- Comment on Half-Life 3 is just the hot exclusive Valve needs to propel SteamOS past Windows 3 weeks ago:
Only a few people have VR, and its easy to get into that top 10 when there are maybe 15 good games for VR on the steam store total.
- Comment on This Steam Deck mount looks silly, but greatly reduces the risk of dropping Valve's handheld on your face while gaming in bed 1 month ago:
If your lucky she might be into it leading to some really nerdy gamer BDSM
- Comment on Sony is reportedly working on a PS5 portable 3 months ago:
Dude you can’t just show sackboy and littlebigplanet like in the thumbnail you gave me hope for 0.01 seconds it would be an article about how mediamolicule is back and lbp4 being announced. I gave up consoles after the ps3 but if theres one exclusive that could rope me back in it would be that. Fuck Sony you had one good title that I would love to bond over with my kids and you killed it.
- Comment on I don't know how to title this 1 year ago:
The cat version of sitting down on the toilet only to find out the hard way that the seat is up
- Comment on What a steal 1 year ago:
They came from one of the prototype layers of hell
- Comment on What a steal 1 year ago:
Probably a piece, those false teeth probably cost a buck or two a piece and then factoring in the time and effort to either chisel out or melt a cavity into them for the teeth to go into
- Comment on Hey, Asimov. Bite me. 1 year ago:
Image Rea image of DharmaCurious collecting —skin— resources for his artisian homestead
- Comment on No nut November is finally over but... 1 year ago:
Whoever came up with don’t dump December is trying to get people to win the darwin award: impaction edition. Sounds like a psyops cooked up over at 4chan
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
Water purifier - clean water is almost essential for health
Fire Axe - for fire wood collection as well as wood based structures for shelter and defense. Also it is a decent weapon that takes relatively little skill to effectively wield.
German Shepard - loyal companionship, will instinctively assist in protection/attacking and could be trained to track game
Body armor - reduces risk of infection through scratches to body as well as mild protection against various weapons.
- Comment on on youtube how do I downvote an ad? or how do i tell youtube that "hey this ad is not something I want to see?" I know ad blockers don't work on youtube anymore but how do I tweek what ads i do see? 1 year ago:
- Comment on yes you too 1 year ago:
POV: you’ve just done DMT and stared at a clock
- Comment on Fish have heart too. 1 year ago:
I do have some level of sympathy for the fish but also recognize I’m a little more sympathetic to non-human life than most people. I can’t bring myself to kill insects without a good reason (except ticks and mosquito) not even ants. Whenever my parents would cut down a tree on their property I grieve for the life of the trees lost just because my dad fell off one as a kid and has a subconscious hatred for them now.
Yes I know I’m wierd but maybe the world needs a few people like me who care a little too much about non-human suffering
- Comment on I have no access to a home printer, will a library or FedExOffice or UPS Store let me print via Bluetooth? 1 year ago:
If Bluetooth isnt an option WiFi most likely will work. Just make sure your device is connected to the network and hopefully the printer will show up as a network device
- Comment on Fuck Disney tbh 1 year ago:
Thank you!
- Comment on Yeah, but... 1 year ago:
Maybe you are forgetting about the Sega Genesis Nomad and the fact that the gameboy was effectively a handheld NES?
TBF were talking about the 90s but still
- Comment on Fuck Disney tbh 1 year ago:
Copyrighted stuff was originally meant to expire after 40 years. after which it becomes public domain. However Disney had other plans. Mickey mouse was simply too iconic for them to loose to the public. So instead they spent many many many millions of dollars lobbying politicians to get the expiration date extended indefinitely. Now its till death of the original author + 80 years.
- Comment on How to get rid of blood stains from paper? 1 year ago:
Blood probably isnt even in the top 5 worst bodily excretements that book has had on it that year. Literally nobody is going to care about teeny red spot on page 231. Dont worry about it.
