The quality of Reddit has gone down so much. There is still a lot of technical communities there but outside of the really niche stuff and memes it is pretty useless.
Is This How Reddit Ends?
Submitted 4 weeks ago by to
Comments 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
I didn’t leave cuz of lack of 3rd party apps I left cuz it’s only bots anymore. Literally every thread reads exactly the same.
The comments used to be the best part now they’re worthless. 4 weeks ago
Better than stack overflow. All the comments are like “you are stupid” 4 weeks ago
This. The lack of third party apps is not why I left, every thread reads the same because of the bots, the comments are worthless because bots are just reiterating the top comment. 4 weeks ago
Even the version is pay walled for me. Very strange. 4 weeks ago
Huh, so it is. Sorry about that, I didn’t notice. I use a Firefox extension called Bypass Paywalls Clean, so I never have issues with paywalls. 4 weeks ago
Just FYI
Bypass Paywalls Clean
still works for Chromium based browsers that have extended support for Manifest v2 (Vivaldi, Brave). 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
Excellent! Thank you, I’ve updated my original link to this version. 4 weeks ago
many sites are readable via Firefox and noscript (which you should be running anyway for all sorts of reasons) and/or Firefox reader mode. the atlantic, wapo and many more are like this.
nyt, bloomberg and others use more sophisticated paywalls. 4 weeks ago
🙄 the majority of reddit users are followers. They will follow trends. Reddit is still hot, cool, and trendy. They won’t quit it until the next thing comes along that gets hyped up and that all of a sudden their best friends have. Reddit had an “exodus” last year (or was it two years ago?) and is still going as strong as ever. People complained about their app, but most just shrugged, downloaded it, and dealt with the new interface. 4 weeks ago
I disagree - I was on Reddit since before the Digg exodus, so I may or may not know a few things. There was a big mood shift after the mod strike. It really shook the page - some subreddits never “recovered”. Some that were popular before are still in a kind of lockdown. Some have new mods which are not doing a really great job. There were a few that really grew. But overall, Reddit lost a lot. People did delete decades of useful advice. Regular users left. The new ones are … different. In many cases mobile users that kind of seem to use Reddit as a chat platform, but they are not posting really insightful comments. Some are indistingushable from bots. Many are bots. Some mods have just given up and gave up moderating popular subreddits, which are now drowning in repost bost. There are bots replicating whole threads under reposts. Many subreddits are just old screenshots from Twitter. It’s wild - but it is hollow. And that was different a few years back. 4 weeks ago
It’s getting hard to remember when Reddit was just that little weird link sharing icon on articles that few people (relatively speaking for the time) bothered with. Digg shitting the bed gave Reddit the push it needed to become recognisable.
Funny now that Digg exists solely as a ‘frontpage’ full of clickbait titles and a ‘community’ made entirely of comment boxes. Yet it perseveres in its own little corner.
Now we have Reddit in the place of Digg and the fediverse in the place of Reddit - history really does repeat itself. 4 weeks ago
This pleases me to know 4 weeks ago
I was a Reddit refugee.
A year or so into Lemmy and I don’t want to have a Reddit account anymore. I go back and view “All” every once in awhile, but Lemmy and Loops give me all I need.
No other social media or content aggregators besides those. 4 weeks ago
I’ve not logged in on my Reddit account since that big group boycott and switching to Lemmy.
If Reddit didn’t hold some specific info for certain video games or just a much larger group participating in Tech/Selfhosted subreddits, I’d rarely have to visit the website.
Honestly, to me the Reddit demise was happening organically anyway. For a lot of weirdly specific topics, Discord has become a good alternative.
Now just don’t get me started on Discord and how it will eventually have to better monetize the platform and ruin that too. Wish Matrix had a soundboard for voice chat 😢 4 weeks ago
Jesus, here we go with that useless ai license nonsense lmao 4 weeks ago
RePoSt ThEsE maGic wORds tO StoP eVIL TEcH NerDS fROm StEaling yOuR pErSOnaL datA! 4 weeks ago
You’re probably right. I can’t speak for the entire world, but at least in my country, reddit’s popularity (according to similarweb data, not my own perception) has only been growing since the api thing. People simply don’t care or come with the “but the communities I like are here” argument. I tried to stay for a while and promote lemmy, but people even got angry about it. They made it clear they don’t like lemmy at all, that I was being inconvenient, and aren’t willing to move. It was so funny to see them speaking ill of the social networks ran by “fascist ceos” as if reddit was any different.
It’s funny to see you so downvoted. Maybe people around here are in denial? 4 weeks ago
Reddit had an “exodus” last year (or was it two years ago?) and is still going as strong as ever.
The users are the product, and they banked on having enough newer, more impressionable users to make up for the ones they would lose. It was a good gamble that also binned many ‘savvy’ users that cut into their bottom line with adblockers and 3rd party apps.
Dollars to doughnuts that all the content that was ‘publicly’ lost was actually retained and continues to be a free resoruce for them. Very Land O’Lakes. Kept the land (content). Got rid of the Indian (users).
