to leave a space between lines, btw
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video Ad Tier Sparks Class Action Lawsuit From Subscribers 1 year ago:
Well you fucking should, to be honest
- Comment on Which James Bond movie do you consider the worst? 1 year ago:
Funny you should mention whey, as that’s exactly like his pallor
- Comment on Which James Bond movie do you consider the worst? 1 year ago:
Anything with Timothy Dalton. It was like they made James Bond out of wet tagliatelle
- Comment on Our Flag Means Death was cancelled. Its fans are fighting back: ‘Unhinged – in a good way’ 1 year ago:
Fucking hell, how can people not realise that less is more?
Look at all the classic sitcoms. Did they get strung out for 20 series? No, they stopped
Look at the reviews on IMDb for British shows, almost every one is “Oh my gaaad the Briddish make the best shows, but I wish they were laaaanger”
They’re better because they’re shorter, you daft cunt
- Comment on Kevin Hart Says He Won’t Host the Oscars Again: Awards Shows ‘Aren’t Comedy-Friendly Environments Anymore’ 1 year ago:
Thanks for having comprehension 😅
- Comment on Kevin Hart Says He Won’t Host the Oscars Again: Awards Shows ‘Aren’t Comedy-Friendly Environments Anymore’ 1 year ago:
If you’re the kind of person that thinks no comedy can be mean, you’re helping to destroy comedy
Just my opinion. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Don’t hate those that understand centuries upon centuries of schadenfreude is what made us a funny species
- Comment on ‘Our Flag Means Death’ Canceled After Two Seasons at Max 1 year ago:
You always see this comment on IMDb - “Yeah the Briddish make the best shows but I wish they had more episodes”
Mate, they’re better because they’re not drawn out for profit. You get six to eight episodes, maybe three to five series, and you’re left with a good memory.
Not 15 episodes per series, the middle eight of which are pointless filler that you could skip and still understand the story, then 15 series where you kinda stopped watching after series 7 then spent your time moaning about how it went to shit
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 has already consumed 500 hours of my life, and I'm just getting started 1 year ago:
I’m not into fantasy/RPG but once I started Skyrim I spent hundreds of hours on it.
Was excited when I heard the hype for BG3 but I just… can’t get into it. It’s just too clunky and old fashioned
What am I missing?
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
I’m that one guy that tried BG3 and really disliked it
- Comment on Saves time and money 1 year ago:
- Comment on Slippery moisssstttt 1 year ago:
Wet as an otter’s pocket
- Comment on Shitpost expert 1 year ago:
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on Safe to say peanuts into a US school too? 1 year ago:
Do you know if they’ve tried… shooting the allergies?
- Comment on I want to talk in an American accent but how can I transition into it slowly for people who know me without them noticing a sudden change? 1 year ago:
Good idea, that way, if your mates try to get you to go for the scan, you can baffle them by announcing that you “Can’t afford it” 😂
- Comment on imdoingmypart.jpg 1 year ago:
My guy’s got one eye going to the shop and the other coming back with a loaf
Translated for Americans - My guy’s got one eye driving thirty minutes to the vast retail park, and the other coming back with sugar-based bread that would be forced to label itself cake if sold in Europe
- Comment on What were your top favorite video games as a kid? 1 year ago:
Anyone said Worms 2 yet?
Fuckin hell, that was hilarious while stoned as fuck.
Don’t think they ever surpassed that one
- Comment on Making plans 1 year ago:
When I was a lad, it was two words, the first with a question mark, the second with a full stop
- Comment on Success is built through GAMBA 1 year ago:
Wee lambs -
Gambol gambol gambol
- Comment on Not if the lack of grammar and education gets you first... 1 year ago:
See that’s not even a word
- Comment on Call it what it is 1 year ago:
Don’t talk pish you two, plenty of places have Black Friday sales in Europe, have done for years now.
It’s just there have never been shoppers fighting over shiny trinkets because we’re not infantile fuckin barbarians
- Comment on There are many dangers in Africa 1 year ago:
Not much to tell, other than dandelion leaves are like crack to geese
Use them as you see fit, and watch the world of geese friendship unfurl before you
- Comment on There are many dangers in Africa 1 year ago:
Imma have to stand up for geese here, I’ve known a few.
If you walk your dog past them every day, just throw them a dandelion leaf or two
After about three years, they’ll be your best mates
Then one day, you won’t have your dog with you, and you’ll realise they assumed the dog was bringing you to feed them dandelion leaves, and they instantly turn back into cunts
- Comment on 1 imitation whipped cream tub with a side of pie, please. 1 year ago:
The vast majority of people don’t even know what it is, just that Stewey Griffin pronounced it funny