- Comment on Nintendo has sent a DMCA notice to Ryujinx forks 6 days ago:
I grew up with the very mention of the word Nintendo triggering dopamine spews in my brain. It’s so hard to turn hatred toward them, but the time has come. They’ve turned into such dicks.
- Comment on Elon Musk Says He Owns Everyone's Twitter Account in Bizarre Alex Jones Court Filing 3 months ago:
Which is why it’s really important to have some trust /reputation if using these services.
Why anyone would use a service run by a fascist entitled madman who literally represents the very worst version of humanity is beyond me and they deserve whatever they get.
- Comment on Me shitpost 1 year ago:
Not sure that’s the worst thing. The humility that brings is one of the most profound discoveries someone can make imo. You can almost feel it in people of high intellect that have tried to know everything about almost anything. Realizing this allows you to recognize that arrogance always equals ignorance.
- Comment on Very brave girl 1 year ago:
Often the difference is only whether you walk away with all your fingers.
- Comment on That's... the inside of a red bell pepper though 1 year ago:
No, I’m pretty sure that is someones crotch just teaming with hepC.
- Comment on Is this still available? 1 year ago:
Thank you. I finally figured out how to sell my old furniture.
- Comment on The advancement of humanity 1 year ago:
As a gringo who can’t get a burrito to stay shut, I’d buy that.
- Comment on The advancement of humanity 1 year ago:
Yeah, pretty messed up that in 2023 we still don’t even have edible wrappers.
- Comment on I can't argue with that. 1 year ago:
Shit job changing that sign. Hopefully automated by now
- Comment on Don't do Crunch Kids! 1 year ago:
That’s corporate America holding his trench coat open.
- Comment on A new way of fishing 1 year ago:
I’m not really like this, but I would call the spca on someone kicking a fish.
- Comment on I use a goat 1 year ago:
Don’t do this yourself! Your mom does it for me with her teeth. Shitpost4ever!
- Comment on times are tough 1 year ago:
Look under the table sweetie, I’ll show you what’s up.
- Comment on Beast about to strike 1 year ago:
Well, it is a shitpost…
- Comment on Chair this image 1 year ago:
Great, now I need to rule 34 this.
- Comment on Watching mouths fill up with towels 1 year ago:
If I find myself at Coachella somehow I’m taking one myself.
- Comment on Finally, someone who understands me. 1 year ago:
Naw mate, your fellow Lemmings would have also called you out on thinking troglodotism was a word.
- Comment on We were warned. 1 year ago:
The bar for soda medical school is just so damn low.
- Comment on Did you drink? Now dry yourself 1 year ago:
Sure this works because they covered his foodbowl with it. He’s just trying to get his food.
- Comment on Fish have heart too. 1 year ago:
This made me cry
- Comment on Fish have heart too. 1 year ago:
Yeah, everything just sounds bigger on the metric system though
- Comment on What's wrong with 'eggs'? 1 year ago:
That’s a good price and these last longer than store bought butt nuggets. Grab a bunch while you can!
- Comment on I don't know how to title this 1 year ago:
This one is acceptable for cross posting actually
- Comment on Once again, I am calling on manufacturers to improve their sealing glues 1 year ago:
I’m looking at you clorox wipes…
- Comment on help 1 year ago:
Naw dawg, you gotta save your monies and learn to live with that one.
- Comment on Unrelated question: does anyone want to check out a compound in the woods with me? 1 year ago:
Gwennth gonna sue you for patent infringement.
- Comment on Free sex... (party)*… Become poor dog 1 year ago:
This would be better in the form of a song titled “more sex more problem” set to tune of MO money MO problems.
- Comment on My whole night is booked now 1 year ago:
I just want to learn about what is happening with his hair? Is it morphing into a cat? Does he have a placemat weaved into it?
- Comment on got her! 1 year ago:
You are all in their trap if you are convinced these people need your sympathy.
- Comment on We never see the moon's turtle though 🤔 1 year ago:
The moon’s turtle is on the darkside. This is why it cannot be seen.