Now they have a bunch of oblivious users happily, or at least tolerably, being harvested and fed slop by their dogshit app. Based on that, I think this ‘AI’ thing of theirs going to do well for them. 4 weeks ago
It’s really bad. I still check-in on my niche subreddits from time to time, but most of them are down to 1 or 2 mods. They’ve also changed the default sorting from Hot to Best, which mostly seems like a way to cover-up the fewer original posts and discussions going up. The whole site is a shell of its former self. 4 weeks ago
In a wider context. It prevents consumers of information from becoming producers of information. If you are in a thread (reddit, stack overflow, w/e) and happen to know an answer or have extra useful information, many people will type that out in a reply. However, with a chatbot, there is nothing to reply to. No place where the wealth of human knowledge can be expanded. Your experience and knowledge is kept to yourself.
This not only means the conversations never happen, it also means future chatbots don’t have this information to work with, as they require the conversations in the first place to draw from. 4 weeks ago
Not with a bang, but with a wimper. 4 weeks ago
This AI shit is stupid. I don’t trust anything I read on the internet, and don’t try solutions unless they come from a reputable source, or are verified in the comments. Remove the context and I lose that trust. 4 weeks ago
Most ai is not that. Youre describing gpt 4 weeks ago
No, I’m describing removing the “context” from the search. Here, this part is relevant.
Remove the context and I lose that trust. 4 weeks ago
It ended for me when I stopped using it a year ago. Problem solved in my honest opinion (oh look, no Reddit IMHO bot, darn it) 4 weeks ago
I wish there was a real alternative to Reddit. 4 weeks ago
You are on startrek[.]website which is dead after all the drama. 4 weeks ago
I wish there was another site just like Reddit!? How about you just use Reddit again and piss off.
Thinking more = better is what turned Reddit into a shit show to begin with. I would rather talk with a thousand people who give a shit than a million who could care less. 4 weeks ago
Putting words on people’s mouths isn’t going to make Lemmy better. It’s not about quantity it’s about quality. 4 weeks ago
Oh no! You’re not in a good instance then, friend. I love my instance and I am also on Beehaw and love it there. Like, A LOT. Then there’s Ice Shrimp and Mastadon and they rock too. 4 weeks ago
Reddit is bots and assholes I left just this week because it was making me depressed.
Funny how the most users by town/city is nearly always a naval base in eastern usa. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
Every post in AIO and AITAH reads like some AI fantasy specifically written to drive engagement and outrage. 4 weeks ago
Yeah, it’s egregious. At least before AI people put a little effort into their creative writing practice. Those subs were always overrun with aspiring writers, but now the stories aren’t just fake, they’re lazy AI slop too. 4 weeks ago
AITA for using chatGPT to farm karma on a dying website? 4 weeks ago
I asked GPT-4o mini to generate two AITA posts. They’re undistinguishable from the bullshit typically posted there!
AITA for not inviting my sister to my wedding after she made a big deal about my engagement?
Hi Reddit, I (28F) recently got engaged to my fiancé (30M), and while I’m over the moon, my excitement has been somewhat overshadowed by my sister (32F). When I shared the news with my family, I expected everyone to be happy for us, but my sister reacted very differently. Instead of congratulating us, she made a huge scene, saying that I was rushing into things and that I should be focusing on my career instead of getting married. She went on to criticize my fiancé, saying he wasn’t good enough for me and that I could do better. It was really hurtful, especially coming from someone I’ve always looked up to. After that, I decided to keep my engagement low-key and not share too many details with her. I thought maybe she just needed time to process the news. However, she continued to make snide comments whenever we spoke, and it felt like she was trying to undermine my happiness. Fast forward to now, I’m in the midst of planning my wedding, and I’ve decided not to invite her. I feel like her negativity would only bring me down on what should be one of the happiest days of my life. My parents are upset with my decision and think I should at least give her a chance to be there, but I just can’t shake the feeling that she doesn’t deserve to be part of this celebration. AITA for not inviting my sister to my wedding?
AITA for refusing to babysit my sister's kids after she constantly criticizes my parenting choices?
Hi Reddit, I (30F) have a sister (28F) who has two kids, ages 4 and 6. I love my niece and nephew, and I’ve always been happy to help out when my sister needs a babysitter. However, over the past year, she has become increasingly critical of my parenting choices, even though I don’t have kids of my own. Whenever I share my thoughts on parenting or how I plan to raise my future kids, she often dismisses my opinions and tells me I’m wrong. She frequently compares my hypothetical parenting style to hers, saying things like, “You’ll see how hard it is when you actually have kids,” or “That’s not how you should do it.” It’s frustrating because I’m just trying to have a conversation, and I feel like she’s belittling my perspective. Recently, she asked me to babysit her kids for a weekend while she and her husband go on a trip. I initially agreed, but then I started to think about how she’s treated me lately. I decided to decline the offer, explaining that I didn’t feel comfortable babysitting when she constantly criticizes my views on parenting. Now, she’s upset with me and has told our parents that I’m being selfish and unsupportive. They think I should just suck it up and help her out, but I feel like I’m standing up for myself. AITA for refusing to babysit my sister’s kids because of her constant criticism? 4 weeks ago
NTA hit the sister delete the kids and wedding up
Spot on, my wife likes listening to those stories read by that annoying Ai voice. 4 weeks ago
Fuck, are you telling me the two histories cane straight from AI, no tweaks from you???
They really do read exactly like the slop I see whenever i catch a glimpse of the frontpage.
Ugh I can’t stand to see my once favorite social media going out like this 4 weeks ago
There is no way any of those are real.