- Comment on help 1 year ago:
“I want something that makes a tramp stamp look classy”
“Say no more, just fill out these legal waivers”
- Comment on Is it disrespectful to call someone instead of answering their email? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Be a better pirate. 1 year ago:
Oh so were talking about the One Piece pirate code then
- Comment on When Horses replace electric is the circle complete? 1 year ago:
TFW you live in Amish territory and Dobbins are a common sighting on streets. Maybe once all the oil and natural gas have been pumped out, and if electric vehicles never take off, and if we dont converted back to wood gas/ ethenol based cars, Dobbins will become mainstream
- Comment on I feel like I need a separate body towel (big towel), and 3 other small towels for hair, face, and hands. 4 towels in total. Is that normal? 1 year ago:
A farmers bath is the term for taking a small tub of water and washing yourself with it and a rag. Its how people usually kept themselves clean historically before running water was a thing.
About the other stuff, look dude I’m not trying to get into an argument or debate you on semantics. You asked a question and I answered it honestly. Sorry if it sounded like I was talking down to you or insulted your intelligence. I hope that you maybe I helped you learn something interesting. Have a nice day.
- Comment on Revolutionary free thinker Andrew Tate 1 year ago:
If that car was a old beat up converted out semi-liveable van then yes, actually. All an expensive luxury car is a symbol of is huge maintenance cost and a tiny dick
- Comment on I feel like I need a separate body towel (big towel), and 3 other small towels for hair, face, and hands. 4 towels in total. Is that normal? 1 year ago:
Yes people really do sterilize those areas. It’d more common when you need to take a farmers bath. The reason for this I that he main cause of stink is not dirt or oil but microorganisms. Bacteria that live on your skin colonize and thrive in those areas. That smell is sulphur based waste they produce.
Soap does not kill microorganisms very well on its own, instead it helps the water pick them up and wash them away. If you have a lot of clean running water and a lot of soap it works well enough but doesnt 100% get rid of the colony. sterilizer kills off whats left.
That being said most people (me included) who use sterilizer are cautious about putting it on the groin/taint since those areas are so sensitive but a teeny tiny bit on a realy wet washrag seems to be okay imo.
- Comment on Admit it, you have long dreamed of such hosting. 1 year ago:
Laughs in SDF Pubnix 27kb file size limit
- Comment on Tehc 1 year ago:
The extensions that let you save your tabs to a big list is a godsend for my poor computer.
- Comment on How do I self host data? 1 year ago:
The simplest way if you just want to self host at home is to get an old computer or buy an SBC and install nextcloud on it.
- Comment on I feel like I need a separate body towel (big towel), and 3 other small towels for hair, face, and hands. 4 towels in total. Is that normal? 1 year ago:
I’ve only ever used one towel for drying and 2-3 washcloths in the shower. If you do your shower right you will come out clean enough. If any body area still stinks up the towel even slightly you havent done a good enough job.
Here’s my wash routine, its simple and effective.
When washing I soap up the first cloth ad startwith the face then armpits, then crotch, then taint, finally ass crack. Get in there and be thorough, use a lot of soap. I use Dr.bronners 18 in 1 hemp tea tree liquid soap with water in a spray bottle.
Rinse soap, then use sterilizer on your pits and if you are brave enough the tiniest bit on crotch. alcohol is more powerful but quickly dries the skin so its a quick spritz and rinse. vinegar is more gentle for people with sensitive skin.
Retire first wash cloth, get second one soap it up and do a general scrub down of the body. Torso, shoulders, arms, legs, hands and feet. Then do part 1 again (minus the sterilizer)
If you do this properly you will come out so clean one towel is enough. I still start with the face and work my way down to crotch when drying anyways lol. Doing a final sniff test with the towel afterward is the best way to know if you did really well.
- Comment on Solving Steam Deck Shader Storage with a 61.44TB SSD 1 year ago:
Please dont give game developers any more excuses to blot their games I have enough pain with 50-100gb titles, when they get a whiff of this they’ll cream their pants and bloat them to a terabyte per game.