- Comment on Security researchers tested 50 well-known jailbreaks against DeepSeek’s popular new AI chatbot. It didn’t stop a single one. 3 weeks ago:
We are in the PKD timeline, not the Asimov timeline.
- Comment on WordPress CEO Rage Quits Community Slack After Court Injunction 2 months ago:
Bye bitch
- Comment on Telecom will pay $1 million over deepfake Joe Biden robocall 6 months ago:
Its like looking at a welding arc without a mask. Instant pain and recoil
- Comment on Still haven't found the right amount of mind bleach for this one... 1 year ago:
When the choice is between starve to death or eat the putrid thing, most people will eat the putrid thing.
I dont think the boyfriendvwas at risk if starving.
- Comment on Why do it 1 year ago:
Yes we all know your mum
- Comment on Why do it 1 year ago:
This hole… it was made for him
- Comment on Watching mouths fill up with towels 1 year ago:
Id have have two just to feel ‘normal’
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
Jeep and 3 dogs please.
- Comment on Why are there circles of melted snow on this icy pond? 1 year ago:
Ok Daniel Jackson lets grt you back to bed.
- Comment on Mouth 1 year ago:
I have no anus and I must poop
- Comment on Japanese chip flavors 1 year ago:
Goth doritos
- Comment on moist 1 year ago:
Moist humor
- Comment on Free sex... (party)*… Become poor dog 1 year ago:
So, just the normal way?
- Comment on Free sex... (party)*… Become poor dog 1 year ago:
Enyertainer + homo people -> Entertainer dog
I mean, I wasnt gay before, but that seems like a pretty sweet deal.
- Comment on Success is built through GAMBA 1 year ago:
Fuuuck that takes me back to the dos days. They dont make games like they used to (in pure assembly I mean)
- Comment on Discord rule 1 year ago:
But its still ok to announce when you have just returned from masturbating, right?
- Comment on Do guys that tip cam models hundreds of dollars week after week think that model actually likes them? 1 year ago:
Thank god I dont have kids, and my wife isnt a bloodsucker. We tentatively agreed in principle to a divorce yesterday, and one of the first things she said was “Do we need lawyers or can we just sign the divorce application and be done with it?”
I hope that its over, quickly and cheaply.