- Comment on If 1 million people sign a petition, a ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable has a chance to become law in Europe 7 months ago:
I wouldn’t mind anything above “possible”. I was just commenting on what most end users would expect if it’s released for public consumption. Just like everyone keeps bringing it up as a good example, old steam games with a perfectly functional server component you can start up about as easily as the game is all the “hosting” experience most gamers have. If it’s more than setting a port for the server and typing in the url/ip and port in the client, many will be immediately lost.
… not that they should have to make it that easy. The main point of my earlier post was that for many games, creating an easy server component and updating the game to connect to arbitrary servers is very likely to be more than a few hours’ work.
Especially MMO’s and bigger games that may have multiple server components running on multiple servers and likely with an entire build/deploy pipeline behind them…
- Comment on If 1 million people sign a petition, a ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable has a chance to become law in Europe 7 months ago:
While simply allowing the game to use a variable for the server URL is easy, the VAST majority of gamers would assume it’d come with a clean server installer and the ability to set the URL in some kind of UI.
Both of those details are very much NOT simple in many cases. Sure, quite a few well written games, it could be done quickly, but as someone who’s worked on software for decades … it’s NEVER well written. Especially when video game studio style crunch is involved.
- Comment on Stop Destroying Videogames petition heads to the European Union 7 months ago:
I’d vote to force them to do one of three things:
- Open source the whole game.
- Release the server components in a way where anyone tech savvy could grab them and spin up a server the game client can actually connect to.
- Make the game offline only (obviously impossible for many games these days, but…)
It should be forced upon them. Want to sell a rug pull? Get ready to not own the rug pull.
- Comment on Zombie survival game 7 Days To Die version 1.0 is out now after 11 years in early access 7 months ago:
My comment wasn’t about a videogame, but your ability to judge things on merit and not assumption. Glad your logical skills seem to be similarly deficient.
- Comment on Zombie survival game 7 Days To Die version 1.0 is out now after 11 years in early access 7 months ago:
lol just openly admitting you haven’t experienced the remotely latest… Go ahead and keep judging things on assumptions. That always works so well for people…
- Comment on Humane AI Pin is a disaster: Founders already want to sell the company 10 months ago:
There already are matrix (matrix math, not The Matrix) accelerators in flagship phones, let alone all the services a phone can call off to. This product was never going to replace a damn thing.
- Comment on PlayStation Walks Back Helldivers 2 Changes, PSN Account Linking No Longer Required 10 months ago:
They like to think they don’t need to know, then they all seem to eat their foot on a regular basis… Maybe the problem itself is that people think “executive” is a separate job…
- Comment on Apple's 'incredibly private' Safari is not so private in Europe 10 months ago:
Does it even use secure DNS by default? No? Then it cannot be much more secure than any other browser, and their integrated Apple IDs make their users more identifiable, so… A lie even before this app store mess.
- Comment on Vampire Survivors gets a AAAA update with functional doors, a train and rail kart racing 10 months ago:
AAA studios: “What do you mean our game sucks?? We used cinema quality assets and paid our artists 50k a year to make it all! It’s gorgeous! Don’t you guys have eyes?”
Meanwhile in indie land: …
- Comment on Deliver Us Mars developers lay off all staff but plan to 'rebuild brick by brick' 10 months ago:
Yea, if they laid off the team that actually does the creating, it just means they’re aping off the success of said team if they bring it back with the same name.
- Comment on Keanu Reeves Reportedly Voicing Shadow In Sonic The Hedgehog 3 11 months ago:
Nothing against Keanu, but holy shit they need to give other people jobs, not just the twenty popular people cropping up in everything…
- Comment on Microsoft lays out Windows 10 life support prices 11 months ago:
Most linux distros are easier than Windows installs if you include the MS account and other crap you have to click through.
If you (not your grand parents) understand the concept of hard drives and files, you could probably get your grand parents set up on Linux connected to the internet just fine on any PC that’s not some proprietary hellscape of hardware, because Linux will run on almost anything made in the last 30 years.
