You’re looking too hard for a controversy that isn’t there. This is a Sony live-action Spiderman adjacent film. All of them have been terrible. Madam Web is terrible too.
People criticized Venom, Venom 2, Morbius, and now Madame Web. People will probably criticize the solo Kraven movie whenever that comes out too. It’s not a conspiracy against women, it’s that Sony seems to fundamentally not understand how to make a good superhero flick. 9 months ago
Idk what rock you’ve been living under but the new flash movie got absolutely trashed by critics and audiences, and everyone knows what a huge piece of shit Ezra Miller is 9 months ago 9 months ago
A lot of the hype for Flash had to do with Keaton’s reprisal of Batman. Comparing Miller’s lead billing versus Heard’s role in AM2 being reduced is a bit farcical, no? The only way to reduce Miller’s role in Flash would have been to cancel the film. 9 months ago
I really wanted to like The Flash movie and was disappointed.