It only gets weird if you want to use a laptop with a dedicaded GPU ‘and’ an integrated one and only want to use the dedicated GPU sometimes and such.
- Comment on Just 66 titles saw 80 percent of all playtime in 2023, most older games like Fortnite or GTA 5 11 months ago:
All I have to say is … you’re totally right except for self-evident.
Some people don’t even know why the sky is blue. Literally. Most people are fucking STUPID. So no, most obvious things aren’t “self-evident”.
Also, many people could get the right gist, but still be surprised by the proportionality or numbers. Less than 100 titles eating a ton of time sounds surprising, until you think about it like you have. Most games are either forgettable or purposefully limited experiences. OFC most aren’t going to see big numbers even if they’re beloved.
- Comment on "The problem with TikTok is not whether it is based in China or the US. The problem with TikTok is TikTok." - (Tuta blog) 11 months ago:
Yes it is. Republicans CONSTANTLY tow Russian propaganda lines.
- Comment on "The problem with TikTok is not whether it is based in China or the US. The problem with TikTok is TikTok." - (Tuta blog) 11 months ago:
Your ignorance won’t stop me from knowing everything about you.
- Comment on Nick Offerman Slams ‘Homophobic Hate’ Against His ‘The Last of Us’ Episode: ‘It’s Not a Gay Story. It’s a Love Story, You A–hole!’ 1 year ago:
You are the one coming in here and being hostile. I’m just giving in kind. People don’t have to have personal issues to not want to stare at others making out.
You are just further showing how judgemental without thought you are. You have failed to mature and fundamentally understand that others do not have the same perspective as you.
Shame on you for pretending to have the high road.
- Comment on Nick Offerman Slams ‘Homophobic Hate’ Against His ‘The Last of Us’ Episode: ‘It’s Not a Gay Story. It’s a Love Story, You A–hole!’ 1 year ago:
You see, if they had mady ANY commentary about all of that stuff you said, THEN I’d be OK throwing “gay” on “love story”. But it didn’t.
Being gay was not a critical part of the story, no matter how much people celebrate it for that. It WAS NOT an important part of the story, even if it was an important part of why people got emotional over the episode.
- Comment on Nick Offerman Slams ‘Homophobic Hate’ Against His ‘The Last of Us’ Episode: ‘It’s Not a Gay Story. It’s a Love Story, You A–hole!’ 1 year ago:
You should really rewatch it, because the genders could be changed and it’d still be a good episode.
- Comment on Nick Offerman Slams ‘Homophobic Hate’ Against His ‘The Last of Us’ Episode: ‘It’s Not a Gay Story. It’s a Love Story, You A–hole!’ 1 year ago:
The ENTIRE POINT is that it is NOT from the “gay” culture, you numptirs. You are CHOOSING to miss the entire point.
- Comment on Nick Offerman Slams ‘Homophobic Hate’ Against His ‘The Last of Us’ Episode: ‘It’s Not a Gay Story. It’s a Love Story, You A–hole!’ 1 year ago:
You are what’s wrong with “progressive” or “left” or lgbt friendly circles. Fuck your judgement, ylu pathetic asshole. Public displays of affection give MANY people the heebie jeebies, regardless of gnder, you judgemental prick.
- Comment on Brave truth teller. 1 year ago:
Yea. Why tip someone that’s pocketing money that could otherwise be building your equity? Landlords are quite literally just leeches.
- Comment on I don't know how to title this 1 year ago:
Kinda’ looks like it was pushing its back backward against the plastic wall and the extra top popped off, suddenly offering no support, so the cat and the top tumbled over out the box.
- Comment on 1 imitation whipped cream tub with a side of pie, please. 1 year ago:
You’re not missing much. Even spray can whipped cream tastes like whipped cream, and as everyone says, coolwhip doesn’t.
It’s like shitty can frosting vs good fondant. You can just look and see you’re not getting the good stuff let alone with a tasting.